5 RBI directives on pension payment that can help government pensioners Synopsis:
Knowledge of these instructions may help you in getting your pension-related problems resolved faster. Let us look at five issues commonly faced by pensioners.Advantages of Government Pensioner opening a joint bank account to receive pension in a joint account or do you have to open a separate account to receive family pension? Did you know that banks have been asked to record the Pension Payment Order (PPO) number on the bank account passbook and that you can ask them to issue pension slips? Knowledge of these instructions may help in getting your pension-related problems resolved faster. Let us look at five issues commonly faced by pensioners: 1. Credit of pension in a joint account
This means that you (i.e., the pensioner) cannot receive your pension in any other jointly held bank account except for the one held with your spouse whom you have nominated to receive family pension after your death. The savings bank account can be operated either on 'Former or Survivor' or 'Either or Survivor' based on the following terms and conditions:
In case of death of the pensioner, the bank cannot insist that the spouse open new a bank account for the credit of family pension. The spouse can opt to receive family pension in the existing joint account.
PPO is an important document because government pensioners, including family pensioners, are required to mention this number while submitting life certificate in November every year. Non-submission of life certificate to the pension paying branches can result in your pension being stopped. 3. Updation of PPO and issue of pension slips
This means that whenever there is increase in DA, you can visit your bank and ask them to record and reflect the same changes in the PPO copy held by you. This will help you to know when and by how much the total amount of pension was increased. In addition to that, to keep pensioners updated regarding the change in the quantum of pension, the central government including defence and railways and state governments have decided to issue pension slips in this regard. Pensioners can request these slips from their pension paying branches. 4. Nomination to receive pension arrears Form A is used by the pensioner to make a fresh nomination request. On the other hand, any modification in the existing nomination can be made via Form B as per rules governing nomination in this regard on the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions website. 5. Reducing the time lag to pay higher dearness relief
This will come as a relief to those senior citizen pensioners who would generally have to wait long -usually five to six months or sometimes even more to receive higher pension. According to the master circular, the central bank has advised all authorised banks dealing with government pensioners, to take necessary actions as mentioned in the various central and state government notifications in this regard without awaiting further instructions from them. The circular states that the pension paying bank branches should act on the copies of the orders supplied by government to the head offices and/or regional offices of the authorised banks. It has further instructed head offices of the banks to closely monitor and supervise timely correct disbursement of government pension to eligible pensioners. |
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