29/12/2017: IDA FROM 01/01/2018: All India CPI (IW) for November 2017 is 288.That is one point up. Therefore IDA from January 2018 is likely to be 126.9% i.e., an increase of 2.6%. |
28/12/2017: NEWS FROM CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF RTOWA MUMBAI AND DELHI :- Last date for application to CGHIS (Medical Insurance Scheme) has been extended up to 20/01/2018. ********************************************************* NEWS FROM RTOWA MUMBAI :- It is learnt that more than 6000 pensioners have neither applied for CGHS nor for CGHIS so far. Either of the medical facilities must be availed by the pensioners. It is also learnt that about 1700 pensioners who had availed CGHIS last year have not yet applied for its renewal this year. RTOWA requests all pensioners to apply to either of CGHS or CGHIS. Please spread the message and help the pensioners who are ignorant. |
20/12/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI: Case Hearing in Mumbai High Court: The case filed by MTNL in Honourable High Court of Mumbai against United Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations and others came for hearing yesterday (19/12/2017) in the evening at about 6.30 pm. Sri. A. K. Kaushik appeared as Counsel for United Forum. Advocate representing MTNL pleaded to secure directions from Honourable Court to impose restrictions on the agitations launched by the employees. This was vehemently opposed by all the counsels representing various Associations and Unions. They argued that MTNL is a Govt. owned company and it has yet to comply with the instructions of the statutory authority to pay for full DA neutralization w.e.f. 01/01/2007. DOT cannot run away from its responsibility of ensuring that its erstwhile employees get full DA neutralization. This is mandatory and thereby not negotiable. It was also informed to Honourable High Court that DOT withdrew huge amount from MTNL’s coffer on various heads and at various occasions. So DOT should come forward as hinted earlier. To this Honourable High Court asked for clear statement from DOT’s advocate. DOT’s advocate pleaded for more time to seek further instructions from DOT. Time is granted. Next hearing will take place in the New Year on 23rd. January. -- S. Yadav Chairman United Forum Mumbai & S. M. Sawant Convenor United Forum Mumbai |
19/12/2017: PENSIONERS MEET: RTOWA and MPWA jointly hold a "PENSIONERS MEET" On 22/12/2017 at DALVI HALL Near Railway Station Borivali West at 2 pm All doubts of pensioners regarding CGHS, CGHIS, 78.2% Revision of Pension etc will be clarified. *Pensioners residing on western line from Andheri onwards are requested to attend.* You may join Individual letter campaign, Become member and offer Donations etc. RTOWA accepts membership fee of Rs.1000 and donations by CHEQUE. ---B. R. Pathak GS RTOWA & S. M. Sawant GS MPWA |
16/12/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM DELHI: United Forum meets CMD-MTNL: The representatives of United Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations Delhi met Shri P. K. Purwar, CMD MTNL on 16/12/2017. Discussed about the DOT’s help in implementing DA neutralization @78.2% as on 01/01/2007 as well as prospect of pay revision and pension revision. United Forum apprised CMD that the affidavit filed by DOT in Honourable High Court, Mumbai, in response to MTNL’s proposal for providing fund for implementation of 78.2% is little short of negative. DOT has stated to Honourable High Court that DPE does not permit such funding. United Forum told CMD that the affidavit may be a severe road block before the Committee constituted by DOT. However CMD’s assessment is different in this respect. He said that the Committee has been formed following his meeting with Honourable MOS( C ) and he is hopeful about its outcome. Our representatives have requested CMD to provide expeditiously to the Committee “some inputs” asked for by the Committee from MTNL to avoid delay. He has assured to look into this. ---By Shri M. K. Bagchi, Convenor, United Forum Delhi. |
15/12/2017: RTOWA is continuously pursuing the pension files of about 200 pensioners retired prior to 01/04/2014 pending at MTNL pension wing. In all these cases PPO has not yet been issued. It is now learnt that a way out has been found in the recent meeting held between the officers of FMS and Pension sections. As informed by DGM (Pension-MTNL) all these cases are likely to be settled within a month and PPO will be issued. It is learnt that in respect of DoT pensioners i e. those who retired prior to 01/11/1998 (Non executives) and retired prior to 01/10/2000 (Executives) the work of revision of pension as per the recent orders has picked up momentum . |
14/12/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM DELHI : United Forum met DOT Officers on 13/12/2017. The representatives of United Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations, Delhi met Shri S. K.Jain, DDG(Estt.) and Shri Pawan Gupta, Director (SU) of DOT. They tried to know the Terms and Conditions of the Committee formed by DOT on the issue of Demands of MTNL Unions and Associations. They also wanted to know the time period by which the Committee is expected to give recommendations / suggestions. The following impressions they could gather from the discussion :- (1) Only one preliminary meeting was held so far on 28/11/2017. “Some inputs” have been asked for from MTNL. (2) The Committee may examine the issue of 78.2% DA neutralization and other issues like pay/pension revision in MTNL where DOT may be required to be involved. (3) No time period is decided yet. In the course of examining the issues, consultation with the Department of Expenditures and other concerned departments may be needed. (4) The issue of equalizing pay scales of the comparable cadres of MTNL/BSNL will be figured in the deliberations of the Committee. (5) It is too early to find out whether the recommendations of some other committee for revival of MTNL will be clubbed with the recommendations of this Committee. (6) DOT seems to be interested to weigh the proceedings of the Honourable High Court of Mumbai before deciding anything. Next hearing of Honourable Mumbai High Court case will be held on 19/12/2017. (7) As per officers, DOT is quite open minded in examining the issues related to the demands. ----The news is as conveyed by Shri M. K. Bagchi Convenor United Forum Delhi. --- |
13/12/2017: Some pensioners have a view that the "Pension Revision" must be done as per 3rd PRC. The demand of pension revision 'as per 7th Pay Commission orders' was decided after thorough deliberations by RTOWA Mumbai and RTOWA Delhi in their EC as well as jointly in the Co-Ordination Committee of both RTOWAs. Discussions with BSNL Pensioners Associations also took place, and they also demand as per 7th Pay Commission orders. Now it seems some pensioners of MTNL Delhi are writing letters to Minister requesting Pension Revision as per 3rd PRC. This will weaken our letter campaign. The Letter Campaign was mooted and decided in the Co Ordination Committee meeting of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi held during September-2017 at Mumbai and endorsed by United Forum Mumbai in the recent meeting. So abiding by the decision of Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai as well as United Forum Mumbai this appeal is made to all pensioners of MTNL Mumbai and Delhi to participate in this letter campaign demanding Pension Revision as per orders the orders of 7th Pay Commission. |
12/12/2017: PPOs of PRE 01/04/2014 retirees: List of 2055 PPOs of pre 01/04/2014 retirees is given below. These PPOs are at the office of AO PDA, Third Floor, Currey Road Telephone Exchange for distribution. Pensioners residing at Mumbai are requested to collect the PPOs personally or by giving authority. PPOs of outstation pensioners will be sent by post as informed by AO PDA. Please CLICK HERE to view the list. |
12/12/2017: LIFE CERTIFICATES RECEIVED FROM 21/11/2017 TO 30/11/2017: A List of Pensioners who have submitted Life Certificates from 21/11/2017 to 30/11/2017 is as under. Their pension for November-2017 has been drawn and credited yesterday. RTOWA convey its THANKS to AO PDA and his staff. Please CLICK HERE to view the list. |
11/12/2017: RTOWA and MPWA CALL FOR LETTER CAMPAIGN FOR REVISION OF PENSION: Dear Friends, Government is silent on pension revision. We demand pension revision as per orders on 7th Pay Commission. RTOWA and MPWA have decided to launch "Letter Campaign". Please send letter in the following format to Sri. Manoj Sinha Honourable Minister for Communications requesting for revision of pension. The letter may either be in English or in Hindi. In addition to letter please send the letter by email also. Email id is given in the letter itself. Appeal to those who can print copies.....please take copies and distribute to other pensioners also. Please start sending letters and e mail. Please tell your friends. Let thousands of letters reach Minister. Make it a grand success......to achieve Pension Revision. For format of the draft letter please click the following Links. |
06/12/2017: UNITED FORUM MUMBAI NEWS: The case in Bombay High Court was heard today. Shri. A.K. Kaushik appeared as Counsel on behalf of United Forum. DoT filed an affidavit regarding financial implications. Copy of the affidavit was given to all respondents. The case was adjourned to 19/12/2017. The copy of DoT's affidavit is as under: By J. S. Yadav Chairman & S. M. Sawant Convenor |
01/12/2017: CUSTODY OF SERVICE BOOKS OF IDA PENSIONERS: The Service Books of all the Combined Service Pensioners will be kept in the custody of Principal CCA hereafter. Pension also will be sanctioned by DoT only in all future cases. Please CLICK here to view the O.M. dated 21/11/2017 issued by DoT in this regard. |
27/11/2017: United Forum Mumbai News: Meeting with Assistant Labour Commissioner took place today. MTNL Corporate Office filed following reply to ALC vide letter dated 18/11/2017. 1. The issue of 78.2% IDA in revision of Pay/Pension wef 01/01/2007 is subjudiced as the matter is pending with Mumbai High Court and the next hearing in HC is on 19/12/2017. 2. Another option to prorata optees:- Detailed financial implications have been called for from Mumbai and Delhi Units. Moreover this matter is subjudiced as it is pending with Principal CAT. 3. CGHS :-The last date for application to CGHS with 50% reimbursement of Lifetime subscription is extended up to 31/12/2017. At our request the Asst. Labour Commissioner recorded the following :- 1. Letter will be written by ALC to DoT for the progress in 78.2% issue. 2. Letter will be written by ALC to Director (Fin) CO to expedite and intimate the financial implications to DoT regarding another option to prorata optees. The ALC suggested Unions to meet CMD again regarding 100% reimbursement of CGHS subscriptions. The next meeting is scheduled on 21/12/2017. |
23/11/2017: LIFE CERTIFICATE STATUS: The list of 12366 pensioners who have given Life Certificate (received by AO PDA through all sources) has been uploaded on pensioners portal "pensioner.mtnl.in" Pension for November-2017 will be drawn for all these pensioners. How to search :- Keeping the cursor on list "right click" the mouse; Click "Find" ; Or PRESS ctrl+F on the list; A small window opens in a corner of the screen; give staff No. Or PPO No. The record will be highlighted if available. RTOWA thanks AO-PDA and his staff and all officers and staff on MTNL side for smooth handling of Life Certificate of more than 15000 combined service pensioners. |
17/11/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM, DELHI. Meeting of United Forum, Delhi was held on 17/11/2017. The outline of our response to court case filed in Honourable Delhi High Court was discussed and finalised. The development in Mumbai High Court was also discussed. The participants were informed about our recent discussions in DOT about our issues particularly 78.2% and prospect of pay/ pension revision in MTNL. As regards 78.2% issue, DOT sees the proposal of financial assistance to MTNL as a part of its ongoing “holistic approach” which DOT believes will help reviving MTNL’s viability as a telecom service provider. This may include proposal like reducing service period and implementing another doze of VRS. This is naturally not accepted proposition to us. The entire matter is pending with Honourable Minister of Communications. It is expected that the role of DOT in this respect will be clear from DOT’s written response to Mumbai High Court case. As regards pay/pension revision in MTNL, DOT is tight lipped. Perhaps DOT wants to see the final development of Pay revision in BSNL which is currently pending in DOT. ----M. K. Bagchi, Convenor. |
16/11/2017: E.C. MEETING. Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on 14/11/2017. Two minutes silence was observed for departed souls of pensioners. Accounts for October-2017 was approved. Regarding Life Certificate, members expressed satisfaction of the arrangements at AO PDA Office. Decided to pursue the issue of pending PPOs of retirees prior to 01/04/2014 and delay in preparation of current year PPOs vigorously. Revision of Pension issue was discussed again. Decided to discuss the individual letter campaign in the next United Forum meeting to launch the campaign jointly with MPWA. EC members were requested to propagate among pensioners to apply for either CGHS or CGHIS by 31/12/2017. The meeting concluded thereafter. |
15/11/2017: The last date for application to CGHS or CGHIS is 31/12/2017. Those who have already applied for CGHIS can also apply for CGHS if DOT PPO is received now. Please spread the information among all pensioners and insist them to apply for any scheme. Out of 15500 combined service pensioners of MTNL Mumbai, it is learnt that about only 7000 pensioners have applied for these medical benefit schemes. |
08/11/2017: PENSION REVISION: RTOWA Mumbai has written a letter to Minister of Communications regarding revision of Pension. To view the letter please CLICK HERE. |
07/11/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI: The suit filed by MTNL Mumbai against United Forum and others was heard today by Bombay High Court. DoT counsel presented that MTNL is a incipient (developing / becoming) sick unit and all the liabilities including 78.2% IDA arrears has to be considered by DPE. At this stage all three counsels of Unions and Associations said 78.2% IDA is an admitted liability and MTNL has not been declared as sick unit. Honourable judge asked DoT counsel to submit their reply regarding their commitment to extend financial assistance to MTNL within 4 weeks. DoT counsel asked for six weeks time for the same. All counsels of Unions & Associations said that the issue of 78.2% is pending for so many years. MTNL Board with its approval for payment of 78.2% IDA for its employees forwarded a proposal to DoT for providing financial assistance in December 2016. Hence much time should not be given to DoT. But Honourable Judge acceded to the request of DoT counsel and gave six weeks to submit reply in this regard and fixed next date of hearing on 19/12/2017. Convenor: S.M. Sawant Chairman: J.S. Yadav |
06/11/2017: News from United Forum Delhi :- The representatives of United Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations have met Shri Siva Salam, Additional secretary ( T ) today to have discussions on our pending issues in MTNL. Shri Pawan Gupta, Director (PSU) was present during the discussion. It was a healthy and lengthy discussion for an hour. The net extract in brief is as follows :- 1. The proposal of provision of financial assistance to MTNL from the Government to meet the expected expenditures required to provide DA neutralization @78.2% w.e.f. 01/01/2007 to MTNL employees has been sent to the Honourable MOS ( C ) and the Honourable Minister has to take a call on this. 2. It is apparent from the discussion that this matter of financial assistance may be considered only after clubbing with the proposal of revival of MTNL which, in turn, includes the proposals like (a) reduction of retirement age to 58 years and (b) VRS both. Our strong objections against this have been conveyed. 3. As regards the Pay Revision after 3rd. PRC, he is not inclined to comment at this stage. DOT seems waiting to see the end result of the ongoing proposal of pay revision in BSNL. As regards the future pension revision in MTNL, he has hinted that some matter related to pension revision in MTNL is presently afoot under Member (Finance), DOT. The meeting has to end at that stage as he had other preoccupations. |
03/11/2017: COURT CASE FOR 78.2: The case in Bombay High Court scheduled for hearing on 03/11/2017 has been postponed to 07/11/2017. |
31/10/2017: Today the office bearers (K. Jawahar President, B. R. Pathak GS and M. R. Dixit AGS ) met all Accounts officers of CCA and MTNL Pension Section and discussed about various issues. LIFE CERTIFICATE :- 1. All pensioners and family pensioners should give Life Certificate from 01/11/2017 onwards. 2. In addition to the life certificate Family Pensioners should give non Remarriage certificate. 3. In addition to Life Certificate, Executives (E4 onwards) who retired after 01/11/2016 should give non employment certificate. 4. All pensioners irrespective of the new PPO has been issued or not should give Life Certificate if they are in receipt of pension. Life Certificate form may be downloaded from "pensioner.mtnl.in" OR from the above link. ********************************************** Submission of Life certificate :- 1. The simplest way is to go to AO PDA Office in person with PPO Book, Aadhar Card and PAN Card. The life certificate form can be collected from Currey Road Office. OR 2. Fill up the Life certificate form and get it attested by bank manager or any gazetted officer of state or central govt. Then the attested certificate may be sent by post to AO PDA or handed over at any MTNL Area Office for onward transmission to AO PDA. OR 3. If new PPO is received, life certificate can be given online at Jeevan Praman Centre through biometric verification linked with Aadhar card |
23/10/2017: Reimbursement of CGHS Contribution :- All areas have started reimbursing the 50% contribution to the pensioners who have got CGHS Cards. After receipt of CGHS Card please apply for reimbursement on a plain paper attaching the original receipt issued by CGHS. |
14/10/2017: E.C. MEETING. Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on 13/10/2017. Sri. K. Jawahar President congratulated EC members for conducting AGB successfully and smoothly. Accounts for August-2017 and September-2017 were approved. Sri. B.R. Pathak GS briefed about CGHS/CGHIS issues. Sri. J. S. Yadav Chairman United Forum and Organising Secretary RTOWA elaborated about the Court case filed by MTNL against United Forum. After discussions it was decided that RTOWA will continue to give full support to United Forum and continue to be an active constituent of United Forum. The issue of "Revision of Pension" was discussed at length. In this regard the suggestion of RTOWA Delhi to launch a campaign "Letter to PM" was discussed. All pensioners should write to PM requesting revision of pension. The modalities will be decided soon in consultation with RTOWA Delhi and MPWA and the campaign will be launched. The meeting was concluded. |
13/10/2017: Today the office bearers (Shri K. Jawahar, Shri B.R. Pathak, Shri M.R. Dixit, Shri J. S. Yadav and Virendra Singh) met Sri. Rajveer Singh DDG (SR & Estates) at ED's office Mumbai. The issue of “undrawn HRA being charged by BSNL MH Circle from MTNL Pensioners towards additional rent for occupation of quarters after retirement” was discussed at length. RTOWA requested DDG to direct BSNL 1) to issue NOC to refund the withheld gratuity of Rs. One lakh from pensioners, 2) to implement DoT's guidelines for occupation of BSNL quarters by MTNL Pensioners after retirement and 3) to refund any excess amount recovered from MTNL Pensioners in this regard. Sri. Rajveer Singh DDG was in favour of our demands and assured to settle the issue soon. |
11/10/2017: Today Sri. K. Jawahar President and Sri. M. R. Dixit AGS met DGM (Pen- MTNL) and all AOs of CCA at Currey Road office and discussed various issues. 1. PPOs of all pensioners retired before 01/04/2014 will be ready by the end of this month. Pensioners can collect them in person or through authority when they go for giving Life Certificate. 2. Pension revision arrears have been paid almost to all the entitled pensioners. 3. Arrears of gratuity have been paid or processed for all the entitled pensioners whose sanctions have been received from MTNL Area Accounts Sections. 4. The delay in settlement of pensionary benefits of current year retirees was discussed with DGM (Pen) who assured to take initiatives to curb the delay. 5. Arrangements for submission of life certificate during November-2017 was discussed. |
10/10/2017: HIGH COURT PROCEEDINGS: Petition filed by MTNL against United Forum and others was heard yesterday by Bombay High Court. Sri. A. K. Kaushik appeared as Counsel for United Forum. Office bearers of all Unions and Associations were also present. DoT's lawyer pleaded for more time. Honourable High Court turned down the request of DoT/MTNL and fixed the next date of hearing on today. Today (10/10/2017) the case was heard by Bombay High Court. The Honourable court heard all and took note of DoT's commitment conveyed to Regional Labour Commission Mumbai vide their letter dated 18/08/2017. Honourable Court directed DOT to submit its response with reference to its letter to RLC by 03/11/2017. United Forum and other Unions and Associations agreed to defer the strike. The case is adjourned to 03/11/2017. Copy of DoT letter to RLC Mumbai dated 18/08/2017. ( CLICK HERE). Shri.A. K. Kaushik presented the case on behalf of United Forum Mumbai. All office bearers of Unions and Associations were present in the court.
09/10/2017: Meeting of United Forum was held on 04/10/2017. Office bearers of all Unions and Associations participated. Further course of action in view of High Court case was discussed. Decided to request Sri. A. K. Kaushik GS- TEAM HQ to appear as lawyer of United Forum Mumbai before the High Court Mumbai on 09/10/2017. On 07/10/2017 the United Forum met again. Sri. A. K. Kaushik addressed the meeting. The further course of action was again discussed. Decided to wait and see further proceedings in the court. Today (09/10/2017), the case comes up in the High Court Mumbai. |
05/10/2017: CGHS – EXTENSION OF DATE: News Conveyed by Sri. S. S. Nanda, Convenor Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi:- The last date for submission of application for CGHS for retirees has been extended up to 31/12/2017. RTOWA appeals to all members to spread this news. Every pensioner should enrol either in CGHS or CGHIS. The schemes of medical facilities should be availed by all the pensioners. Please CLICK HERE for copy of orders. |
03/10/2017: United Forum Mumbai has written to MTNL deferring rally on 04/10/2017. Please Click the following Links to view the letter. |
02/10/2017: AGITATIONS DEFERRED: United Forum's Rally on 04/10/2017 has been deferred. Mumbai High Court has directed DoT to appear before the court on 09/10/2017. The United Forum and all the Unions and Associations agreed to defer all agitations up to 10/10/2017. United Forum will take a decision on further agitation depending upon the outcome of the court case on 09/10/2017. |
01/10/2017: IDA INCREASE: All India CPI (IW) for the month of August is 285. Therefore IDA from October-2017 will be 124.3%. There will be an increase of 5.3% IDA with effect from 01/10/2017. |
28/09/2017: HIGH COURT ORDER: The petition filed by MTNL management against United forum Mumbai was heard today. The Honourable High Court has directed all the Union & Association involved in Agitation to defer All the Agitations till 10/10/2017.The same has been accepted by all agitating Unions/Association before the court. The petition is again Scheduled for hearing on 09/10/2017.The High Court had further directed the Government of India to remain present in the court to resolve our long pending issues. Earlier the MTNL management said that the matter of 78.2 %IDA neutralization is only possible if DoT provides fund for it and that is why court has directed to Govt.(DoT) to remain present before court. United forum Zindabad. Please CLICK HERE to view the High Court order dated 28/09/2017. |
27/09/2017: STRIKE FROM 29/09/2017: The Meeting of United forum Mumbai was held today. In the said meeting it was decided not to participate in the indefinite strike with effect from 29/09/2017. However, decision in this regard will be reviewed based on the outcome of Bombay High Court directive whose hearing is scheduled on 28/09/2017. --- J.S. Yadav Chairman, United forum, Mumbai. |
26/09/2017: Today on behalf of Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi Sri. S. S. Nanda Convenor and other office bearers of RTOWA Delhi met Director (HR). In that meeting GM (HR), ED Delhi and ED Mumbai were also present. RTOWA reiterated that the pensioners even if they are within the coverage area of CGHS should be allowed to opt for CGHIS if they so desire. RTOWA further requested that last date for application to CGHS as well as CGHIS should be extended. Dir (HR) agreed to both of these demands and orders in this regard are likely to be issued soon. |
26/09/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI: A STEP CLOSER TO VICTORY :- MTNL Management now tries to suppress our agitation by filing petition in the High Court. MTNL has filed a case against United Forum, Kamghar Sangh & its allied Associations in the High Court Mumbai. The plea by MTNL :- 1. To issue stay orders against agitation 2. Any agitation should be done beyond 200 meters from MTNL Premises. Office bearers of all Unions and Associations led by Chairman of United Forum S/Sri. J. S. Yadav, R. R. Mishra, J.Mathias, Rajagopal, Gulab Jadhav, Haldankar, Shetty, G. P. Yadav, Mrs. Jothi, and others appeared before the High Court on 26/09/2017. After hearing both the sides Honourable Court observed that Mumbai is congested and beyond 200 meters means agitations may have to be done on roads which is not desirable. Further the Honourable Court directed MTNL to file written statement by 28th September-2017 specifying the time limit by which the issues will be resolved. The case was adjourned to 28/09/2017. The views and directions of Honourable High Court Mumbai are most positive. |
17/09/2017: AGB-2017- PHOTO GALLERY. Please Click the following Links to view the photo concerned. Shri B.R. Pathak, G.S. welcomes Shri S.S. Nanda, G.S. RTOWA-Delhi Shri M.R.Dixit AGS welcomes Shri J.S.Yadav, Chairman, U.Forum Shri K.Jawahar President welcomes Shri Bhosale, DGM(IR) Shri S.V.Gajam Vice President welcomes Shri J.J. Mathias, GS, MEA. Shri Jawahar, Welcomes Shri Pravin Punj, ED Mumbai. Shri J.S. Yadav, Chairman, United Forum. Shri R.K. Mudgal, AGS, RTOWA Delhi. Shri Mathias, GS, MEA, Mumbai. Shri Pravin Punj , ED, MTNL Mumbai. |
16/09/2017: AGB-2017 REPORTS |
15/09/2017: AGB MEETING-2017: Today our AGM was held. More than 200 members attended AGM and Open Session. Office Bearers of RTOWA Delhi viz., S/Shri. S.S. Nanda , R. K. Mudgal, S.K. Bhatia and A. K. Kapoor were special participants in our AGM. The GB approved Annual report and Audited Accounts. Sri. S. K. Patil and Co was appointed as Auditor for the year 2017-2018. Sri. A. K. Kapoor spoke on Revision of Pension. Sri. R. K. Mudgal AGS RTOWA Delhi spoke on medical facilities. Shri. S.S. Nanda GS RTOWA Delhi and Convenor of Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi spoke on 78.2% IDA and other issues. In the Open Session Sri. Pravin Punj ED was the Chief Guest. Sri. Bhosale DGM(IR), Sri. Wani SM(IR), Sri. J.S. Yadav Chairman United Forum Mumbai, Sri. J. Mathias GS MEA, Sri. T. L. Gaikwad SC/ST Association, Sri. H. S. Upadhyay Vice President United Forum and Sri. Chincholkar our founder President were the Honourable guests. Sri.K. Jawahar our President gave welcome address. Sri. B.R. Pathak our GS delivered key note address. Sri.J.J. Mathias in his speech congratulated the pensioners for their active participation in agitations. He appealed to all to participate in the rally to be held on 04/10/2017. Sri.J. S. Yadav was aggressive in his speech justifying our demands. He criticised MTNL and DoT for their negative attitude and negative approach towards our demands. Sri. S. S. Nanda comprehensively put forth the demands of the pensioners. He also said that RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi will fight together for Revision of Pension, 100% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution, Enhancement of features of CGHIS any issue relating to pensioners. Sri. Bhosale DGM (IR) gave a brief of orders issued by Corporate Office about regarding medical facilities. Sri. Pravin Punj, ED in his speech agreed to the need for revamping the procedures for settlement of pension dues within a month of retirement. He further said initiatives have already been taken by MTNL and DoT to resolve the issues raised by pensioners. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Sri. M. R. Dixit our AGS. |
14/09/2017: Meeting of Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi :- The meeting was held on 14/09/2017. All the issues viz., Revision of pension, Medical Facilities, 78.2% IDA, Time bound promotion to VRS retirees etc were discussed at length. Strategies and further course of action was discussed. It was decided to launch individual letter campaign by all pensioners for revision of pension, by sending letter to Prime Minister. The need for preserving unity of pensioners within RTOWA was recognised. The meeting was concluded on cordial note. |
13/09/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI: Today hundreds of MTNL executives, non-executives and pensioners observed full day Hunger Strike in front of the Telephone House, Prabhadevi, Mumbai under the banner of the United Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations, Mumbai. During the lunch hour a massive demonstration was staged amidst chanting of slogans. Representatives of the constituents of the United Forum spoke on the occasion. Addressing the gathering the speaker after speaker reminded the members to be prepared for a bigger struggle as the MTNL management is in no mood even to think about the demands . Speakers also said that proceeding before the Regional Labour Commissioner is also being pursued by the United Forum vigorously. Almost all speakers elaborately justified the demands which included 78.2% IDA w.e.f. 01-01-2007, Pay Revision, Pension Revision, CGHS and CGHIS and one more option to pro-rata optees for combined service pension. Speakers also reminded the members to participate in a big way in the rally to be taken out from Shivaji Park Telephone Exchange Building to Telephone House. The timing and the route of the rally will be intimated later on. The speakers included Com J J Mathias-GS MEA Mumbai, Com R R Mishra--the CS TEAM, Com Virendra Singh-President MEA Mumbai, Com Pandey-GS MTNL Workers Union, Com Jyoti Sonawadekar-GS, Sanchar Union, Com, Badri Pathak- GS, RTOWA Mumbai, Com J S Yadav-Chairman, United Forum, Com K Jawahar -President, RTOWA Mumbai, Com S M Sawant-Convener, United Forum, Com Ghaywat- Bharatiya Republican Union and others. |
12/09/2017: UNITED FORUM CALLS: All Employees and Pensioners are requested to participate in, WHOLE DAY HUNGER STRIKE AND MASS DEMONSTRATION DURING LUNCH HOUR ON 13/09/2017, At Telephone House, Prabhadevi. Demands :- 1. 78.2% IDA , 2. Revision of Pay, 3. Revision of Pension, 4. Another option for Combined Service pension, 5. 100% Reimbursement of CGHS subscription, 6. NE-12 from '2009. |
11/09/2017: VIEWS ON ANNUAL ACCOUNTS RTOWA is a Public Trust registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. As per the bye laws the Audited Accounts should be shown to the members prior to holding AGB and comments on the accounts should be invited. As our AGB is on 15/09/2017, the Audited Accounts for the year April-2016 to March-2017 are given below. Members may ask for any clarifications by 14/09/2017 evening. To view the Accounts please click the following Links. |
11/09/2017: CGHIS DATE EXTENSION: 1. Last date for submission of application to CGHIS has been extended up to 25/09/2017. 2. Procedure also has been simplified...... a)Annexure-G (Self declaration) is sufficient if copy of last year's card is attached. b)If last year card is not attached all forms A, B, F and G should be submitted. To view the orders please CLICK HERE. |
08/09/2017: Meeting with CMD / DIR(HR) to discuss Medical Issues : MTNL CO called a meeting of RTOWA Co-ordination Committee Delhi & Mumbai and Majority Unions of Delhi and Mumbai on 07/09/2017 to discuss the Indoor Medical issues. Meeting was attended by Shri S S Nanda Convener , Shri R K Mudgal Organising Secretary of Co-ordination Committee and Representatives of Majority Unions of Delhi and Mumbai. The meeting was held in Committee Room of MTNL CO at 3 PM. Meeting was chaired by DIR(HR). He briefed about the Indoor Medical Insurance Policy of Working and retired employees and also told about the financial constraints of the company. Shri Dharamraj Singh GS , Shri Mahavir Singh President MTNL Mazdoor Sangh and Shri Dilip Jadav GS MTNL Kamgar Sangh Mumbai pointed out about the serious lapses of the insurance policy of the working employees and reluctant and non-cooperative attitude of the concerned officers of MTNL CO and representatives of Insurance Company. DIR (HR) told that the terms and conditions of the policy are yet to be finalised. He assured that he will see the problems raised by union representatives and find out amicable solution. Shri S S Nanda , Shri R K Mudgal along with other union representatives of majority unions raised the problems faced by retirees in the non-CGHS areas and demanded to keep the CGHS medical policy optional. After elaborate discussions, he was convinced and directed GM (A) Delhi & Mumbai unit to issue the directives accordingly. He also requested the Association / Unions Representatives that they should realise the financial condition of MTNL and should motivate the retirees to opt for CGHS facility. When Association / Union representatives tried to discuss the further important issues related to the CGHS / CGHIS policy of working / retirees, he said that "you discuss other matters with GM(HR)" and he was leaving the meeting. Association representatives objected to it and tried to convince him that GM(HR) is not competent to take any decision on these critical issues. But DIR (HR) was adamant on his view point. Under protest, Representatives of Unions / Associations walked out of the meeting. Association / Union representatives then met CMD MTNL and briefed him about the episode. CMD asked about the problem and gave a patience hearing. After a long discussion- (i) he agreed to look into the discrepancies pointed out by the Association / Union representatives in the Insurance policy of working employees. (ii) he agreed to release payment of the long pending indoor floater cases of Delhi and Mumbai. (iii) he also agreed to continue the Medical Insurance Policy for those residing in Non-CGHS areas and for others also who want to register themselves in the Medical Insurance Policy with some valid reasons. Rest of the issues are still to be discussed with the management. Coordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi & Mumbai wrote a letter to CMD MTNL mentioning the Medical issues of retirees. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
07/09/2017: Arrears of Geatuity difference :- Today the office bearers Shri K. Jawahar, Shri S. V. Gajam and Shri V. K. Bhatia met CAO (Cash) O/O CCA at Juhu and requested him to release payment of gratuity difference arrears of 135 pensioners. He assured to release ECS payment within a couple of days. Then they met Sr.AO (Pen) at CCA Office at Currey Road. No case of gratuity arrears is pending with him. However, he said that about 103 cases are yet to be received from MTNL Area offices. PPOs of Retired prior to 01/04/2014 :- PPOs for all pensioners retired prior to 01/04/2014 have been printed. Binding of more than 3500 PPOs and signature of AO are going on. On completion, a list will be uploaded on web site "pensioner.mtnl.in". PPOs of outstation retirees will be sent by post. PPOs of Current year retirees :- PPOs of retirees of January-2017 are being prepared. The office bearers pointed out the backlog of more than 6 months and requested the concerned AO to pull up and bring down the time span to around three months, as PPO is required to apply for CGHS. He said that PPOs of those pensioners desiring to apply for CGHS will be prepared on priority basis if the pensioner requested in writing after receipt of Commutation amount. |
05/09/2017: HUNGER STRIKE. CHALO TELEPHONE HOUSE FOR SUCCESSFUL AGITATION ON 13/09/2017 United Forum of MTNL Mumbai calls all employees and pensioners to participate in, Whole Day Hunger Strike and Mass Demonstration during Lunch Hours on 13/09/2017 at Telephone House in pursuit of following demands :- 1. 78.2% IDA in revision of Pay / Pension on 01/01/2017. 2. Pension revision as per 7th Pay Commission and Pay revision as per 3rd PRC. 3. CGHS to be optional and 100% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution. 4. Another option to pro rata pension optees for combined service pension. |
04/09/2017: AGB MEETING AND OPEN SESSION: RTOWA's Nineth Annual General Body Meeting will be held on 15/09/2017 at 11 A.M. followed by Open Session at 12:30 P.M. Venue: Mitradham C.H.S. Community Hall, Behind SBI Parel, Near to Parel Railway Station. Shri Sunilkumar Director (HR) will be the Chief Guest. The following will be our other Honourable Guests. Shri Pravin Punj ED, MTNL, Mumbai, Smt. Monali Dhakate CCA, Mumbai, Smt. Meena Chauhan GM(HR), C.O. MTNL, Delhi, Shri Sultan Ahmed GM(Finance-CO), Delhi and Shri A.P. Singh GM(Finance-MTNL), Mumbai. Shri S.S. Nanda G.S. RTOWA Delhi, Shri J.S. Yadav Chairman United Forum Mumbai, Shri S.M. Sawant Convenor United Forum, Mumbai and Office bearers of all constituent Unions and Associations will grace the Open Session. Officers of Pension Section of MTNL and CCA, Admin and IR Sections of MTNL Mumbai also will grace the Open Session. All members of RTOWA are requested to participate. Non members (All retired executives of MTNL Mumbai) too are requested to participate by becoming a member at the venue itself. To view the Notice please CLICK HERE. |
03/09/2017: On 01/09/2017, Shri B.R. Pathak G.S. and Shri M.R.Dixit A.G.S. met the Accounts Officers of CCA Office at Currey Road. All the PPOs for retirees upto 31/03/2014 will be ready by the end of this month. The list will be published on website after the work is over. Gratuity Arrears have been paid almost to all the entitled pensioners. A few left over cases are yet to be received from MTNL. There is delay in preparation of PPO of current year retirees. The concerned AO informed that the work will be pulled up within a couple of months. Then they met DE(IR) and discussed about CGHS and CGHIS. |
02/09/2017: MTNL's Policy of Medical Facilities to Retirees: Corporate Office MTNL is mulling to reframe its ' Policy of Medical Facilities to Retirees'. In this regard RTOWA (Mumbai and Delhi) has conveyed its views to CMD. The gist is as under: 1. CGHS should be optional. 2. 100% Reimbursement of CGHS Contribution. 3. The Reimbursement scheme of CGHS Contribution should be applicable to future retirees too. 4. CGHIS cover, on exhaustion should be 100% restored. 5. The cut in OPD entitlement towards CGHIS premium should be removed. 6. On retirement the insurance scheme of working employees should be extended for three months, during the intervening period till the retiree gets enrolled to CGHS or CGHIS. Please view the letter written by RTOWA to CMD in this regard by clicking the following Links. |
24/08/2017: CGHIS EXTENSION UPTO 30/09/2018. The present medical scheme of Insurance for hospital treatment plus Reimbursement of OPD Bills by MTNL CGHIS (Contributory Group Health Insurance Scheme) is continued for the year from 01/10/2017 to 30/9/2018. The application should be submitted to Area SM (Admn) by 12/09/2017. Pensioners who have not received the PPO and who do not want to join CGHS may submit application form. To view the orders issued by the ED, MTNL, Mumbai please CLICK HERE. |
22/08/2017: DHARNA BY UNITED FORUM: Around 300 working as well as retired executives and non-executives of MTNL Mumbai today participated in the Day Long Dharna protesting against the non-settlement of 78.2% IDA, Pay and Pension revision, CGHS, Option to Pro-rata pensioners due to the lethargic and non-cooperative attitude of the MTNL Management. Many veterans and office bearers of the constituents of the United Forum participated in the Dharna. Leaders from the constituents of the United Forum and other active members spoke on the occasion. Speaker after speaker stressed the need to intensify the agitation further until all of the demands are settled as the MTNL management seems to be unmoved and unconcerned. Speakers included Com. J S Yadav, Chairman UF, Com. S M Jagtap, Convenor UF, Com. S G Pawar, President, MTNL Pensioners welfare Association, Com. J J Mathias, GS, MEA Mumbai, Com Haragaball , Ex-President Team ,Com. Badri Pathak, GS, RTOWA Mumbai , Com. Jyoti Sonawdekar, GS, Sanchar Union, Com. Rajpure GS, MTNL Workers Union, Com Gulab Yadav, President MTNL Workers Union , Com. S S Singh and Com. H S Upadhyay. Intermittent Slogan shoutings marked the occasion. Members were reminded to show a similar strength on 13-09-2017 by participating the Day Long Hunger Strike in front of the Telephone House and on 04-10-2017 by participating the rally from Shivaji Park Telephone Exchange Building to Telephone House. The Dharna ended with singing of National Anthem. |
16/08/2017: CGHS – PROCEDURE TO APPLY : Pensioners who have received PPOs must apply for CGHS if they are at Mumbai or other CGHS Covered cities. 1. Please see page 4 of PPO. Grade pay and Range of Pay as per 6th Pay Commission are mentioned there. If not, this information in certificate form should be obtained from AO PDA at Curry Road Telephone Exchange. 2. Applicaton in Form B to be filled up. A Certificate regarding receipt of Central Civil Service Pension is to be obtained from MTNL SM (Admin) of Area office. 3. One joint photo of all the beneficiaries and one individual photo of all the beneficiaries are to be attached. 4. Attested copies of PPO and other documents like proof of residence/dependency/age of son etc as mentioned in Form B are to be attached. 5. Demand Draft for Life time subscription drawn in favour of "Pay & Accounts Officer Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Mumbai" is to be purchased and attached. Application form with all the documents should be submitted to CGHS Office in New Marine lines. To know full details please CLICK HERE. |
14/08/2017: APPEAL : Join enmasse in DAY LONG DHARNA On 22/08/2017 AT TELEPHONE HOUSE. Main Demands: 1) 2nd Pay Revision Pay fixation fitment @ 78.2% as ordered in DPE order dated 2-4-2009, instead of 68.8% . 2) Revision of pay from 1-1-2017, on the justification of pay revision given to re-deployed officers. 3) Revision of pension from 2017. 4) Grant of one more option to pro-rata pensioners for switch over to combined service pension. 5) Making Central Government Health Scheme optional and grant of 100% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution. United Forum achieved government pension while other unions were agreeing for Pension Trust . U.Forum was firm in agitations and negotiations and achieved 30% fitment in 2nd PRC Pay/Pension revision while others were ready for fitment at lesser percentage. So join the agitation of UNITED FORUM MUMBAI AND DELHI |
11/08/2017: E.C. MEETING. Our Executive Committee Meeting was held today. The meeting started with welcome note by Sri. K. Jawahar President. Two minutes silence was observed in praying for the departed soul of Sri. Vaze, who passed away recently. The accounts for July-2017 was approved. Sri. B.R. Pathak GS narrated about the commemoration meeting held on 09/08/2017 and elaborated on meeting with CMD on that date. The following decisions were taken after lengthy discussions. 1. To vigorously pursue the issue of CGHS to be optional and 100% reimbursement of CGHS subscriptions and to escalate the issue to Secretary DoT. 2. To pursue the issue of Revision of pension as per 7th Pay Commission on political level too. 3. To actively support and participate in the agitations launched by United Forum Mumbai and Delhi. 4. To hold AGB on 15/09/2017. Committees were appointed. List of invitees were finalised. 5. To hold Co-ordination Committee meeting of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi on 14/09/2017 afternoon. 6. To achieve life membership strength of more than 1000 members before AGB. The meeting ended thereafter. |
10/08/2017: MEETING WITH CMD: On 09/08/2017, The Office Bearers Shri K. Jawahar, Shri B R.Pathak, Shri M.R. Dixit and Shri. Pawar of MPWA met Shri. P.K. Purwar CMD at CETTM Mumbai. His response to our demands are as under :- 1. It is not possible to extend the present medical scheme beyond 30/09/2017. CGHS will be mandatory. 2. He will see that all PPOs of Pensioners retired up to 31/03/2014 are issued by this month so that all can apply for CGHS by 30/09/2017. 3. It is not possible to increase the reimbursement amount of CGHS subscription in view of financial constraints. 4. MTNL will offer to CGHS accommodation to open new dispensaries at MTNL premises @ rent 20% less than the market rate. 5. The coverage period of working employees’ medical insurance scheme will be extended up to three months after retirement so that they can get CGHS Card within that period. We conveyed our disappointment to him for mandatory CGHS and for not reimbursing 100% CGHS subscription. We welcomed the decision regarding offer of accommodation to open new dispensaries and extended coverage of insurance scheme of three months for working employees after retirement. RTOWA and United Forum will continue to pursue the issue of Optional CGHS and 100% reimbursement of subscription. On 78.2% issue, CMD said that he is fully in favour of giving the benefit of 78.2% but MTNL has no money. Unless government gives financial support it is not possible to implement 78.2%. He further said he is allotting funds for payment of Leave encashment and GPF on priority. |
09/08/2017: A function to commemorate the completion of Arrears Payment and PPO Preparation work was held at CETTM today. Smt. Anuradha Mitra Member (Fin), Sri. P.K. Purwar CMD, Sri. Pravin Punj ED, Sri. Sultan Ahmed GM (Fin) CO, Ms. Monali Dhakate CCA, all CGMs, GM (Fin), DGMs (Fin) of all Areas, AOs of Pension section of MTNL and CCA Office participated. RTOWA was represented by Sri. K. Jawahar, Sri. B. R. Pathak, and Sri. M.R. Dixit. Sri. S. M. Sawant Convenor of United Forum, Sri. Pawar, Sri. Dina Naik from MPWA and office bearers of other Unions and Associations also participated. GM (Fin) Corporate Office and GM (Fin) MTNL Mumbai gave a power point presentation giving information on the complexities of work involved and problems faced in PPO preparation and Arrears drawal. CMD thanked CCA and all the officers and staff of CCA Office and MTNL Pension Section for completion of the work. Sri. S.M. Sawant Convenor United Forum in his speech requested for payment of GPF, Leave encashment, Gratuity and Commutation on the day of retirement. Sri. K. Jawahar in his speech said the work got momentum in the last three months due to decisive directions of Member (Fin) and CMD and due to their personal monitoring of progress of work and he thanked them on behalf of all pensioners. He requested to complete the printing of about 6000 PPOs as early as possible, to hold regular meeting by CCA with RTOWA and to provide a toll free number exclusively for redressal of complaints of MTNL Pensioners. The meeting ended thereafter. |
08/08/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI In synchronising with the agitations launched by United Forum Delhi, notice has been issued by United Forum Mumbai to launch the second phase of agitations as under :- 1. 22-8-2017 --- Day long Dharna in front of ED Office at Telephone House. 2. 13-9-2017 --- One Day Token Hunger Strike in front of ED Office at Telephone House. 3. 04-10-2017 --- Rally to ED Office at Telephone House from Shivaji Park Telephone Exchange Building. To realise the demands of, - a)Our Pay Revision with 78.2% IDA w.e.f 01/01/2007, b)Pay Revision and Pension Revision w.e.f 01/01/2017, c)Full reimbursement of life time contribution payable to CGHS and to make it optional, and d) Option to pro-rata optees to switch over to combined service pension. |
05/08/2017: Happy News :- 1. The difference in gratuity (10 lakhs to 20 lakhs) to all the remaining retirees of 2016 will be paid by 16th of this month. 2. Arrears for 69 months to those retired prior to 01/01/2007 to all about 5500 pensioners and family pensioners (except a few) have been drawn....a few are yet to be paid. 3. PPOs of all about 12100 pensioners/family pensioners retired prior to 01/04/2014 have been processed. However out of the above about 6000 PPOs are still under printing. It is expected to be completed by 31/10/2017 positively. 4. In the current year, PPOs of retirees from January-2017 to May-2017 will be ready soon. 5. Heavy amount of Income Tax recovery from pensioners who got arrears was thoroughly checked with AO PDA. The recovery is found to be correct and more or less same amount will be recovered every month till February-2018. On 03/08/2017 the Office Bearers ( K. Jawahar President, B. R. Pathak GS and M.R. Dixit AGS) met Ms. Monali Dhakate CCA and Sri. Sahasrabuddhe CAO at CCA's office at Juhu. Then they met Sri. A. C. Kumar DGM (Pen) MTNL, Sri. M. Dhuri AO PDA at Currey Road office and thanked them for completion of PPO process and arrear drawal work. |
04/08/2017: OBITUARY. Mr. M.S.VAJE left for his heavenly abode on 4TH AUGUST, 2017. He is survived by wife, a married son and a daughter. R.T.O.W.A. extends heartfelt Condolences to his family in grief. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. |
04/08/2017: NEWS FROM U.FORUM MUMBAI. GREAT SUCCESS: The call of United Forum for Mass Demonstration was responded by Employees and Pensioners with enthusiasm. Today about 1000 employees and Pensioners participated in the demonstration in front of Telephone House and raised electrifying slogans of most genuine demands........ 78.2% IDA, Pay and Pension revision, CGHS to pensioners to be optional with 100% reimbursement of subscription, another option for Combined Service pension to pro-rata optees, NE-12 from 1-4-2009..... Shri Bhai Jagtap MLC and a prominent trade union leader addressed the massive gathering. Speaking on the occasion he exhorted the employees and pensioners to fight for their just rights. He expressed surprise at the inaction of MTNL management which is sitting over the demands which are very much within their purview. He opined that this is due to inaction of employees themselves who seem to have got complacent after settlement of their pension issue. Shri Bhai Jagtap assured his full support to the continuing struggle of the employees and pensioners under the banner of the United Forum. His lengthy speech was marked by intermittent tumultuous sloganeering by the gathering. Speakers also included Com J S Yadav, Com S M Sawant, Com Badri Pathak , Com K Jawahar, Com J J Mathias, Com R R Mishra Com Gulab Yadav, Com J Sonawdekar and others. All the speakers exhorted the employees and pensioners to keep up the spirit and to show similar spontaneity in the future programmes of the United Forum. The demonstration ended with thanks to the organisers and participants and with National Anthem. |
03/08/2017: DATE EXTENSION OF CGHS: Switching over from Insurance Scheme to CGHS has been made mandatory by Corporate office. The last date for application to CGHS has been extended upto 30/09/2017. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. RTOWA has strongly opposed to mandatory CGHS. We demand CGHS to be optional and 100% of CGHS subscription should be reimbursed. |
31/07/2017: RTOWA MUMBAI CALLS ALL PENSIONERS :- RTOWA Mumbai calls all pensioners to participate in the MASS DEMONSTRATION, an agitation launched by United Forum Mumbai and Delhi, On 04/08/2017 at 1 PM in front of the Telephone House Prabhadevi , To achieve the following demands :- 1. 78.2% IDA in the revision of Pay/Pension on 01/01/2007 for 100% neutralisation of price rise. 2. MTNL and DoT should take a favourable stand for Pay revision as per 3rd PRC recommendations and Pension revision as per 7th Central Pay Commission. 3. Another option to pro rata pension optees to opt for pension on combined service. 4. Implementation of CGHS in Mumbai and 100% reimbursement of lifetime subscription. 5. Implementation of NE-12 from 01/01/2009 |
28/07/2017: E.C. MEETING. Today our EC meeting was held. The EC unanimously decided the following :- 1. To actively participate in the ongoing agitation launched by United Forum Mumbai and Delhi. 2. To fight for the issues exclusive to the Pensioners through Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi. 3. To form a Joint Forum of All Pensioners Associations of MTNL Mumbai. 4.To hold Annual General Body Meeting before 30/09/2017. The present status of CGHS, PPOs, Payment of Arrears and alleged excess recovery of ITax were discussed and decided to pursue these issues vigorously. Accounts for the Q.E. 30/06/2017 were approved. |
19/07/2017: 3rd PRC – CABINET APPROVAL Today Cabinet has approved implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations as modified by the Committee of Secretaries. The revision of pay depends on affordability. Please CLICK HERE to see the news item. |
15/05/2017: UNITED FORUM MUMBAI NEWS :- Despite heavy downpour a very impressive massive Lunch Hour Demonstration was staged in front of ED office, Telephone House, MTNL Mumbai today. Around 300 members attended the demonstration. Speakers after speakers emphasized the need to have an agitation - rather an intensified one to compel the MTNL Management to agree to our justified demands of Pay Revision with 78.2% IDA w.e.f 01/01/2007, Pay and Pension Revision w.e.f 01/01/2017, CGHS and one more Option to Pro-rata optees . Speakers included Com J S Yadav, Com. B. R. Pathak, Com J. J. Mathias, Com R. R. Mishra, Com S. M. Sawant, Com. Virendra Singh, Com E. M. Rajpure, Com Dina Naik, Com J. Sonwadekar , Com T. L. Gaikwad and others. Speakers requested all the members to show similar strength on the next phase of Lunch Hour demonstration on 04/08/2017. The demonstration ended with recital of National Anthem. After the demonstrations the office bearers met the ED, MTNL, Mumbai and apprised him of the demands. |
08/07/2017: LABOUR COMMISSION LETTER TO DOT ON 78.2% IDA. United Forum Mumbai continuously pursuing the issue of 78.2% IDA. The issue is pursued with Labour Commissioner too. Now the Asst. Labour Commissioner Mumbai has written a letter dated 23/06/2017 to Smt. Aruna Sundararajan, the Secretary (T) and Chairman Telecom (DoT) to provide "Financial assistance as required by MTNL" to settle the dispute. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
06/07/2017: APPEAL TO PRIME MINISTER: A letter has been written to the Prime Minister of India for revision of pension to MTNL Retirees on the basis of 7th CPC. To view the letter please click the LINKS below. |
05/07/2017: EXCESS RECOVERY OF INCOME TAX IN JUNE-2017 A letter has been written to CCA to arrange for refund of excess recovered income tax from pension for June-2017. Please see the letter below :- Corr/2016-17/11 Dated 3rd July’2017 To Ms Monali Dhakate CCA Maharashtra Circle BSNL Complex, Juhu Danda Mumbai. Respected Madam, SUB:- Refund of Excess Income Tax Recovered from Pension for June’2017 Many pensioners are aggrieved that heavy amount of Income tax in the range of Rs.7000 to Rs.10000 has been recovered from their pension for June’2017. There seems to be some glitch in the system regarding tax recovery. The excess recovered tax unless refunded now, the pensioners have to wait for more than a year to get refund from Income tax department. Therefore RTOWA requests your kindselves to cause to refund the excess amount of tax recovered from the pension of June’2017. Thanking you Yours Sincerely Sd....................... B.R.PATHAK General Secretary |
04/07/2017: WHY PENSION SHOULD BE REVISED AS PER 7TH CPC : At present Pension on PSU Pay Scale with IDA is paid by Government for MTNL and BSNL Combined service pensioners. It is unique. No other PSU Pensioners are paid pension with IDA by government. Now we are demanding that our pension should be revised as per 7th CPC. The justifications for our demand :- 1. MTNL Pensioners are governed by Central Civil Services Pension Rules. 2. The Pension is paid by Central Government. 3. MTNL has paid pension contribution to the Government. 4. The profit of MTNL is in no way relevant to the pension. 5. Pensioners want a permanent solution to pension revision. As and when pension of Central Govt Pensioners are revised, pension of MTNL Pensioners also should be revised. 6. As per 7th Pay Commission's recommendations, Pension of Central Government Pensioners was revised wef 01/01/2016. As MTNL Pensioners get IDA, the revision will be wef 01/01/2017. But the fitment factor should be the same.....2.57 times of basic pension. RTOWA Mumbai, RTOWA Delhi, Pensioners Associations of MTNL Non Executives at Mumbai and Delhi and all Associations of BSNL Pensioners are confident that MTNL and BSNL Pensioners will achieve this. |
03/07/2017: UNITED FORUM NEWS: United Forum Mumbai and United Forum Delhi have decided to launch agitation to achieve the following demands :- 1. Revision of pay/pension with 78.2% IDA on 01/01/2007 2. Revision of Pay wef 01/01/2017 as per 3rd PRC and Revision of Pension as per 7th Pay Commission. 3. Full reimbursement of CGHS Life time subscription. 4. One more option to pro rata optees to opt for combined service pension. All Associations and Unions have been requested to join the following AGITATION PROGRAMME. *Schedule of Area-wise Lunch Hour Demonstrations and meetings with MTNL officers and Staff* *In front of ED office ,Telephone House-15th July 2017* *BKC 18th July 2017* *South 20th July 2017* *Central 22nd July 2017* *West-3 25th July 2017* *West-2 27th July 2017* *West-1 28th July 2017* *East-1 29th July 2017* *East-2 1st August 2017* *New Mumbai 2nd August 2017* *North 3rd August 2017* *In front of ED office Telephone House - 4th August 2017* *All Executives, Non-executives and Pensioners of that Area are requested to join the Demonstrations at Area Offices. *Note:- Demonstration in front of ED office is to be joined by officers and staff of ALL the Areas and the Pensioners. |
01/07/2017: IDA INCREASE: Based on the rise in average of CPI for March-2017 to May-2017, IDA increase from 01/07/2017 is 1.9%. Thus the IDA will be 119% from 01/07/2017. Orders are under issue. |
27/06/2017: FORM-16 Part A of Form 16 and Income Statement for Financial Year 2016-2017 will be distributed to Pensioners by AO PDA, O/O CCA at Currey Road Telephone Exchange from today (27/06/2017) onwards as informed by him to RTOWA. Form 16 and Income Statement can be obtained through email or collected by giving authority to anybody indicating PAN No. Those who got arrears during 2016-2017 can get a Statement of Year wise break up of arrears for the purpose of claiming Tax rebate. TAX was not deducted either from family pension or from arrears paid to family pensioners. So only Income Statement is issued for the purpose of filing tax returns to family pensioners. |
25/06/2017: PENSION REVISION United Forum Delhi has written a letter to the Prime Minister of India for Revision of Pension. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
23/06/2017: FORM-16 : Part A of Form 16 and Income Statement for Financial Year 2016-2017 will be distributed to Pensioners by AO PDA O/O CCA at Currey Road Telephone Exchange from 27/06/2017 onwards as informed by him to RTOWA. The outstation pensioners can get it through email or collect it by giving authority to anybody indicating PAN No. Those who got arrears during 2016-2017 can get a Statement of Year wise break up of arrears for the purpose of claiming Tax rebate. TAX was not deducted from either family pension or from arrears paid to family pensioners. So only Income Statement is issued for the purpose of filing tax returns to family pensioners. Contact Details: AO – PDA – 02224717140 & 9869400449 Mail-id of AO-PDA : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |
16/06/2017: EC MEETING. The Executive Committee met on 15/06/2017. President welcomed the members. Sri. B.R.Pathak GS narrated the present status of all issues. Sri. K. Jawahar President briefed about the meeting of United Forum held on 05/06/2017. EC unanimously endorsed the decision of United Forum to launch agitation programme to achieve 78.2 % IDA, revision of pension w.e.f 01/01/2017 as per 7th pay commission recommendations and Revision of pay of employees as per 3rd PRC. Resignation of Sri. J. B. Chilgar Treasurer on health grounds was accepted. Sri. P. D. Pradhan was co-opted as Treasurer. Members greeted the recently joined members who attended the EC. The next meeting will be held in the last week of July-2017. |
16/06/2017: MEETING WITH ED, MTNL, MUMBAI : Today Sri. K. Jawahar President and Sri. B.R. Pathak GS met Sri. Sunil Kumar Director (HR) at Telephone House. Sri. Pravin Punj ED was also present. The following issues were discussed. 1. To give relief to the pensioners retaining BSNL quarters for permissible period and to release withheld gratuity.:- He said that the issue is being considered by the committee consisting of officers from MTNL, BSNL and DoT. 2. To issue medsave cards to the current year retirees within a month of retirement :- He said RTOWA may give a suggestion in writing for submission of application by employees three months before retirement. 3. To settle long pending floater cases of medical claims :- He said that the issue should be taken up by ED Mumbai. 4.CGHS :- 1. Our office bearers requested him that Corporate office should take up the issue with Health Ministry to issue proper instructions to CGHS Mumbai. He told ED to send a report on the issue. 2. To extend the last date of 30/06/2017:- It will be favourably considered. 3. To reimburse full amount of CGHS contribution so that many retirees will join CGHS. He did not commit anything. |
15/06/2017: MEETING WITH GM(Admin): Today the office bearers Shri K. Jawahar, Shri B. R. Pathak, Shri M. R. Dixit and Shri P.D.Pradhan met Sri.Charukrishna GM(Admin) and Sri.Bhosale DGM ( IR) . The following issues were discussed. 1. Relief to pensioners occupying BSNL quarters after retirement. 2. CGHS...to extend last date. 3. Delay in issue of medsave cards to current year retirees. 4. Settlement of medical claims of floater cases which are pending for more than two years at Corporate Office. GM (A) said that relief to pensioners occupying BSNL quarters will be settled within a month. There is delay in payment of additional premium for current year retirees at CO and hence Medsave insurance cards are delayed. The issue of extension of date for CGHS and settlement of floater cases of medical claims are pursued with Corporate office. |
15/06/2017: LATEST DEVELOPMENTS Today Sri. K. Jawahar President, Sri.B.R.Pathak GS and Sri. M. R. Dixit AGS met Accounts Officers of CCA Office at Currey Road. The status on different issues is as under :- 1. Enhancement of Gratuity Limit from 10 to 20 Lakhs :- Payment of Arrears due to Enhancement of Gratuity limit from 01/01/2016 has started. Most of the retirees after 01/01/2016 will get arrears this month and others will get by 15th of next month. 2. Pension revision arrears to pre 01/01/2007 retirees :- Payment has been made to about 5125 pensioners so far. Remaining about 1205 pensioners are likely to be paid by 31/07/2017 3. PPOs of about 6300 pre 01/01/2007 retirees have been issued so far. Some 16 cases only are pending for want of Service book or other information. 4. PPOs of all retirees (4900 approximately) from 01/01/2007 to 31/03/2014 are likely to be issued by 31/08/2017. Work is in full swing. 5. About 600 PPOs of pre 01/01/2007 retirees are pending for despatch. 6. Form-16, (only Part A) will be issued along with Income Statement from next week onwards. Pensioners are required to collect it from CCA Office Currey Road. Outstation pensioners can collect them by giving authority to anybody indicating their PAN No. or can get it by email. However as informed by AO PDA, response through email is likely to be delayed due to extra time and work involved in the process. Those who got arrears can get a Statement of year wise break up. |
05/06/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI :- GET READY FOR AGITATIONS :- As convened by Shri S. M. Sawant Convenor, meeting of United Forum Mumbai was held on 05/06/2017. Sri. H. S. Upadhyay presided over the meeting. Shri A. K. Kaushik GS, TEAM and office bearers of all affiliated Associations and Unions participated. After discussions it was decided to launch agitations to achieve the following demands :- 1. Pay / Pension Revision with 78.2% IDA with effect from 1-1-2007. 2. Pay Revision as per 3rd PRC recommendations w.e.f 01/01/2017. 3. Pension revision as per 7th Pay Commission recommendations w.e.f 01/01/2017. 4. Reverting back to MTNL medical scheme from the existing TPA system. 5. Full reimbursement of CGHS contributions to retirees who join CGHS. 6. One more option for combined service pension to those opted pro-rata pension. A Core Committee consisting of one office bearer (ex-officio) from every affiliated Associations and Unions was formed. The Forum also decided to appeal to all other unions and associations to participate in the agitational programme to be launched by United Forum of MTNL Mumbai and Delhi. The Forum has decided to go for awareness campaign exchange-wise to meet and interact with the members/employees face to face to make them aware of the significance of our 78.2% IDA demand and its huge impact on Emoluments and Pension. The UF Mumbai and Delhi would be deciding about the mode of agitations, dates and timings etc. soon. Sri. K. Jawahar and Sri. G. N. Haragabal represented RTOWA in the said meeting. |
04/06/2017: 3RD PRC RECOMMENDATIONS: Cabinet Secretariat has issued O.M. dated 29/05/2017 for implementations of Third PRC Recommendations for Revision of Pay with effect from 01/01/2017. Accordingly, the recommendations of PRC regarding affordability of PSUs for revision of pay is accepted. In other words, BSNL and MTNL do not fulfill the affordability conditions for Pay Revision. Please CLICK HERE to view the O.M.. |
18/05/2017: LETTER TO MEMBER FINANCE RTOWA Mumbai has taken up the issue of Payment of Arrears and Preparation of PPO with newly joined Member (Fin) vide letter dated 12th May'17. Please Click the following Links to view the letter: |
17/05/2017: MEETING WITH CCA AOs: Today the R.T.O.W.A. Office bearers Shri M.R. Dixit (AGS) and Shri P.Subramanian visited pension sections of MTNL & DOT in Currey Road Telephone Exchange Building. They were informed by AOS of DOT pension section that all the retirees of 2005 have been issued P.P.Os except some 100 cases which are closed cases as the whereabouts of the retirees are not known. Out of 1780 cases of 2006 almost all the retirees have been issued with the P.P.Os. except some 17 complicated cases. Even the work of preparing P.P.Os of 2007 retirees has also been started and after getting permission from Principal CCA they also may be released. The arrears of about 30 retirees of 2006 have been prepared and sent and they may get the payments in this month i.e. May 2017 itself. All these cases are pertaining to the pensioners retired in 2006 on superannuation. Retirees of Feb 2017 are getting their pension. Those who retired in March 2017 about one third of the retirees will get their pension, in May 2017 and rest will get in June 2017. As far as Gratuity and Commutation, the retirees of Oct 2016 have already got the payments and getting normal pension. As per Mr. Dhuri, AO (PDA), Form-16 – Part-A will be ready by 15th, June-2017and there will be no Part-B. The office bearers also met DGM (Pension – MTNL) Mr. Kumar who assured that all the pending cases will be settled one by one very soon and the no of pending cases will be nil within a few days. |
16/05/2017: FORM-16: RTOWA has written to CCA Mumbai regarding Form 16. Copy of letter is given below :- RETIRED TELECOM OFFICERS’ WELFARE ASSOCIATION Corr/2017/1 DATED 12th May-2017. To Ms. Monali P Dhakate CCA Maharashtra Circle, 3rd Floor, BSNL Office Complex, Juhudanda, Mumbai. Respected Madam, SUB:- FORM 16 for AY 2017-18 This Association had brought to your kind information as early as in November-2016 itself vide Corr/2016-17/7 dated 3rd November-2016 when the office bearers had a meeting with you, about timely issue of Form 16 by 31/05/2017 as well as to issue both Part A and Part B of Form 16. The slow progress in uploading of tax recovered on TRACES was brought to your kind information on 18/01/2017 in the informal meeting. It was assured at that time that the Form 16 as per rules will be issued for AY 2017-2018. However, sorry to inform you that the tax recovered and remitted in the last quarter has not yet been uploaded on TRACES. On behalf of pensioners of MTNL, RTOWA requests CCA office to arrange for the following :- 1. To issue both Part A and Part B of Form 16 as enjoined in the IT Rules by 31/05/2017 positively and to arrange to send it by post. 2. Duly signed Sheet of year wise break of arrears may please be issued to all those who received arrears during 2016-2017. With regards Yours Faithfully, Sd…………… (M.R. DIXIT) Assistant General Secretary. |
15/05/2017: ARREARS OF GRATUITY: Today our President Shri K. Jawahar contacted GM (Fin), and DGM (Fin) of all Areas of MTNL Mumbai and requested them to speed up the process of sanctioning arrears of gratuity to those retired on or after 01/01/2016 and to forward them on line to CCA Office for payment. Almost all DGMs (Fin) of Areas responded positively and assured to send all sanctions within a few days. |
09/05/2017: DESPATCH OF MEDSAVE CARDS Medsave - TPA says that almost all Cards have been despatched except a few. Those who have not received the card may please inform Mr. Vinod of TPA through whatsapp / SMS messages on his mobile number 9322646395 with the details of Name and Staff number. |
27/04/2017: The last date to apply for CGHS Card with 50% reimbursement (maximum Of Rs.40000) of one time subscription amount has been extended up to 30/06/2017 by MTNL Corporate Office. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. |
25/04/2017: HOMAGE TO SHRI RAJAPURE The meeting in memory of veteran leader Sri. R.A. Rajapure was held today (25/04/2017) at Community Hall of Mitradham CHS, Parel East. About 150 + pensioners attended the meeting and PUSHPANJALI was done by them. Leaders from Delhi Sri. M. K. Bagchi, Sri. S.S. Nanda, Sri. A. K.Kaushik and Sri. R.K. Mudgal attended the meeting and shared their memories of Sri. R.A. Rajapure. All Leaders of United Forum and Kamgar Sangh Mumbai attended the meeting. The following leaders S/Sri. Dilip Dada Jagtap, Dilip Jadhav, S. M. Sawant, J. S. Yadav, Rajagopal, R.R Mishra, H.S. Upadhyay, Virender Singh, Pawar, Mrs. Jyoti Sonawadekar, C. U. Gade, N. Chandrasekar, Kishore Haldankar, M. B. Biradhar, T.G.Thanawala shared their memories. A booklet containing write ups of leaders was released. It was noted with sad that Sri. S. V. Krishnamurthy retired DGM (Admin) and Sri. N. D. Rajput retired DE also had passed away during last two months. The meeting ended after observing two minutes silence in prayer to Almighty for eternal peace of the departed souls. |
21/04/2017: OBITUARY: Mr. A.D. PALSIKAR left for his heavenly abode on 17/04/2017. He is survived by his wife and two married sons who are staying in Pune. RTOWA extends heartfelt condolences to his family in grief. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE. |
Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on 07/04/2017. 1. Accounts for March-2017 was approved. 2. The progress in PPO preparation and Drawal of Arrears was reviewed. Decided to discuss the issues including Form- 16 with CCA next week. 3. The Mumbai CGHS authorities agreed to issue cards if 6th pay commission pay mapping is mentioned in PPO. The error in this regard in the Pension System was rectified by MTNL Delhi due to the pursuit by Sri M.K. Bagchi, President RTOWA Delhi. 4. Decided to arrange a condolence meeting on 25/04/2017 to pay homage to our leader Sri. R. A. Rajapure. The meeting ended thereafter. |
06/04/2017: OM FOR IDA REVISION. Department of Public Enterprises has issued orders dated 05/04/2017 announcing IDA of 117.1% effective from 01/04/2017, a decrease of 2.4%. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. |
04/04/2017: CGHS OPTION Co-Ordination Committee of Mumbai and Delhi has written to CMD to withdraw the last date of 31/03/2017 for application to CGHS on the basis of part reimbursement of one time subscription by MTNL. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
02/04/2017: DECREASE IN IDA IDA from 01/04/2017 will be 117.1 %. That is a reduction of 2.4%, based on Consumer Price Index. Orders are expected to be issued soon. |
22/03/2017: ENHANCEMENT OF GRATUITY LIMIT Corporate Office MTNL has issued orders dated 22/03/2017 for enhancement of Gratuity limit from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs effective from 01/01/2016. RTOWA discussed the issue with DGM (Pen) and AO-CCA for payment of arrears. It is learnt that necessary modifications will be made in the system and arrears are likely to be paid in April-2017. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. |
20/03/2017: LETTERS TO CMD-MTNL Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and RTOWA Delhi has written to CMD on the following issues. 1. Full reimbursement of CGHS contribution. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter 2. To consider financial upgradation effective from 01/10/2004 to the VRS retirees. This is our long pending demand. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
16/03/2017: INCREASE IN DCRG LIMIT. Happy News. Orders for enhancement of Gratuity from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs effective from 01/01/2016 has been issued today (16/03/2017) by DoT. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. |
12/03/2017: FLOATER CASES PAYMENT Yesterday (11/03/2017) Shri S.S. Nanda Convenor of Coordination Committee /GS RTOWA Delhi and Shri A K Kapoor met DIR(HR) at Corporate Office and discussed about the abnormal delay in the payment of floater cases of indoor medical claims at Delhi and Mumbai pending for the last 2 years. Letter in this regard written by Convenor was handed over to him. They also reiterated the demand of 100% reimbursement of CGHS Subscription. RTOWA WISHES ALL MEMBERS A VERY HAPPY AND COLOURFUL HOLI. |
10/03/2017: PAYMENT OF INDOOR MEDICAL BILLS. Shri. S. S. Nanda, Convenor Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi has written to CMD, MTNL requesting him for early reimbursement of all the long pending floater cases of indoor medical claims. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter above. |
07/03/2017: CGHS CONTRIBUTION-REFUND- INCREASED LIMIT: MTNL will bear 50% of one time contribution of CGHS subject to a minimum of Rs.20000 and maximum of Rs.40000. To view the Corporate Office letter, please CLICK HERE. |
06/03/2017: E.C. MEETING: Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on 02/03/2017. Sri. B. R. Pathak GS briefed about the Delhi visit. Sri. K. Jawahar President briefed about the "Revision of Pension" A three member team consisting of Sri. J. S. Yadav, Sri. M. R. Dixit and Sri. Gangopadhyay was formed to pursue the CGHS issue. It is learnt that Member (Fin) has told CCA Mumbai to consider payment of at least 90% arrears of pension to all the entitled pensioners and to expedite PPO preparation work. |
01/03/2017: ARREARS BREAK UP: CCA office informs that the yearwise break up of arrears will be given along with Form-16 to those who received the arrears during the year 2016-2017. It seems that those who have not received arrears are also approaching CCA office to get year wise break up. All pensioners who got arrears may please collect the year wise breakup along with Form-16 in the month of May-2017. So it is requested not to visit or disturb CCA office for this purpose please. |
28/02/2017: ARREARS PAYMENT: CMD has written letter to Member (Finance) to pay 90% of arrears to those retired prior to 01/04/2014 due to revision of pension immediately. Please Click the following LINKS to view the letter. |
26/02/2017: RTOWA DELHI NEWS: AGB and Open Session of RTOWA Delhi was held on 25/02/2017. Shri Prahlad Singh Member (Fin), Shri P.K. Purwar CMD, Shri N.K. Joshi ED MTNL Delhi, Shri Tiwari GM(A), Shri Dev Krishnan Jt. CCA, Shri V.K. Tomar GS MEA, Shri Mahavir Singh President BMS, Shri Mangeram Sharma President Staff Union and other leaders graced and addressed the Open House. Shri B.R. Pathak GS and K.Jawahar President also addressed the Session. The following are the gist of the speeches of dignitaries. 1. Pension revision should be demanded based on the recommendations of the Central Pay Commission, 2. 78.2% IDA issue has been referred to DoPT, 3. CMD has written to Member (Fin) to pay 90% of arrears due to revision of pension to all entitled pensioners, 4. CCAs have been directed to complete PPO preparation work on target basis, 5. CGHS Contribution reimbursement limit has been raised to Rs.40000, 6. Problems in getting CGHS Cards at Mumbai will be looked into, 7. Merger of BSNL and MTNL is one of the options under consideration for revival of both PSUs. 8. One round of discussions among DoT, BSNL and MTNL has taken place regarding recovery of license fee which includes HRA from pensioners retired from MTNL and occupying BSNL quarters. The hall was full till the end. There was positivity in the speeches of all dignitaries. The Open House Session was great success. Congrats RTOWA Delhi. |
25/02/2017: REVISION OF PENSION FROM 01/01/2017:
On 23/02/2017, a meeting of the leaders of the following Associations was held at Delhi. 1. All India BSNL Pensioners Welfare Association, 2. All India BSNL Retired Executives Association, 3. RTOWA Mumbai, 4. RTOWA Delhi. Leghthy discussions took place regarding revision of pension. It was unanimously decided to demand revision of pension as per 7th Pay Commission Recommendations. It was agreed that all the Associations of Pensioners of BSNL and MTNL should raise same demand without contradicting each other. All Associations will vigorously start pursuing the demand immediately. If necessary, a Joint Forum will be formed after some time. |
24/02/2017: MERGER OF MTNL & BSNL: It is reliably learnt that as directed by PMO, a meeting of Secretary DoT, CMDs of MTNL and BSNL was held recently to find out ways and means to make MTNL and BSNL as profitable PSUs. The proposal to be submitted by next week by DoT may include proposal for merger of MTNL and BSNL. The details of the proposal will be known by next week. INCREASE IN GRATUITY LIMIT: Enhancing the Gratuity limit from 10 Lakhs to 20 Lakhs to the combined service pensioners of MTNL and BSNL with effect from 01/01/2016 has been approved by DOP&T a few days back. Orders are likely to be issued by DoT next week. |
23/02/2017:MEETING WITH GM(FIN-CO): Today the Office Bearers (Sri.K Jawahar President,Sri. B.R.Pathak GS, Sri S.V. Gajam VP, Sri.M.R.Dixit AGS, Sri.J.B. Chilgar Treasurer, Sri. V.K Bhatia, and Sri. Gangopadhyay) met Sri. Sultan Ahmed GM Finance MTNL Corporate Office at Delhi. We apprised him of the problems in FMS in printing PPO books. We requested him to provide in FMS and in PPO to mention the name of dependent handicapped child as beneficiary of Family Pension. GM (Fin) immediately issued instructions regarding the above issues. Then we met DDG (Accounts) at Office of DoT. The prolonging in Preparation of PPO for pre 01/04/2014 retirees and in drawal of arrears of pension to those retired prior to 01/01/2007 were brought to her notice. She said that Member (Fin) had a meeting with CCA Mumbai and CCA Delhi and instructed them to complete these works within a couple of months. Office of Member (Fin) will be continuously monitoring the progress. |
19/02/2017: TDS ON ARREARS: Those who have got Arrears of Pension for earlier years can claim Income Tax relief under Section 89 (1) by submitting Form 10(E) along with Tax returns. For this purpose the pensioners who have received arrears may get a "Sheet of Year wise break up of Arrears" duly signed from AO PDA Office of CCA, 3rd Floor, MTNL Telephone Exchange, Currey Road, Mumbai. To talk to AO PDA..022 24717140 SMS to 9869400449 Email :- |
19/02/2017: EC MEETING: Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on 16/02/2017. Sri. S. M. Sawant Convenor, United Forum also participated. The following decisions were taken. Accounts of December-2016 was approved. Sri. B. R. Pathak GS briefed about the RLC Meeting held on 16/02/2017. No additional information was given by Management in the RLC Meeting. The present status of PPO Preparations, arrears drawal, status of payment of pensionary benefits to 2016 retirees etc were taken note of. The issues to be discussed in the Co-Ordination Committee Meeting of RTOWA Mumbai and RTOWA Delhi to be held at Delhi in the next week were discussed and a tentative agenda was prepared. Sri. K. Jawahar President briefed about CGHS issue. It was decided that a few office bearers will apply for CGHS Cards on 20/02/2017 to assess the receptivity by the CGHS authorities. It was decided to hold a joint EC of RTOWA and MPWA next month and to form a "Joint Forum of Associations of Pensioners of MTNL Mumbai" in that meeting. |
18/02/2017:THIRD PRC RECOMMENDATIONS : The recommendations of Third PRC are out now. Unfortunately MTNL is under ‘NIL’ fitment category as per Third PRC as MTNL is incurring losses. To view the detailed recommendations please CLICK HERE. |
14/02/2017: Today Sri. K. Jawahar President, Sri. B.R. Pathak GS, and Sri.M.R. Dixit AGS met the Accounts Officers of CCA office at Currey Road and DGM (Pen) MTNL. Pre 01/04/2014 Retirees :- PPOs have been issued to all the retirees up to 2005 and to about 50% (900) pensioners of 2006. It is expected that all the retirees and Family pensioners up to December-2006 will get the PPO positively by 31/03/2017. Arrears on Revision have been paid to about 2800 pensioners up to 31/01/2017 and 3750 are to be paid. The target date of 31/03/2017 given by CCA may not be achieved. Based on present trend it is expected that all will get arrears by 30/06/2017 positively. Retirees after 01/04/2014 :- PPOs have been issued for retirees up to July-2016. PPOs of August-2016 retirees are under process. Gratuity and Commutation have been paid for retirees up to October-2016. Retirees of November-2016 will get these payments in a couple of days. CDA Grade Pay and CDA Range of Pay :- This information is required for application to CGHS Cards. This information is made as a part of the PPO and is printed on page 4 of the PPO in all PPOs that are prepared from February-2017. This information is given in a separate sheet for all the PPOs issued up to 31/01/2017. CGHS issue :- The issue was discussed with DGM (IR) and CGHS authorities. Pensioners who have got DoT PPO can now apply for CGHS Card. All the hurdles have been cleared. Detailed information follows. |
11/02/2017: UNITED FORUM DELHI NEWS: The representatives of United Forum Delhi met Additional Secretary(T) DOT on 10/02/2017 and discussed the following issues: - 1. Merger of MTNL and BSNL 2. 78.2% DA for Pay /Pension revision with effect from 01/01/2007. As regards merger of MTNL and BSNL he is of the view that "the ways and means of such merger as recommended by various committees , involve substantial investments by the Government which may not be favoured" About 78.2% IDA issue he said that the proposal sent by MTNL includes the need of financial assistance by the Government for its implementation and DOT cannot decide such matter on its own. DOT will send this proposal to Department of Personnel with DOT’s recommendations. On a specific query whether we can remain hopeful, his cryptic reply was that one should always remain hopeful. Meeting ended with some positive note.
06/02/2017: DOT OM DATED 13/01/2017: Implications of DOT's letter dated 13/01/2017 :- ======================================= A copy of this letter is given below. DoT started payment of pension to combined service pensioners of MTNL from 01/04/2014. The arrangement was that MTNL should pay all the unpaid pension or arrears of pension relating to the period prior to 01/04/2014 and should get reimbursement from DOT. Subsequently in relaxation of the above, DOT agreed to pay the arrears due to revision of pension from 01/01/2007 to 30/09/2012 vide letter dated 10/08/2015. Besides the Arrears on Revision of Pension there are other arrears viz., 1. Arrears to family pensioners due to increase in the period of enhanced family pension from 7 years to 10 years, 2. Gratuity/Commutation to those retired prior to 01/04/2014 but disciplinary cases etc. settled after 01/04/2014, 3.Retired prior to 01/04/2014 but pay anomaly cases settled or Pay scale upgradation after 01/04/2014, 4. Some other cases of arrears due to rectification of errors etc. MTNL refused to pay these arrears on the plea of paucity of funds. DoT declined to pay on the plea and insisted that MTNL should pay and get reimbursement. RTOWA Mumbai took a stand that all arrears relating to period from 01/10/2000 onwards should be paid only by DoT and continuously pursued the issue for about a year. Even after issue of letter dated 13/01/2017, CCA Mumbai office had some doubts. It is learnt that all the doubts were clarified in the meeting convened by Member (Fin) on 03/02/2017. RTOWA Mumbai will pursue the payment of all these arrears. To view the DoT letter dated please CLICK HERE. |
04/02/2017: PPO NEWS: Member (Fin) DoT convened a meeting of Pr. CCA Delhi, CCA Mumbai, officers of different wings in DoT and CMD MTNL on 03/02/2017 in connection with the issues raised by RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai. It is learnt that the following decisions were taken. 1. MTNL will post additional staff to CCA office to complete all the pending works in a specific time frame. 2. The salary of the staff posted by MTNL in CCA office will be paid by the Pr. CCA unit. 3. All type of pending arrears due from 01-10-2000 will be paid by the o/o Pr. CCA units Delhi and Mumbai in accordance with the letter of DOT dated 13-01-2017. 4. FMS connectivity issue was discussed and some technical operating points were suggested by MTNL to resolve the issues. Let us hope that PPO for all those retired prior to 01/04/2014 and Arrear payments will be made within a specific time frame. Further information in this regard will be known within a few days. |
03/02/2017: RTOWA DELHI NEWS: On 02/02/2017 RTOWA Delhi President Sri. M K Bagchi , GS Sri. S S Nanda and AGS Sri. R K Mudgal met Director(TE) at DoT Ms. Vandana Sethi regarding status of enhancement DCRG from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.20 lakhs effective from 01/01/2016. She said that there was some query raised by DOPT in the matter. DOT has replied the query. She was hopeful that soon the file will be cleared by DOPT. Non-starting of CGHS facility in Mumbai was also discussed with her. She replied that DOT has sent a letter to the Ministry of Health and CGHS Mumbai in this regard. |
02/02/2017: CGHS NEWS: On 30/01/2017 Sri B.R. Patahk G.S., Sri M.R. Dixit AGS and Sri J.S. Yadav Organising Secretary met E.D., GM (Admin) and DGM (IR) and requested to convene a meeting of officers from CCA and CGHS for better co-ordination. Also requested to prescribe procedure to get CGHS Cards. Formal letters have been sent to ED, Mumbai and Additional Director, CGHS, Mumbai. Letter to Director (Policy), CGHS Directorate at Delhi requesting to defer the revised rate of CGHS Contribution has also been written. To view the letters please click the LINKS concerned below. 1. LETTER TO DIRECTOR, CGHS, DELHI |
01/02/2017: RETIREMENT GREETINGS: RTOWA wishes all those retired during January-2017 a very Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Long Retired Life. Make a plan of how your future is going to look like. Make a small investment portfolio so that you won't have to worry about your retirement. |
27/01/2017: E.C. MEETING: Today the Executive Committe Meeting of our Association was heled. Accounts for the month of December-2016 was approved. The progress in PPO preparation and payment of arrears to those retired prior to 01/01/2007 was briefed by the G.S. Shri Pathak. The E.C. appreciated the breakthrough made by our Delhi leaders in CGHS issue. Shri K.Jawahar President briefed about the continuous pursuit made by RTOWA Mumbai as well as by United Forum Mumbai in CGHS issue. Elaborate discussions took place regarding CGHS and further course of actions to be taken were decided. The E.C. further decided to issue notices to those E.C. Members who had not attended E.C. Meeting continuosly for three meetings. The meeting concluded thereafter. |
CGHS NEWS: After the E.C. meeting, all the Office Bearers and most of the E.C. Members met DGM (IR) and discussed about the CGHS issue. He admitted that the SMS was issued to those pensioners who have got new PPO to apply for CGHS as per the direction of Corporate Office. He agreed to the ground reality that still CGHS Mumbai is not agreeing to issue CGHS cards. The team reminded him of RTOWA's request to ED as well as to DGM(IR) on 13/01/2017 to convene a meeting of officers from CGHS and CCA to chalk out a procedure and for Co-Ordination. The team also requested him to replicate the procedure being followed at MTNL Delhi. DGM(IR) assured that he will very soon take appropriate steps in consultation with GM(Admin). The Office Bearers will do further pursuits on 30/01/2017. |
26/01/2017: GREETINGS: RTOWA Wishes All The Members A Very HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY. |
18/01/2017: Today, the office bearers (K. Jawahar, M.R. Dixit and J. B. Chilgar) met Ms. Monali Dhakate CCA at her office at Juhu.
The slow progress in Arrears drawal and PPO preparation was brought to her notice.
She said that she still maintains her assurance given to RTOWA in November-2016, that is... Arrears payment and PPO preparation to all those retired up to 31/12/2006 will be completed by 31/03/2017.
Regarding CGHS she said that the procedure prescribed by CCA Delhi will be replicated in Mumbai too. However, she said CGHS Mumbai is awaiting orders from their CGHS Policy Wing Delhi. She also said that CCA Office will fully co-operate with MTNL and CGHS Mumbai.
The office bearers then met the CAO (Cash) of CCA office at Juhu. He said that all cases of arrears payments and Gratuity/Commutation payments are sent through ECS without delay.
RTOWA requested him to reconcile and upload the Income tax recovered from pensions up to 31/12/2016 on TRACES.
17/01/2017: The Office bearers (K. Jawahar, B.R. Pathak, M.R.Dixit, J.B.Chilgar) met Dy.CCA, DGM (Pen) MTNL, and all the Accounts Officers of CCA Unit at CCA Office at Currey Road on 13/01/2017.
The following information were gathered.
Pension files and service books of all the Family Pensioners and Pensioners retired up to 31/03/2014 except about 450 files have been sent by MTNL to CCA.
PPOs for all Pensioners and Family Pensioners retired up to 31/12/2005 have been issued. About 600 PPOs of 2006 retirees are ready for printing. Due to some glitch in the printing process the printing is pending.
It is expected that PPOs of all the 1750 pensioners retired during 2006 will be issued by 28/02/2017.
It is expected that the PPOs of about 5000 Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 2007 to 31/03/2014 will be issued by 30/06/2017. |
16/01/2017: CGHS NEWS: CGHS Implementation for MTNL Mumbai Combined Service Pensioners: - On 11/01/2017, Sri. Pawar, Sri. S. M. Sawant, Sri.J.S.Yadav and Sri.J.B. Chilgar participated in the quarterly meeting convened by Asst. Director CGHS Mumbai. Asst. Director said that still he needs instructions from CGHS higher authorities at Delhi for issuing CGHS Cards to Combined service pensioners. The progress in Delhi was brought to his notice. He said that if the requirements as per CGHS Rules are met there is no problem. He also said that the lump sum subscription has been doubled. On 13/01/2017 Sri. K. Jawahar, Sri. B. R. Pathak, Sri. M. R. Dixit, Sri.J.B. Chilgar met ED. The progress made in Delhi in implementation of CGHS was brought to his knowledge. The following requests were made: - 1. Welfare Section should arrange a meeting of CCA and CGHS to decide on the procedure for issuing CGHS Cards. 2. On MTNL side the work should be centralised at Welfare Section at Telephone House instead of delegating the work to Areas. This will enable CGHS and CCA to have one point of contact with MTNL as well as to speed up the process. RTOWA has decided to pursue vigorously the issue of full reimbursement of the one-time subscription with Corporate Office. It is presumed that the PPOs to all the pensioners retired prior to 31/03/2014 will be issued by 30/06/2017 by CCA. So, Corporate Office will be requested to extend the last date for application for CGHS Card to 31/07/2017. |
14/01/2017: GREETINGS : RTOWA Wishes all the members a very very HAPPY MAKARA SANKRANTI, HAPPY PONGAL, HAPPY LOHRI and HAPPY BIHU. |
11/01/2017: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM DELHI: As per DoT's report, the technical issues in the implementation of orders to extend CGHS facility to the combined service pensioners of BSNL/MTNL as posed by CGHS, R.K. Puram Unit, was resolved in the meeting held on 06/01/2017 between DoT Units and CGHS ( Policy) Unit at Nirman Bhavan. Now the intending pensioners of MTNL Delhi can get CGHS Cards after taking the NOC from Pr. CCA through MTNL as notified earlier. At Mumbai: Shri S.M. Sawant convenor of United Forum and Shri B.R. Pathak, GS-RTOWA will meet Dy. Director CGHS today (11/01/2017) and hold discussions. |
04/01/2017: CGHS NEWS. According to the following News, the procedure for implementation of CGHS for Pensioners of MTNL Delhi will soon be crystallised, removing all glitches in the process of issuing CGHS Cards. The same procedure will be more or less replicated in Mumbai. RTOWA Mumbai and MTNL PWA Mumbai are in pursuit of this issue. NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM DELHI :- The leaders of United Forum Delhi, led by Sri. M.K.Bagchi, are in continuous pursuit of implementation of CGHS through informal discussions with Member (Services) and other higher officers of DoT and CCA. Now CGHS Policy Wing of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India has convened a meeting to be held on 06/01/2017 which will be attended by CGHS (Policy Unit), DDG (Estt.) and Director (TE) of DOT and Additional Director (HQ) of CGHS (Implementation Unit) to sort out the issues involving the glitches in implementation of CGHS benefit for MTNL/ BSNL pensioners. In the said meeting, it is expected that this issue will be conclusively decided. Meanwhile it appears that CGHS Unit is preparing itself to implement the orders for issuing CGHS Cards based on the CCA Delhi's additional sheet of PPO mentioning "Head of Account", Equivalent CDA Pay Scale with Grade Pay & " Range of Pay". |