23/12/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Expansion of CGHS :- 33 Cities added to CGHS by merging Postal dispensaries in these cities. MTNL Pensioners also are entitled to avail CGHS facilities in these cities by becoming CGHS Card holder. Please see the orders issued MoH below. Page-1 Page-2 |
22/12/2018: UNITED FORUM NEWS: Com. M.K. Bagchi President RTOWA Delhi and Convenor United Forum Delhi writes :- Debate on Pension Revision in BSNL/MTNL :- Broadly there are two school of thoughts :- 1. Pension Revision following Wage Revision as per 3rd PRC 2. Pension Revision should be delinked from Wage Revision as the disbursing authority for pension is different from that for wages and thereby, pension revision will be carried out as per 7 th CPC but on IDA pay scales, date of effect being 1.1.2017. UNITED FORUM OF MTNL UNIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS, DELHI BELONGS TO THE 2nd CATEGORY. WHY? LET ME EXPLAIN :- Those who advocate pension revision as per 3rd PRC say the following :- (1) Pension Revision as per 3rd PRC following Wage Revision will be comparatively easier to achieve. (2) This will keep the pensioners close to the working employees as the interest of both groups so far as revision of wage/pension is concerned, will rest on one common fulcrum. (3) It will be loss for both employees and pensioners if we invite CDA pay scales and CD Allowance in the process because CDA pay scales are normally less than IDA pay scales and CD Allowances are normally granted after interval of 6 months unlike IDA for which interval is 3 months. (4) They are dismayed when they apprehend that if the hard-earned IDA pay scales are sacrificed, the fruits of consistent struggles to achieve IDA scales at the time of absorption will go waste. (5) They refer the issue of MTNL pensions stating that Govt. agreed to take the responsibility /liability of MTNL pension (combined services) only when their pension is calculated on the basis of equivalent BSNL pay scales. My comments :- (1) It is not difficult to comprehend that if pension revision depends on pay revision as per PRC, there is no certainty whether pension revision will at all be carried out. Pay Revision as per PRC is subjected to a number of obnoxious clauses. There are fair amount of chances that pay revision may not take place . If at all pay revision takes place, there remains the question: to what extent the pay will be revised. Thus pension revision following pay revision as per PRC is not secured and not uniform. (2) When I say so, I don’t underestimate the strength of the unions and associations. We must be pragmatic enough to understand that all constraints cannot be done away with fully (and always) with the fighting strength of the unions. There are other factors involved. (3) Due to this uncertainty, even DOT feels (subjected to be approval of nodal ministries/departments) pension revision should be delinked from pay revision. DOT feels, pay revision is uncertain under certain situation, but pension revision cannot be resisted for long. For pay revision, MTNL/BSNL will have to pay from their earnings, but pension & pension revision is the liability of DOT/Govt. (4) Then there is a contention that CPC for CG employees and CG pensioners who are linked to CDA pay scales and not for those who are on IDA pay scales or retired from IDA pay scales. This statement is now partially true because a number of our pensionary claims of IDA pensioners are settled on the basis of recommendations of CPC and for this, we need not sacrifice either IDA pay scales or IDA. Only the issue of pension revision is left. Had we overwhelmed ourselves with such poor convictions at the time of absorption, we could not have achieved pension from DOT and from the Governmental civil estimates. (5) If CPC is for CDA pensioners’ pension revision, then what is there for the pension revision of IDA pensioners ? PRC does not deal with pension revision in that sense. So we demand: let there be CPC guidelines to apply for IDA pension like ours. (6) Then there is a fear that if we press for CPC, then pension will be calculated on equivalent CDA pay scales. Just to bring home this fear, the example of MTNL pension is wrongly pointed out stating that MTNL pension is calculated on BSNL pay scales. The statement is, at the least, confusing. MTNL pensioners are now getting pension from DOT and that too on MTNL pay scales. MTNL pays to DOT only pension contribution. Beyond that MTNL does not (or, not in a position to) pay. (7) I consciously avoid to bring MTNL matter into discussion at this stage to avoid avoidable confusions in this debate. Because DOT’s present proposal for delinking is only for BSNL Why to bring MTNL matters at this stage? (8) It is no body’s contention to plead for CDA pay scale & CD allowances. We should not play this as a ghost in the dark room. Ghost can be tackled appropriately when confronted in actuality. (9) One important aspect of CGHS entitlement of BSNL/MTNL pensioners is being lost sight of. Initially the entitlement of CGHS for BSNL/MTNL pensioners were denied on the ground that they are IDA pensioners. But Govt. had to concede the fact that BSNL/MTNL pensioners draw the pension from the same civil estimates as the CDA pensioners do. Thus BSNL/MTNL pensioners are made entitled to CGHS benefits as CDA pensioners. Please note that BSNL/MTNL employees are not entitled for this, as their wages are not paid from civil estimates of Govt. of India. The amount of one time contributions for life time CGHS benefits of BSNL/MTNL pensioners were calculated keeping their IDA pay scales into account. This may be a good pointer in the direction of IDA pensioners to get pay revision as per CPC even though pension contributions are calculated on IDA pay scales. (10) Then on the question of “easily achievable”, some feel that pension revision following PRC can be achieved easily. If so, why it is not possibly done so during last 2 years. Moreover, we want easy solution or permanent solution ? My point is, why to burden ourselves by anticipating what Govt. may say or may not? Why to take the side of Govt. to plead what are the problems on Govt. side ? Let us leave those to the Govt. at this stage. Let us concentrate on what should be our DEMAND that, on achievement, will solve our problem fully and once for all. If our pension revision is a knotty issue, who is responsible for this? We need not be apologetic or unduly defensive to put up our right DEMAND. LET US JOIN AS ONE WITH ONE VOICE AND ON SAME JUSTIFICATIONS. FALL OUT ? WE SHALL SEE TO IT AS AND WHEN IT APPEARS. = M. K. BAGCHI, Convener / United Forum Delhi |
18/12/2018: UNITED FORUM NEWS: A Press Conference was convened by the United Forum, Mumbai today at Telephone House, Prabhadevi. A press note was released by Shri Bhai Jagdap, the Chairman of United Forum of MTNL, Mumbai & Delhi. Please CLICK HERE to view the Press Note. |
15/12/2018: News from CBMPA (Committee of BSNL / MTNL Pensioners Associations): Sri. P. Gangadhara Rao Convenor of CBMPA has written to Sri. E.V. Eapen Secretary of Department of Pension requesting for Revision of Pension of BSNL and MTNL Pensioners as per 7th CPC, giving full justifications. Please see the letter dated 14/12/2018 HERE. |
14/12/2018: CBMPA NEWS: Committee of BSNL and MTNL Pensioners Associations has written to Member (S), DoT regarding Revision of Pension of BSNL and MTNL Pensioners. Please see the letter HERE.. |
10/12/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: T Today we (K. Jawahar, B.R.Pathak, J.S.Yadav and K.P.Ravindrakumar) met GM (Fin) and discussed the following issues: 1.1. Payment of arrears of benefit of additional 5% IDA and recalculation of pensionary benefits to those Pensioners retired after 01/01/2018 :- GM (Fin) said that orders from corporate office is awaited. 2. Delay in payment of Leave encashment :- We insisted the Leave Encashment should be paid within a week after retirement. GM (Fin) said that he will look into the issue. 3. Delay in processing of Pension :- GM (Fin) said there will not be any delay on MTNL side. The present delay is due to the time taken for modification in the system regarding 5% additional DA. 4. Recalculation of pension and drawal of arrears to those retired prior to 01/04/2014 but time bound promotion / settlement of pay anomaly or disciplinary case after retirement :- GM (Fin) said that the system modification regarding drawal of arrears needs to be done by Delhi FMS. 5. Delay in settlement of Pension of Voluntary Retired pensioners :- GM (Fin) assured that there will be no delay on MTNL side. The meeting concluded with thanks to GM (Fin). |
11/12/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on 10/12/2018. The details of discussions with GM Fin were elaborated by GS. Recent developments in Revision of Pension and other issues were discussed. Decided to pursue the issues aggressively. Decided to participate in the Press Meet that is being organised by United Forum Mumbai. Decided to assign the responsibility of accounting of all receipts to Asst. Treasurer. Meeting concluded thereafter. --RTOWA Mumbai |
09/12/2018: Message of from RTOWA Mumbai: We are privileged to convey the message of Executive Committee of RTOWA Mumbai. Dear Sisters and Brothers, We are all one. Pensioners of BSNL and MTNL are siblings of one big family.... that is Central Government Pensioners. DoT is the parent of the pensioners of both BSNL and MTNL. We all were recruited by Government, that is DOT. We all are governed by the same pension rules Rule 37A. Both AI BSNL PWA and RTOWA Mumbai demand pension revision as per 7th CPC. So RTOWA Mumbai stands with AI BSNL PWA to safeguard all the common interests of pensioners of MTNL and BSNL. Revision of pension is our common issue. We all belong to a distinct category among the Central Government pensioners. What is our distinct category? We are "Central Government Pensioners but our Pension is on Combined service based on PSU pay and IDA". Because of our pension on PSU Scale of pay, it is said that the pension revision should be with reference to pay revision as per 3rd PRC. But we firmly hold the view that we are entitled to pension revision as per 7th CPC. Revision of pension is the right of the pensioners. This right to revision of pension has been given by Supreme Court. Supreme Court has stated that "pay revision and pension revision are inseparable". Now a question arises. Our pension revision is inseparable with whose pay revision? Is it the pay revision of employees of BSNL/MTNL, or the pay revision of employees of Central Government? We hold the view that our pension revision is inseparable with the pay revision of Central Government employees. The reasons are as under :- 1. Our pensionable service is a combination of Government service and PSU service. MTNL and BSNL have relinquished their responsibility to pay pension by paying pension contribution to Central Government. 2. To be inseparable, there must be employees with same pensionary terms. All employees of BSNL and MTNL who are governed by same pensionary terms will superannuate within next few years. So the inseparability of our pension revision is with the pay revision of Central government employees who are governed by the same pensionary terms. Then the question arises. Why pension revision was done as per 2nd PRC on 01/01/2007? Our view is, it should have been done as per 6th CPC. Another question arises....how to deal with the anomaly or imbalance of in pension between those retire after 01/01/2017 and retired prior to 01/01/2017. There are different ways to deal with this issue. This anomaly cannot be the reason to deny pension revision as per 7th CPC. RTOWA Mumbai appeals to all Unions and Associations of BSNL and MTNL to raise the demand in one voice ......PENSION REVISION SHOULD BE AS PER 7th CPC….. Unity Zindabad.
08/12/2018: Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai has written to Secretary (T) regarding Revision of Pension. Please see the letter HERE. The present status of "PENSION REVISION" is that DoT has written to Dept. of P&PW regarding delinking of Pay Revision and Pension Revision of BSNL pensioners alone. MTNL Pensioners have been left out. There is no mention about fitment method, that is 3rd PRC or 7th CPC in DoT's letter to Dept. of P&PW. |
06/12/2018: NEWS FROM UFORUM DELHI : Latest position in regard to the move in Pension Revision: The Office-bearers of Telecom Executive Association of MTNL Shri A.K. Kaushik, GS /TEAM and Rajiv Kumar, Acting GS/ TEAM accompanied by Shri M.K. Bagchi, Convener / United Forum have met the concerned officers of DOT on 4th. And 5th. December, 2018 to discuss about the pension revision of BSNL and the pension ( on combined services basis ) revision of MTNL. They along with Shri Prahlad Rai and Shri Shiv Kumar, GS and President of AIBSNLEA respectively have also met on 05/12/2018 the concerned officers of DOP&PW in this connection. The information gathered and precise position of the issue ascertained by us are as follows :- (1) Whatever move taken by DOT so far is only in respect of pension revision of BSNL pensioners. The pension revision of MTNL pensioners (combined services) is not taken together in the present move because, as per DOT, MTNL pension is not same as BSNL pension. Because, as per DOT, the full liability of BSNL pension is now borne by DOT where as a part of MTNL pension is the liability of MTNL even though DOT pays the full amount of pension. This is because, as per DOT, some of the pay scales of MTNL are higher than those in BSNL and the equalization is expected to be done during the currency of 3rd. PRC. To our points of opposition, it is clarified that DOT wants to avoid any complication at this stage by combining MTNL issue which can be tackled conveniently latter once BSNL issue is “through”. (2) Till so far, DOT has sent a note to DOP&PW soliciting to know whether it is permissible to consider the issue of pension revision delinking it from the issue of pay revision. (3) DOT will consider the next step i.e. fitment aspect of pension revision only after approval of policy proposal of delinking pension revision from pay revision. Even though in the course of discussion our proposal applying the fitment factor of 7th. CPC was figured, it is apparently clear that the concerned officers of DOT are yet to decide their minds in this respect. They prefer to take a call in this respect only after the issue related to delinking is approved. --M.K. Bagchi, Convener / United Forum Delhi. |
04/12/2018: RTOWA Mumbai has requested Secretary (T) to process the proposal for Revision of Pension of BSNL and MTNL Pensioners together. Please see the letter HERE. |
03/12/2018: Views of AIBSNL PWA :- MAINTAIN UNITY AND MOVE AHEAD CAUTIOUSLY: Different types of news are coming about today’s talks between the Minister and AUAB leaders. We need not jump into any conclusion without seeing the official minutes. However, 1. We can confidently say that there is a positive shift in the attitude of Minister and DOT towards our pension revision. This is welcome. 2. Pay Revision in BSNL may take some more time. But, before that, the DoT may move the file for pension revision. So, DoT admits that pension revision can be done without Pay Revision. Good. It is the result of massive Fast all over the country on 22-11-2018 and the unity of BSNL/MTNL pensioners and formation of Committee of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners’ Associations (CBMPA). 3. We do not know what will be the proposal from DoT. We must wait to ascertain. Even if DoT proposes delinking pension revision from pay revision DoPW has to approve it. Then the proposal has to be approved by other nodal ministries/departments also. Then only the DOT will prepare the cabinet note and submit to the Cabinet. These procedures cannot be avoided. It should happen before Lok Sabha elections are announced. 4. We must continue our efforts to get Pension revision with CPC fitment benefits; not only for BSNL but for the MTNL pensioners also. 5. We should not criticize anybody for posting their views/understandings in the whatsapp groups. Some may be their desire or dreams. Some may be assumptions or presumptions. 6. We are thankful to AUAB for raising the issue of pension revision delinking from Pay Revision. 7. Same time, we should strengthen our unity and organize further programmes under the banner of the new united forum- CBMPA. 8. We have placed a new unique demand. It is a new concept; it is a new path. It is not that easy to get something new approved by the authorities. 9. Wait patiently; Work consistently and unitedly. We have to cross many a hurdles. 10. Victory will be of BSNL and MTNL pensioners; not of one leader or one. organization. --P.S.Ramankutti President AIBSNL PWA |
28/11/2018: News from Committee of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners' Associations(CBMPA): A letter was addressed to Smt. Aruna Sundararajan Secretary (T), signed by all the constituent Associations, regarding Revision of Pension. Please see the letter HERE. |
27/11/2018: CIRCULAR NO.2/2018 :- CHQ of AIBSNL PWA has issued Circular No. 2/2018 dated 26/11/2018. This Circular gives information on all recent activities of AIBSNL PWA. Formation of CBMPA, pursuit on pension revision etc. are given in detail in the Circular. Please see HERE the Circular. |
27/11/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Benefit of 5% IDA to those retired prior to 01/01/2018 :- DoT has called for information from MTNL Corporate office regarding financial implications with break-up of liability of DoT and MTNL. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
26/11/2018: NEWS FROM CHQ TEAM: Today the office bearers of Telecom Executives’ Association of MTNL (TEAM) have attended a pre-scheduled meeting with Shri Ravi Kant, Member (Services) / DOT. S/ Shri A K Kaushik, Rajiv Kumar and Ajay Gupta accompanied by Shri M K Bagchi ( UF/ Delhi) have discussed the following issues with Member ( Services ) :- 1) Merger of MTNL & BSNL. 2) Merger of left over DA (4.4%) with basic pay as on 01/01/2007 and giving effect to total 78.2% DA neutralisation and arrange immediate payment to the employees and pensioners of MTNL. 3) Pay revision of MTNL employees without any regard to the “affordability” clause as recommended by 3rd. PRC. 4) Revision of Govt. pension of BSNL and MTNL pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2017 delinking with the issue of pay revision and by application of fitment factor as prescribed by the 7th CPC. As regards merger of MTNL & BSNL, Member (Services) observes that the issue is still under active consideration. He opined that this has more complicated with the passages of time. As regards merger of left over portion of DA of 4.4% with basic pay, he has patiently heard our view points and assured that he will get this thoroughly examined and then will give his opinion. He has taken a note of this. As regards Pay Revision in MTNL without “affordability” clause, he agrees that the employees cannot be held responsible for present loss of revenue and financial distress of MTNL. He observes that something is on move on BSNL side and the result of that is expected to impact the prospect of pay revision in MTNL. As regards pension revision on the basis of recommendations of 7th. CPC, we have put forth our viewpoints in details. He says that this matter is currently debated in DOT. Various options are being weighed before finalising the proposal to be sent to the nodal departments. To this we pointed out that no ad-hoc measure will solve this satisfactorily. The policy that ensures delinking pay revision as the precondition of pay revision and thereby application of fitment formulas for pension revision as prescribed by 7th. CPC is the only way to get sustained, uniform and fair solution to this problem. Member (Service) appears to be still sceptic in this regard. We have told him to examine our points carefully and that we shall meet him again. The meeting concluded with thanks to Member (S). --A.K. Kaushik, G.S., TEAM-CHQ, MTNL. |
26/11/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Status of Life Certificates :- As gathered from AO PDA, the Life Certificates received up to today morning are being updated in the pension system. Pension for November-2018 will be drawn for all these pensioners. The list will be uploaded on "pensioner.mtnl.in” as well as “rtowambi.in” by tomorrow (27/11/2018). In total 14588 pensioners out of about 17000 have submitted life certificates so far. Out of them about 12000 pensioners have submitted Jeevan Pramaan online. ********************************* CGHIS DATE EXTENSION: The last date for submission of application for CGHIS (Medical insurance scheme) is extended up to 30/11/2018. About 9000 pensioners have neither enrolled in CGHS nor in CGHIS. Please spread the information among all pensioners if not enrolled, it is likely that they may not be covered under any scheme of medical facility for ever. --RTOWA Mumbai |
23/11/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: The last date for submission of CGHIS application was 15/11/2018. It is learnt that only about 6500 pensioners have applied for CGHIS out of about 15000 pensioners. (who had not applied to CGHS). It implies that about 9000 pensioners have neither applied for CGHS nor for CGHIS. So RTOWA has taken up the issue to extend the date to apply for CGHIS up to 31/12/2018. Please see the letter HERE. |
HUNGER STRIKE-22/11/2018 - P
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22/11/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Successful whole day Fasting (Hunger Protest) and Dharna was held today at Telephone House Dadar. About 500 pensioners of MTNL and BSNL participated. Speeches were given by Com. H.S.Upadhyay, Com. Virendra Singh, Com.J.J. Mathias, Com. T.L.Gaikwad, Com. R.G.Choube, Com.G.N. Haragabal, Com.P.K. Kulkarni, Com. S.G.Pawar, Com. K.P. Ravindrakumar, Com. S.M.Sawant, Com. Dilip Jagtap, Com. G.B. Yadav, Com.Achrekar, Com. M. Narender, Com. J. S Yadav, and Com. K. Jawahar. All the speakers presented the issues from different angle. The dharna and hunger protest were successfully completed with vote of thanks by Com.N.V.Mahajan. Copy of a joint letter addressed to Mrs.Aruna Sundararajan Secretary (T) was handed over to ED MTNL Mumbai. To view the letter please CLICK here. For Photos Click Here. --RTOWA / MPWA / AIBSNL PWA TF Br. |
20/11/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: Today we (K. Jawahar, Sri. B.R.Pathak and Sri. J. S. Yadav) met CMD and ED. The following issues were discussed. 1) Orders to process the cases of those retired from 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018 to grant 5% IDA. benefit in pensionary benefits. CMD said that instructions will be issued soon. 2) Concessional rent to CGHS to open new wellness centres at MTNL premises specifically at Thane and Borivali. CMD assured that MTNL will give full support to CGHS in letting out its premises for opening new wellness centres. 3) To take over Powai complex from BSNL. 4) Unlawful maintenance charges levied by BSNL amounting to lakhs of rupees from MTNL employees and pensioners who occupied Quarters under the control of BSNL. 3) and 4) : CMD said that a meeting will take place soon with CGM BSNL MH Circle and DoT in this regard. Extension of date for Application to CGHIS:- After meeting CMD, we met DGM (IR). We requested him to extend the last date for submission of CGHIS Application form up to 15/12/2018. RTOWA will pursue this issue with Corporate Office. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA. |
10 AM to 5 PM on 22/11/2018 AT TELEPHONE HOUSE DADAR
All Pensioners of MTNL and BSNL are requested to participate.
15/11/2018: ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING: Today RTOWA Mumbai's 10th AGB was held. More than 250 members participated. Members of Co-ordination Committee from RTOWA Delhi attended GB and Open House. Annual report and Audited Accounts were adopted. Resolutions to fight for 78.2% and Revision of Pension were passed. Constitution was amended creating one more post of Vice President, one post of Jt.G.S. and three more posts of Organising Secretaries. Sri. A. A. Ardhalkar was nominated as Internal Auditor. Sri. S.R. Patil & Co was re-appointed as Statutory Auditor for the year 2018-19. The house was adjourned after 4 pm for elections. The house was reconvened at 5 pm after the Open House. Our ex-president Sri. Chincholkar was Election Officer. All office bearers and EC members were elected unanimously. President, Vice Presidents, GS, Jt. G.S., AGS, and Treasurer were declared to be members of Co-ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi. Open House: On behalf ED, GM (admin) was Chief Guest. Sri. G. Natarajan Vice President AIBSNL PWA, Sri. M. K. Bagchi, Sri. S. S. Nanda/ Sri. R.K.Mudgal (Leaders of Co-ordination Committee), Sri. A.C.Kumar DGM, members of Co-ordination Committee from RTOWA Delhi, Sri. M.Narender / Sri. K.S. Khadilkar (both from AIBSNL TF Branch), Sri. V.P. Bhardwaj / Sri. A. K. Kapoor (both on behalf Sri. A. K. Kaushik) from Delhi, Sri. S.M. Sawant/Sri.Pawar (both from MPWA), Sri. S.G. Chaube President TEAM, Sri. J. J. Mathias President MEA, Sri. G.P. Yadav CS MEA, were the honourable guests. Sri. R.G. Choube compered the session. After welcome speech by President, Key Note address was delivered by our GS. All the dignitaries delivered excellent speeches covering all the issues such as Revision of Pension, 78.2%, orders on 5%, Medical facilities, FMA etc. The emphasis was on Unity of all Unions and Associations to fight for all common causes. Sri. S.V. Gajam VP gave vote of thanks. Meeting of Co-Ordination Committee: After the Open Session, Co- Ordination Committee of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi was convened. The different views on the approach to the issues were frankly exchanged. It was agreed to strengthen the co-ordination between both the Associations. The day ended with the happy note of successful sessions of AGB, Open House and Co-ordination Committee. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA Mumbai. |
14/11/2018: MEETING WITH SHRI ARVIND SAWANT M.P. Yesterday (13/11/2018) we met Sri. Arvindji Sawant M.P. and submitted a letter seeking his support as well as requesting him to take up the issue of "Revision of Pension as per 7th CPC". After discussions he assured positively. Please see the letter HERE. --K. Jawahar, President. |
14/11/2018: Meeting with Addl.Director CGHS : We (K. Jawahar, Sri. J.S.Yadav, Sri. RavindraKumar and Sri. S.M. Sawant GS MPWA) met Dr. (Mrs.) Ailawadi Additional Director CGHS Mumbai on 09/11/2018. The following issues were discussed. 1. Wellness centre at Thane: - Proposal sent to Delhi for approval. 2. At Borivali: - We insisted to start preliminary work which was agreed. 3. At Dombivali / Kalyan: - These places are outside the jurisdiction and will be taken up after Thane and Borivali. 4. Efforts are on to empanel more multi-speciality hospitals such as Apollo Hospital Belapur and Hinduja hospital. 5. Approval of Rates of 2018 is in pipeline. On release of rates for 2018, efforts will be made to empanel more number of speciality hospitals. Additional Director heard all other issues such as examination of patients by Doctors, prescriptions, issuing medicines for one month in chronic illness etc. RTOWA will continuously pursue all these issues. --K.Jawahar, President. |
13/11/2018: RTOWA Mumbai NEWS: Last date for submission of Application to enrol in CGHIS (Insurance Medical Scheme) is 15/11/2018. If application is not submitted by 15/11/2018, MTNL says that the pensioner is not entitled to any medical facility forever. Those who have joined CGHS or already submitted application for CGHIS may please ignore this message. --President RTOWA Mumbai. |
12/11/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Dear Members, Please see below the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31/03/2018. These accounts will be presented at our AGB on 15/11/2018 for adoption. The accounts are in the statutory format and audited by Chartered Accountant. Please feel free to ask for any clarifications. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA Mumbai. |
04/11/2018: HUNGER STIKE ON 22/11/2018: AI BSNL PWA, MPWA and RTOWA MUMBAI Jointly hold Day long Hunger Protest and Demonstrations On 22/11/2018 at Telephone House, Dadar from 10 AM to 05 PM Insisting DoT to finalise the Revision of Pension w.e.f. 01/01/2017 as per 7th CPC fitment. All pensioners of BSNL/MTNL are requested to participate. Please see the notices issued by AIBSNL PWA and RTOWA/MPWA below. --NOTICE DATED 30/10/2018 OF AIBSNL PWA --NOTICE DATED 02/11/2018 OF RTOWA/MPWA ----AIBSNL PWA / MPWA/ RTOWA |
03/11/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: Our EC Meeting was held on 02/11/2018. Sri.S.M. Sawant GS MPWA also attended. The following issues were discussed. 1. Arrangements at AO PDA office, Currey Road for Life Certificate: Members expressed their satisfaction. It was decided to man the Help Desk there with two members from RTOWA/MPWA. 2. Arrangements for AGB/Open House on 15/11/2018 were discussed. 3. Abiding by the call of AIBSNL PWA, decided to hold the day long Dharna / Hunger Protest on 22/11/2018 jointly with MPWA and Mumbai Circle/Branch of AIBSNL PWA. 4. Maintenance of website and Updation of List of Members were also discussed. The meeting ended thereafter. -- K.Jawahar, President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
02/11/2018: AGB-2018 NOTICE: The Annual General Body Meeting for the year 2018 and Open House Session will be held on 15/11/2018. All members are requested to attend the meeting. Non-members are also requested to attend the AGB on payment of Life Subscription at the Venue. Please CLICK HERE to view the notice dated 30/10/2018. |
02/11/2018: LIFE CERTIFICATE NEWS: Life certificate can be given in two modes i.e. online or manual. ONLINE MODE: At CCA Office or At Jeevan Pramaan Centres or self arrangement. No need to send or post printout to AOPDA if given at Jeevan Pramaan Centres. But keep the printout. MANUAL MODE: Get attested by any prescribed authority viz. Your Bank Manager, Gazetted Officer, Postmaster, Inspector of Police etc. Send to or submit at 3rd Floor AO PDA's office without waiting in Que. OR Submit it at nearby Area office (Admin section) of MTNL. Please choose your convenient mode. Pension for November-2018 will be drawn if the LC is updated in the system by 20/11/2018. If LC is given after 20/11/2018, pension will be drawn in arrears in the month in which LC is updated in the system. Arrangements at AO PDA office at CurreyRoad for Life Certificate :- Yesterday (01/11/2018) myself, Sri.J.S.Yadav and Sri.M.R. Dixit visited. Online is at 2nd Floor. There are 10 desks. Acceptance of manual certificate is at 3rd Floor. Pandal is put on ground floor. About 400 chairs are also provided. Water and Tea are given. Different colours of plastic token is given. Each colour has 100 tokens. At a time 25 pensioners according to token numbers of a specific colour is allowed to go to 2nd floor. Others can sit and wait under shade. Yesterday at AO PDA office, 1147 pensioners have given LC through Jeevan Pramaan online and 59 pensioners submitted manual LC. The online output is @ 140 per hour. This proves excellent arrangements and dedication of staff and officers The date wise allocation has been ignored, so pensioners can go on any day. Sundays and holidays are closed. Please reach there before 4 pm. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA. |
01/11/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: Manual Life Certificate attested by any prescribed authority (Gazetted officer, Bank manager etc.) may be submitted directly to AO PDA Office at 3rd floor (exclusive desk) without any waiting OR at any nearby Area Office of MTNL. Please CLICK HERE to view the DGM(IR) Letter. ******************************************************** Online Jeevan Pramaan--- Right inputs :- Right information needs to be fed. Wrong information generates invalid LC i.e. it cannot be retrieved by AO PDA for updation in his Pension data base. The following is the right input :- Name :- As per PPO. PPO No. :- As per DoT PPO – For Example- PPO12345. Type of pension :- Service. (All combined service pensioners including family pensioners) Sanctioning Authority :- TELECOM. Disbursing Agency :- DOT. Agency :- CCA Mumbai. Account No.:- Bank Account number in which pension is received. Email :- it is optional. Those who wish to give LC through Jeevan Pramaan online at Jeevan Pramaan centres may please take note of.
31/10/2018: THE DATEWISE ALLOCATION OF PPONos/PCNos FOR GIVING LC AT CURREY ROAD OFFICE: Date wise Allocation: DATE. PC NO./PPO No. NOV'18. 1. 30001--31000 2. 31001--32000 3. 32001--33000 70301--70600 5. 33001--34000 70601--71000 6 34001--35000 71001--71300 8. 35001--36000 71301--71600 9. 36001--37000 71601--72000 10. 37001--38000 72001--72400 12. 38001--39000 72401--72700 13. 39001--40000 72401--72900 14. 40001--41000 72901--73100 15. 41001--42284 73101--73800 16. 73801--75700
RTOWA APPEALS to all pensioners to try to adhere to the date schedule to go to Curreyroad office to give LC. The purpose is to help the pensioners to minimise the waiting time and to reduce the pressure on the staff and officers of CCA office. So please co-operate. However if anyone is pre engaged on the specified date he/she can go on the date of his/her convenience. RTOWA sent the following request to CCA: “Respected Madam, Life Certificate:- Pensioners have been staggered PPO number wise to come to Curreyroad office on a specific date. This SMS is not received by many pensioners. Without knowing the staggering, pensioners may come on a different date than his/her allotted date. RTOWA requests that no one should be turned back. All pensioners whoever comes to Curreyroad office should be attended to. --K. Jawahar President RTOWA Mumbai.” Smt. V. G. Mishra CCA replied as follows:- “Yes, no one will be turned back.” |
28/10/2018: RTOWA MEMBERS’ DIRECTORY: Dear Friends, Please see the list of members in PDF format, with Receipt No., Staff no. Designation at retirement, Mobile no., address etc. compiled by Sri. Ravindrakumar our EC Member. He has taken so much efforts and spent considerable time to compile this list. Of course there will be corrections, additions and deletions; the process of updation is a continuous process. All members are requested to see the list and inform corrections, additions, deletions etc. on whatsapp. Members may give suggestions for improving the list. Those who have not become members are requested to become members. To view the List please CLICK HERE. --K. Jawahar, President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
23/10/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: Today Shri K. Jawahar President and Shri B.R.Pathak Secretary discussed the following issues with Sri. Panchal ACAO and Sri. M. Dhuri AO PDA of CCA office at Currey Road Telephone Exchange. 1.Life Certificate :- Pensioners may carry copy of PPO, Aadhaar Card and mobile phone to AO PDA office Currey Road Telephone Exchange. There will be 10 desks with biometric scanner and PC at 2nd floor, AO PDA office. Life Certificate will be generated through Jeevan Praman website with Aadhaar card and biometric scanner. This process may take a few minutes. So arrangements are being done to erect pandal at ground floor for pensioners to rest. Tokens will be issued. Online Jeevan Praman has two processes viz. Registration and Biometric scanning. In Registration OTP to mobile number is involved. The Registration is an one time process for lifetime. Besides there will be desks to attest life certificate manually as well as to accept LC attested by other authorities. The office of AO PDA will open at 10 am daily; Sundays and holidays are closed; All Saturdays are open. Pensioners are requested to reach there by 4 pm latest. SMS confirmation will be given after updating of LC in the system. 2. Status of PPO of current year :- PPOs have been issued for retirees up to June-2018. Please contact pension section for confirmation before going to collect PPO. Commutation has been paid to retirees up to 31/07/2018. 3.FMA :- Instructions from DoT have not been received. 4.Pension with additional 5% (2.96%) IDA for those retiring from 31/08/2018:- Modification in the system is being done. 5.Retired prior to 01/04/2014 but pay anomaly etc. settled after 01/04/2014 :- Software modification to draw arrears is being tested. |
19/10/2018: LIFE CERTIFICATE – 2018: Some Instructions given in the AO PDA's letter regarding Life Certificate are as under :- 1. Life certificate as usual may be given at office of AO PDA 3rd Floor, Currey Road Telephone exchange from 01/11/2018. 2. The office timings are from 9.30 am to 6 pm. 3. Currey Road office will remain open on all Saturdays also. 4. Closed on all Sundays and holidays on 07/11/2018, 21/11/2018 and 23/11/2018. 5. Life certificate will be collected also at all Area offices of MTNL on forward transmission to O/O AO (PDA). Please see the letters issued by AO (PDA) and DGM (Pension-MTNL) HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
18/10/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: Yesterday (17/10/2018) Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held. Discussions and decisions are as under. 1. Delay in PPO and payment of pensionary benefits:- Letter written to CCA and GM Finance. 2. Life Certificate:- The arrangements that are being made at CCA Office at Currey Road were discussed. 3. Decided to meet CCA and Addl. Director CGHS next week to discuss the procedure for claiming FMA. 4. AI BSNL PWA has given a call for one day hunger strike on 22/11/2018 demanding revision of pension based on 7th CPC. RTOWA will launch this agitation at Mumbai jointly with MPWA and pensioners Associations of BSNL. 5. Arrangements for AGB and Open Session on 15/11/2018 were discussed. Agenda, invitees, menu for lunch etc. were decided. 6. Modalities for updating the list of members for printing directory of members as on 31/10/2018 were discussed. The directory will be released at Open Session on 15/11/2018. 7. Decided to amend the constitution creating the additional posts of office bearers. --President RTOWA Mumbai |
17/10/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: As per rules all pensionary benefits should be paid as well as PPO should be issued on the date of retirement. Reiterating this Department of P&PW has issued an OM dated 01/08/2017. At Mumbai, significant delay in payment of pensionary benefits as well as issue of PPOs is still prevailing despite RTOWA's continuous pursuit of this issue. RTOWA has again taken up this issue with CCA Mumbai and GM (Fin) MTNL. Please see the letter and the said OM below: --OM dated 01/08/2017 – PAGE-1 PAGE-2 --RTOWA Letter to CCA dated 17/10/2018 --President RTOWA Mumbai. |
15/10/2018: RTOWA NEWS: The post of Director (Finance) which was vacant (looked after by CMD himself) for a couple of years is now filled up. Shri. M. Vijay Joshi has assumed the office of Director(Fin.) of MTNL on 8/10/2018. RTOWA welcomes him and wishes him success in his new assignment. |
13/10/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: The Quarterly Meeting with Associations was convened by CGHS at CGHS Head Quarters on 12/10/2018. RTOWA was represented by Shri. Badri Pathak GS and Sri. Ravindra Kumar. Following items were Discussed:- 1) Opening of New Wellness Centres:- Thane Cherai :- MTNL has forwarded the papers for letting out space to CGHS. It will be sent by CGHS to Ministry of Health for approval shortly. Deonar Welness Centre will be reopened shortly after repairs, and hence the proposal to shift it to Chembur is dropped. Proposal for opening Borivali wellness centre will be initiated soon. 2) Revision of Rates: Super speciality hospital charges as in 2010 rate list are higher than the rate list of Government Hospital Rates of 2018. Hence Ministry is not in a mood to revise the rates right now. Matter to be taken up with Ministry. 3) Delay in bill settlement:- Daily around 500 bills are received by CGHS Mumbai for reimbursement of expenses on emergency treatments at Private Hospitals. Hence settlements of bills are likely to be delayed around 4 to 5 months. 4) To consult specialist Doctors at Polyclinics at Antop Hill and Church Gate, reference from concerned wellness centre is required. 5) Since there is no Polyclinic at Western Suburbs, Associations requested to post MD level Doctor at the proposed Borivali Wellness centre. CGHS will consider the request. All the above issues will be pursued by RTOWA. |
11/10/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: MTNL Corporate has informed the following (in brief) to Stock Exchanges. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of MTNL was held on 28/09/18 at New Delhi. Important resolutions passed are as under :- 1. To raise borrowing powers of Company from Rs.18000 crores to Rs.25000 crores. 2. To approve issue of non convertible debentures on private placement basis. 3. To increase authorised capital from Rs.800 crores to Rs.10000 crores. 4. To reappoint the following Directors as their tenure is over. a. Sri. Sunilkumar b. Smt. Tikala Lynda Yaden 5. To appoint the following independent Directors. a. Smt. Chinmay Basu b. Sri. K. B. Gokulchandran c. Smt. G. Padmaja Reddy d. Smt. Suneeta Trivedi Financial Statements and Audit Reports were adopted. Please CLICK HERE to see the source of above information. --President RTOWA Mumbai |
06/10/2018: RTOWA Mumbai APPEALS to all Pensioners (except CGHS Card holders) to apply for CGHIS (Medical Insurance Scheme) . If applied late the existing CGHIS Card holders will not get coverage from 01/10/2018 to the date of application. New applicants will get coverage one month after the enrolment of application. So please apply for it immediately. For details please see website "pensioner.mtnl.in" or "rtowambi.in" under news dated 25/09/2018 --RTOWA Mumbai |
05/10/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: On 04/10/2018, a meeting of VRS Pensioners was convened. Sri. S.S. Nanda GS RTOWA Delhi, narrated the steps that are to be taken before seeking legal remedy to get the pensionary benefits of time bound promotion denied to them. EC RTOWA Mumbai in its next meeting will discuss this issue and chalk out the forward path. --President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
04/10/2018: RTOWA Delhi / Mumbai News: Regarding 5% IDA case and Pension Revision - Sh. R.K. Mudgal AGS RTOWA Delhi along with Sh Anupam Kaul AGS AIBSNLPWA had a meeting with DDG (Estt) & Director (Estt) DOT on 03/10/2018 to discuss the issues of MTNL retirees and Pension revision of MTNL/ BSNL retirees. The issues discussed in the meeting- 1. 5 % IDA neutralization - DDG (Estt) told that DOT is seriously pursuing the case of MTNL retirees for 5% IDA neutralization. They informed that after gathering all the required reports and data from the concerned CCA Units of Delhi & Mumbai, his office has prepared a final report on the issue. Now, it will be submitted to the PSU unit of DoT for further process. 2. Revision of CGHS rates in Mumbai Hospitals – Association Representatives told that in Mumbai, Hospitals are operating with old CGHS rates of 2010 because of that no big hospital having super specialty facility is ready to be empanelled with CGHS. A very few small hospitals are empanelled in far flung areas. MTNL pensioners are facing lot of problems for getting indoor medical treatment. Association Representatives also told that MTNL CO has written a letter to DoT to take up the issue with CGHS authorities. DDG (Estt.) said that he is not aware of any such letter. He will look into the case & take up with concerned authorities. 3. MTNL Mumbai pensioners holding residential Quarter of BSNL – Association Representatives raised the issue of withholding of Rs. 1 Lakh from the terminal benefits of the MTNL retirees who are having residential Qtrs. of BSNL. The matter has been discussed with MTNL Management & the concerned officers of DoT many times. Dir (Estt) told that DDG(SR) is handling this case. Already a committee has been constituted which is working out a solution to the issue. 4. Pension Revision of Combined Service Pensioners of MTNL/BSNL – DDG (Estt.) told that his office has already sent the required report to the higher ups for considering the case. DOP&PW has raised some query, the reply of which is being prepared. ************************************************* On 04-10-2018 – Sh. R.K. Mudgal AGS had a telephonic discussion with Director (Estt) DOT on the pension revision issue. He told that they were asked by the Honourable Minister to put the case and give the rule position. They have given the details of the case including the rule position, details of pension revised wef 01-01-2007. Further decision is to be taken at the Ministerial level. |
01/10/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai: CGHS Rates for treatment are not revised since 2010. As the rates are low, multispeciality hospitals are not coming forward for empanelment. United Forum Mumbai has taken up the issue with Ministry of Health. |
9/09/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: EC Meeting was held on 27/09/2018. Sri. J.S. Yadav narrated about the Conference of AI BSNL PWA that took place at Puri on 22/09/2018 and 23/09/2018. |
EC Meeting was held on 27/09/2018. Sri. J.S. Yadav narrated about the Conference of AI BSNL PWA that took place at Puri on 22/09/2018 and 23/09/2018. The following decisions were taken after discussions. 1. To postpone AGB to middle of November-2018. 2. To launch one day hunger strike (date to be decided) along with AI BSNL PWA for pension revision as per 7th CPC. 3. To participate in the proposed National Convention to be held at Delhi for Revision of Pension. 4. To hold a meeting of VRS Pensioners on 04/10/2018 to discuss about filing court case for time bound promotion. 5. To print a directory of members, to be released at AGB. Sri. Ravindrakumar has been assigned the task to compile details about all members. 6. To intensify the pursuit of 5% additional IDA for pensioners (monetary effect from 01/01/2018). The meeting ended thereafter. --K. Jawahar President RTOWA. |
29/09/2018: News from AI BSNL PWA : AIC NEWS AND DECISIONS PURI AIC NEWS DATED 26/09/2018: ODISHA, a small circle in size, but high in spirit, hosted our big All India Conference at a small place, Puri. Ø Red Alert warning about a cyclone on coastal Odisha gave added burden to the hosts. With that fear and apprehension only we started the conference. But, the cyclone simply crossed over Odisha and got weakened. There were some showers and strong wind on 20th September. Ø 1228 Delegates from 22 circles registered and participated in the conference. In addition, about 450 comrades from Odisha branches also attended the AIC. Ø The conference adopted the Report and accounts unanimously. 49 delegates and some of the Central officers participated in the debate. MAIN CONCERN: The delegates from every circle expressed serious concern over non-allotment of funds by BSNL for paying medical allowance and reimbursement under BSNLMRS, practically negating the order for restoration of allowance for pensioners. GENERAL APPROVAL: All the delegates who participated in the Debate approved and supported the right demand for Pension Revision with fitment factor suggested by Seventh CPC. MAIN DECISION OF AIC: ... AIC decided to organize mass hunger strike for one day in October/November- 2018, at all SSA headquarters demanding Pension Revision with CPC fitment factor. ... AIC decided to hold a national convention in New Delhi to draw attention of authorities on our major demand for pension revision with CPC fitment factor. We will approach other Pensioners’ organizations who agree with our demand. ... CHQ will announce the date and venue of the Convention in consultation with other organizations. ... Our members from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP East and UP West Circles should participate in the Delhi convention in largest number. Other Circles may send representatives. ... Cost for the participation will be borne by concerned SSA/Circle Units. ... CHQ will issue detailed instructions after finalizing the date, venue etc. ---P. S. Ramankutti, President AI BSNL PWA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTOWA Mumbai will launch one day hunger strike with full force; also will participate in National Convention. K. Jawahar, President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
28/09/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: IDA w.e.f. 01.10.2018 will be 135.6% i.e. an increase of 7.6%. There is no change in Price Index for the month of August-2018. |
25/09/2018: CGHIS FOR 2018-19: Orders for applying to CGHIS facility for the year 2018-19 has been issued by ED, MTNL, Mumbai today. The pensioners who are already having CGHIS cards for the year 2017-18 have to submit only ANNEXURE-G along with xerox copy of the existing card/s. Those who wish to apply afresh have to submit Annexures A, B, F and G along with copy of Aadhaar card or PAN card. Those who have enrolled with CGHS are not eligible for CGHIS. Please CLICK HERE to view the ED letter dated 25/09/2018 in this regard. |
23/09/2018: AIBSNLPWA CONFERENCE NEWS:' Shri J.S Yadav, Organisation secretary, RTOWA an'd Chairman, U/F Mumbai attended the All India BSNL Pensioners Welfare Association Conference at Puri on 22nd and 23rd September along with Shri Virendra Singh, RTOWA and presented the following views of RTWOA Mumbai in Open Session. “I am privileged to convey the message of Executive Committee of RTOWA Mumbai. Dear Sisters and Brothers, We are all one. Pensioners of BSNL and MTNL are siblings of one big family.... that is Central Government Pensioners. DoT is the parent of the pensioners of both BSNL and MTNL. We all were recruited by Government, that is DOT. We all are governed by the same pension rules, Rule 37A. Both AI BSNL PWA and RTOWA Mumbai demand pension revision as per 7th CPC. So RTOWA Mumbai stands with AI BSNL PWA to safeguard all the common interests of pensioners of MTNL and BSNL. Revision of pension is our common issue. We all belong to a distinct category among the Central Government pensioners. What is our distinct category? We are "Central Government Pensioners but our Pension is on Combined service based on PSU pay and IDA". Because of our pension on PSU Scale of pay, it is said that the pension revision should be with reference to pay revision as per 3rd PRC. But we firmly hold the view that we are entitled to pension revision as per 7th CPC. Revision of pension is the right of the pensioners. This right to revision of pension has been given by Supreme Court. Supreme Court has stated that "pay revision and pension revision are inseparable". Now a question arises. Our pension revision is inseparable with whose pay revision? Is it the pay revision of employees of BSNL/MTNL, or the pay revision of employees of Central Government? We hold the view that our pension revision is inseparable with the pay revision of Central Government employees. The reasons are as under: 1. Our pensionable service is a combination of Government service and PSU service. MTNL and BSNL have relinquished their responsibility to pay pension by paying pension contribution to Central Government. 2. To be inseparable, there must be employees with same pensionary terms. All employees of BSNL and MTNL who are governed by same pensionary terms will superannuate within next few years. So the inseparability of our pension revision is with the pay revision of Central government employees who are governed by the same pensionery terms. Then the question arises; Why pension revision was done as per 2nd PRC on 01/01/2007? Our view is, it should have been done as per 6th CPC. Another question arises, how to deal with the anomaly or imbalance of pension between those retire after 01/01/2017 and retired prior to 01/01/2017. There are different ways to deal with this issue. This anomaly cannot be the reason to deny pension revision as per 7th CPC. RTOWA Mumbai appeals to all Unions and Associations of BSNL and MTNL to raise the demand in one voice ......PENSION REVISION SHOULD BE AS PER 7th CPC. Unity Zindabad.” Also he elaborated the Two programs held in Mumbai in big way participating more than 1000 pensioners addressed by Shri A.K. Kaushik and Shri M.K. Bagchi also appealed to GS& President to invite United Forum and MPWA and all other people who are supporting 7th CPC to join hands with them. |
18/09/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: Pension Adalat:- RTOWA Mumbai's long pending demand has been fulfilled today. Pension Adalat was held today by CCA at CTO Complex, Mumbai. The Adalat was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by Mrs. V. G. Mishra CCA, Shri. Pravin Punj ED, Shri. N.S. Dhaktode GM (Fin), Jt. CCA, and Shri. S. M. Sawant GS MPWA. Shri. A.C. Kumar DGM (Pension) and other officers from DoT/ MTNL Pension Cell were also present. RTOWA was represented by Shri. J.S. Yadav Organising Secretary and Shri. Ravindra Kumar EC Member. Inaugural speeches were given by CCA, Jt. CCA, ED MTNL Mumbai. In his speech on behalf of Associations, Shri S.M. Sawant GS MPWA highlighted the need for minimising the delay in issue of PPOs and in payment of gratuity and commutation. He also stressed that payment of pension should start from the first month itself. He also requested that CCA should hold regular meetings with Associations. Mrs. Mishra CCA assured full cooperation with Associations. Then the individual pension grievances were heard/taken up. The Adalat received grievances from 35 pensioners and out of them 27 were settled. It is stated that remaining 8 cases are under correspondence with units. Shri. J.S. Yadav Organising Secretary RTOWA in his speech thanked CCA for holding Pension Adalat and assured all support from Associations. He also said that application for CGHS is to be given within three months from retirement with a copy of PPO and hence PPO should be issued within a couple of months. Shri. Pawar President of MPWA requested that CCA office may arrange to get Life Certificate from bed ridden pensioners by deputing some official to his residence. The following information were given by CCA Office:- PPOs are ready for the retirees up to 30/06/18. Pensioners may confirm as to whether his/her PPO is ready or not before going to CCA Office to collect it. Mrs. Mishra CCA assured that the website for pensioners will be refurbished soon and PPOs will be issued within three months. The long pending software programme has been prepared now for drawal of arrears of those retired prior to 01/04/2014 but after that date pay anomaly was settled or time bound promotion took place etc. After testing the software, in all such cases arrears will be drawn within a month. Some more information were also given by CCA which may be viewed by clicking the undermentioned LINKs. |
14/09/2018: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM DELHI: United Forum Delhi met Member (Services) today and discussed the following issues. 1. Implementation of partial neutralisation of 9.4% IDA to the extent of 5% to Pensioners as working employees already got it. 2. Revision of pension as per 7th CPC delinking it from 3rd PRC. 3. Waival of the affordability clause in 3rd PRC for MTNL and BSNL and implement 3rd PRC with 15% fitment for the employees of MTNL as well as BSNL w.e.f. 01/01/2017. 4. To give one more chance to pro rata pensioners to opt for combined pension. We have also discussed the issue of revival of MTNL by giving total attention on maintenance of existing network and suggested to award 5G spectrum in advance so that MTNL and BSNL can face the cut throat competition in telecom sector successfully. Member (S) heard us patiently and asked us to meet after a fortnight to review the status on all the issues. --By A K. Kaushik Asst. Convenor UF and GS TEAM.
13/09/2018: United Forum Mumbai News :- Some pensioners of MTNL, after retirement, retained the quarters under the control of BSNL for a few months. BSNL has devised a draconian rule of rent calculations for such retentions. The rent (license fee) includes HRA amount drawn while in service. A few pensioners declined to pay and represented. BSNL refuses to issue NOC to refund the withheld gratuity of Rs. One lakh pressurising the pensioners to pay the abnormal rent. The issue has been taken up by United Forum Mumbai with DoT. |
09/09/2018: News from United Forum: United Forum has taken up the issue of revision of CGHS rates at Mumbai with Director CGHS at Health Ministry. Please see the letter: Page-1 Page-2 |
31/08/2018: IDA from 01/10/2018 :- All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers –AICPI (IW) for July 2018 has risen by TEN points to 301. If Index for August 18 also remains at 301 or 300 or even 299 the IDA will increase by 7% from 1st October-2018. Index for August-2018 will be known by 30/09/2018. So let us wait till 30th September to know the rate of IDA increase w.e.f. 01/10/2018. --RTOWA Mumbai |
29/08/2018: Yesterday (28/08/2018) DGM (IR) has issued a letter extending the date of submission of CGHS Form Online upto "first week of September 2018" and instructed all SMs of Areas to help the Pensioners in filling up the form. Please see the letter below :- |
28/08/2018: Sri. S.S. Jakhad has assumed charge of GM (A) MTNL Mumbai a few days back. Office bearers of RTOWA and MPWA greeted him with bouquet today. Medical facility to Pensioners was discussed. 1. Associations pointed out that the present move of MTNL calling option for medical facility is not successful. Out of more than 16500 pensioners of MTNL Mumbai, only about 4000 pensioners have submitted option. It means more than 12500 pensioners have not understood the "option" despite the best efforts of IR Section, and even though the forms were sent by post to all about 16500 pensioners. 2. Mostly the retired executives have opted for CGHS. In total about 1000 pensioners (retired executives and non-executives together) only have opted for CGHS. 3. Perhaps most of the retired non executives find it difficult to fill up "online" application form to CGHS. 4. Compared to Delhi, the CGHS facilities at Mumbai are less, viz....less no. of wellness centres, less no. of panelled hospitals, meagre rates for different treatments etc. 5. So the Associations insisted the following:- a) Application for CGHS or CGHIS simultaneously, at the option of pensioners, may be called for upto 31/10/2018. b) The facility to switch over to CGHS may be kept open for a few months every year coinciding with application for renewal of CGHIS. c) To consider 100% reimbursement of CGHS contribution. The GM (A) said that the views of Associations will be discussed with Corporate Office. The following team met the GM(A) :- RTOWA :- Sri. K. Jawahar, Sri. B.R.Pathak, Sri. J.S. Yadav and Sri. Ravindrakumar. MPWA :- Sri. Pawar and Sri S.M. Sawant. Sri. Jagtap DGM(IR) was also present.
27/08/2018: All pensioners know that option is to be exercised by 31/08/2018 to choose the medical facility. The option is to choose any one of the following. 1. Existing Insurance based CGHIS, 2. CGHS, 3. FMA for outpatient treatment plus CGHS for hospital treatment. If option is given either for 2 or 3 above, application for CGHS also should be submitted to CGHS office by 31/08/2018. A few days only are left. Please decide quickly and give option by the due date. -- President, RTOWA ,Mumbai. |
21/08/2018: Medical Floater cases sanctioned & pending : The floater cases of medical bills pending with Insurance company /Corporate office are continuously pursued by RTOWA Mumbai. We requested GM HR Corporate Office and CMD in person when they had visited Mumbai last month. RTOWA Delhi has continuously pursued this issue with corporate office. Now Corporate Office has cleared the floater cases up to the CGHIS policy year ended on 30.09.2015. An amount of Rs 85,88,585/- for 67 cases of Delhi unit and Rs. 1,06,16,418/- for 71 cases of Mumbai unit has been released for payment. The lists of the floater cases pending are as under. The remaining pending floater cases are likely to be settled soon on getting missing information regarding claims. Thanks to RTOWA Delhi for continuous pursuit at Corporate office. --RTOWA Mumbai |
08/08/2018: United Forum Mumbai News: Today meeting of United Forum Mumbai was held. All the constituent Unions and Associations participated. The following issues were discussed. 1. CGHS :-
a) After extensive discussions it was decided to continue to exert pressure for 100% reimbursement of Contribution. b) To insist to continue with CGHIS along with CGHS. 2. 78.2% IDA:- It was decided to wait for implementation of 5% for all pensioners before taking any further steps. 3. The recent developments at MTNL Mumbai including the illegal pen down/tool down by the so called recognised union affecting services to customers: Decided to take all appropriate steps to prevent such incidents in the interest of MTNL. All speakers emphasised the need for United Forum to actively handle all the issues. --J. S. Yadav, Chairman --S.M. Sawant, Convenor --S.S.Singh, Secretary |
06/08/2018: CGHS NEWS: The CGHS Head Quarters at Churchgate insists online application. RTOWA and MPWA are taking up the issue with CGHS and MTNL authorities. So those who desire to join CGHS may please wait for a few days until further instructions. K. Jawahar, President, RTOWA, Mumbai. |
04/08/2018: PENSION ADALAT: Pension Adalat will be held on 18/09/2018. All MTNL Pensioners who are having grievances may apply for redressal in the prescribed proforma on or before 10/08/2018. The Venue : Pensioner Corner, 2nd Floor, CTO Building, Fort, Mumbai-400001. Please CLICK HERE to view the CCA letter and proforma. |
03/08/2018: E.C. MEETING: EC meeting was held on 02/08/2018. The invitation by AIBSNL PWA to attend their All India Conference was discussed. The Conference is scheduled on 22/09/2018 and on 23/09/2018 at Puri, Orissa. More than 1500 delegates from all over India are likely to attend. EC after discussions unanimously approved GS and Vice President to represent RTOWA Mumbai at the Conference. In the Conference Sri. B.R. Pathak GS and Sri. S.V .Gajam Vice President will present the details of RTOWA's efforts so far to achieve pension revision as per 7th CPC. --K. Jawahar, President, RTOWA, Mumbai. |
02/08/2018: RTOWA / MPWA NEWS: Today the Session organised by MTNL Mumbai to create awareness regarding CGHS was held. About 800 pensioners attended. Smt. Meena Chavan GM (HR), Dr. Sachin from CGHS, Sri. Pravin Punj ED, Sri. Charukrishna GM(A), Sri.Jagtap DGM (IR), Smt.Usharani DGM(Admn) and Sri. A.C. Kumar DGM (Pen) were on the Dais. Sri. Pravin Punj ED said that MTNL will provide space to CGHS to open Wellness Centres at reasonable rate of rent wherever required. Sri. S.M. Sawant GS MPWA and Sri. K. Jawahar President RTOWA narrated the merits and demerits of CGHS in their speeches. The following were stressed by them :- To MTNL :- 1. 100% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution. 2. Extension of Medical Insurance Scheme (CGHIS) with no cut in OPD entitlement. 3. To remove the last date to apply to CGHS to be eligible to get reimbursement of 50% contribution. 4. To create a single window once in a week at Currey Road Telephone Exchange premises. Officials from MTNL Admin section and from CGHS should be at single window to receive CGHS application. To CGHS:- 1. Opening of more Wellness Centres especially at Thane, Borivali, Dombivili, Vashi etc. 2. Empanelling multi-speciality hospitals at every location. 3. Upward revision of CGHS rates. 4. Simplifying procedures for hospital treatments. Dr. Sachin of CGHS mentioned the following in his speech :- Opening of Wellness Centres at Borivali and Thane is in process. The CGHS rates are under revision. On revision of rates more hospitals will come forward for empanelment. He also narrated the procedure for availing treatment at panelled /private hospitals. Dr. Sachin clarified all queries in the interactive session. Many pensioners participated in the interactive session. Mrs. Meena Chavan GM (HR) said it is not possible to reimburse 100% contribution and not possible to waive the cut on OPD entitlement due to financial constraints. She also said it is a question of time as to how long the present Insurance Scheme can be continued. Dissatisfied with her reply, at this stage many pensioners raised their voice demanding 100% reimbursement. She again reiterated the worst financial conditions being faced by MTNL and requested the pensioners to join CGHS. The Session ended with vote of thanks and National Anthem. K. Jawahar, President ,RTOWA. |
01/08/2018: MTNL Mumbai is getting ready to draw Salary of August-2018 with revised pay on 01/01/2007 with 73.8% IDA Merger. Arrears from 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018 also will be paid. Please see the letter issued by CAO-FMS-MUMBAI HERE. |
28/07/2018: CONFERENCE on spreading awareness regarding option for CGHS: Pensioners have many doubts regarding CGHS.....its merits, limitations, procedures etc. To clarify all the doubts, MTNL Mumbai has organised a Conference. It will be held at, Yashwant Natya Mandir Matunga West on 02/08/2018 At 2.30 P.M. ED Mumbai and GM (HR) C.O. will address the Session. Deputy Director CGHS is also likely to attend the session and will clarify any doubt about CGHS. All pensioners are requested to attend the Conference to get all information about CGHS. Please see the letter issued by ED, MTNL, Mumbai HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai / MPWA Mumbai |
26/07/2018: FILING INCOME TAX RETURNS: Due Date for filing Income Tax Returns has been extended upto 31/08/2018. Please CLICK HERE to see the orders. |
26/07/2018: RTOWA Mumbai / MPWA NEWS: The CCA Office has been recently bifurcated into two offices viz., CCA MH Circle and CCA Mumbai. Pension work of MTNL Pensioners is under the jurisdiction of CCA Mumbai. Mrs. Vibha G. Mishra has recently assumed the charge of CCA Mumbai. Today the office bearers of RTOWA and MPWA viz., S/Sri. Pawar, S.M.Sawant, K. Jawahar, B.R.Pathak, M.R.Dixit, and J.S.Yadav greeted her with bouquet and wished her all success in her new assignment. The following issues were discussed. 1. To avoid delay in settlement of pensionary benefits and issuing PPO after retirement. 2. Holding of pension Adalat. 3. Revision of pension with 5% additional IDA 4. Drawal of Fixed Medical Allowance. 5. Revision of pension of those retired prior to 01/04/2014 but their time bound promotion orders issued / pay anomaly settled / disciplinary case settled ....after 01/04/2014. She was most receptive and assured to look into these issues. We invited her to RTOWA's Open Session on 04/10/2018. --K. Jawahar, President ,RTOWA Mumbai.
26/07/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: The revised pay on merger of 5% additional IDA will be drawn from the month of August-2018. Pension cases of those who retire from 31/08/2018 onwards will be forwarded to CCA with this revised pay. Please see Corporate Office letter HERE. |
25/07/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: It is learnt that, the 5% increase in IDA in revision of pay on 01/01/2007, which works out to 2.96% on present basic pay, will be drawn from the pay for August-2018. Arrears from January-2018 to July-2018 is also likely to be paid along with pay for August-2018. Orders are awaited from DoT for Pensioners. DoT's orders are required for revision of pension of retirees prior to 01/01/2007 as well as those retired after 01/01/2007. |
24/07/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: Corporate office has written to DoT regarding 5% IDA to Pensioners and Pension revision as per 7th CPC. Corporate office has rejected the demands of 100% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution and time bound promotion w.e.f. 01/10/2005 to VRS Pensioners. Please CLICK HERE to view the CMD’s letter. |
18/07/2018: News from RTOWA / MPWA / AI BSNL PWA Mumbai: Successful Dharna :- More than 700 pensioners of MTNL / BSNL, and office bearers / active members of all Unions and Associations of United Forum Mumbai staged a Mass Dharna today at Telephone House, Dadar demanding Pension Revision as per 7th CPC. Dharna started at 1 pm and ended at 5.15 pm. All aspects of pension revision, the efforts taken so far by AI BSNL PWA, RTOWA/MPWA and United Forum were covered by the speakers. The continuous pursuit of this issue by AI BSNL PWA since appointment of 7th CPC in 2013 was highlighted. The speeches of Com. M.K.Bagchi Convenor United Forum Delhi and Com. A.K. Kaushik GS TEAM Delhi were inspiring, informative and assertive. Com. M.K. Bagchi hinted that he would try to convince the other Associations of BSNL to pursue the demand of pension revision as per 7th CPC. The other speakers are Com. B.R. Pathak GS. RTOWA Mumbai, Com. J.S. Yadav Chairman United Forum Mumbai, Com. T. S. Prabhu veteran leader of AIBSNLPWA, TF DT., Com. S.M.Ashirkar Ex. CHQ President of BTTEU, Com. Pawar President MPWA, and Com. K.Jawahar President RTOWA. Com. S.M. Sawant Convenor United Forum Mumbai gave vote of thanks. Compering was well done by Com. Chaube ACS TEAM Mumbai. A resolution requesting Honourable PM and Minister of State for P&P to revise the pension of MTNL/BSNL Pensioners as per 7th CPC was passed.
Dharna ended with National Anthem. By... RTOWA Mumbai / MPWA Mumbai/ AIBSNLPWA TF District. Please CLICK HERE to view the Letter sent to Prime Minister. |
17/07/2018: United Forum Mumbai News :- A meeting of United Forum was convened today. Sri. J.S. Yadav Chairman presided over the meeting. Our veteran leaders Sri. M.K. Bagchi Convenor of United Forum Delhi and Sri. A.K.Kaushik GS TEAM delivered inspiring speeches on all the issues viz., additional 4.4% IDA, Pay Revision, Pension Revision and other issues. After their speech detailed internal discussions took place. Com. Bagchi and Com. A.K.Kaushik gave clarifications to the questions raised. Many suggestions for future course of actions also came up for discussions. Office bearers of almost all constituent Unions/Associations participated in the discussions. The unanimous and inspiring decision is the fight should go on by all means and we will achieve our demands. Sri. K.P Ravindrakumar gave vote of thanks. |
16/07/2018: RTOWA MUMBAI NEWS: EC Meeting was held today. The activities of the Association during the last one month was briefed. CGHS/CGHIS/FMA. issue was discussed. Holding of next AGB was discussed. Sharing of the expenditures with United Forum and MPWA was approved. COMMITTEE OF RTOWA MPWA and AIBSNL PWA: EC meeting continued as Committee meeting for coordination with MPWA and AI BSNL PWA with participation of their office bearers. Arrangements for Dharna on 18/07/2018 was discussed. All three Associations agreed to do their best for success of the Dharna. Meeting ended with thanks to all. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA Mumbai. |
15/07/2018: News from Corporate Office : REVISION OF PENSION ON 01/01/2007 with IDA @73.8%. Corporate office has written to DoT to issue directives to CCA to implement the revision of pension on 01/01/2007 with 73.8% IDA. Please see the letter HERE. |
14/07/2018: NEWS FROM Corporate Office : Corporate office has issued letter calling for option to avail either CGHS/CGHIS/FMA. The option needs to be given by all the pensioners by 31/08/2018. RTOWA Delhi has taken all steps to include FMA. RTOWA Mumbai insisted to continue CGHIS also. Please see CO's letter and option form HERE. |
13/07/2018: CALL Of RTOWA, MPWA and AI BSNL PWA: One Demand :- Pension Revision as per 7th CPC. --NATIONWIDE DHARNA-- At Mumbai, On 18/07/2018 from 12 PM at Telephone House Dadar. The space will be covered to withstand light rains. Com. M.K. Bagchi Convenor United Forum Delhi and Com. A.K. Kaushik GS TEAM and leaders of AI BSNL PWA at Mumbai will address. Resolution will be passed in the Dharna and sent to PM. Be a part of successful Dharna by active participation. --MPWA Mumbai / RTOWA Mumbai / AI BSNL PWA TF Branch Mumbai. |
12/07/2018: RTOWA/MPWA Mumbai News: Today MPWA and RTOWA had a meeting with ED Mumbai. CGHS/CGHIS/FMA issues were discussed. The Associations insisted the following :- 1. CGHIS should continue. 2. MTNL Mumbai should offer space to CGHS enabling to open new Wellness Centres (dispensaries) at Thane, Borivali, and other places. 3. The scheme of reimbursement of 50% Life Contribution to CGHS (max.Rs.40000) should be available without time limit, Or 100% reimbursement should be given as an one time measure. 4. All the pending medical claims (floater cases etc.) under CGHIS relating to previous years should be settled immediately. ED suggested that Associations should propagate the benefits of CGHS. We requested ED to take steps to safeguard the interests of pensioners of MTNL Mumbai. The following pending issues were brought to ED's notice. 1. Release of withheld gratuity of Rs. One lakh from those occupied BSNL Quarters, for a few months after retirement. 2. Recalculation of pension of those retired before 01/04/2014 but disciplinary cases or pay anomaly settled after 01/04/2014 or got retrospective time bound promotion after 01/04/2014. ED assured to look into these cases. Please see the LETTER addressed to CMD. The following participated in the meeting. Shri. Pravin Punj ED, Shri.Charukrishna GM (Admn) and Shri. Wani DE (IR) from MTNL. Shri. S.M.Sawant and Shri. Pawar from MPWA. Sri.K. Jawahar, Sri.J.S.Yadav, and Sri. G. N. Haragabal from RTOWA. MPWA / RTOWA Mumbai. |
09/07/2018: United Forum/RTOWA Mumbai News: In the meeting of United Forum led by Sri. Bhai Jagtap with CMD on 30/06/2018 at Mumbai one of the demands was to open the scheme of benefit of 50% reimbursement (maximum of Rs.40000) of CGHS Contribution again. We said that the switching over from CGHIS (Medical Insurance Scheme) to CGHS should be open without any time limit. CMD said that he will issue orders within a few days to open the scheme again. Now Corporate office has issued orders by opening the scheme up to 31/08/2018 to switch over/join CGHS. All pensioners are requested to join CGHS which is beneficial. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders dated 07/07/2018. --United Form Mumbai / RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/06/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News : IDA is increased by 0.8%, from 127.2% to 128% with effect from 1st July 2018 according to reliable sources. |
29/06/2018: United Forum Mumbai News : Today United Forum Mumbai led by Sri. Bhai Jagtap Chairman of Apex Body met Sri. P. K. Purwar CMD at Telephone House Mumbai. The issue of 78.2% IDA was well presented. Sri. Bhai Jagtap said that the additional expenditure for the left over IDA of 4.4% is only about Rs.50 crores per year and questioned as to why absorbed employees alone should sacrifice the partial benefit of 50% DA merger. CMD elaborated about the severe financial distress of MTNL and said that it is 50% sacrifice by Employees and further said it is not possible to reconsider it now. Sri. Bhai Jagtap said that United Forum will fully support MTNL in all its programmes of revival by technology up gradation and asked the road map. CMD elaborated about the revival, 4G plans, FTTH and other plans for expansion of network. He expects that the Government will infuse funds by increasing its equity for capital expenditure for rolling out 4G and upgrading other network. He said that the Corporate Office has recommended to DoT for Pay Revision of MTNL employees in line with that of BSNL. He further said that the Corporate Office has written to DoT to delink pension revision from pay revision. However CMD was evasive and was giving wrong information on many issues even the pension issue that we achieved. CMD accepted our suggestion to open up the window again for application to CGHS under reimbursement scheme. He agreed to provide space to open CGHS wellness centres at Thane, Borivali and other places. Sri. Bhai Jagtap pointed out that United Forum consists of about 10 Unions and Management should discuss the issues with United Forum in the interest of MTNL. Meeting with CMD ended thereafter. ********************************************** After meeting with CMD, the United Forum met and evaluated the outcome of meeting with CMD. It was unanimously decided to continue to pursue the demands by all means after joint discussions with United Forum Delhi. --J.S. Yadav, Chairman --S.M. Sawant, Convenor --S.S. Singh, Secretary. |
27/06/2018: UNITED FORUM NEWS: Today responding to the call of United Forum, Employees and Pensioners, nearly one thousand, gathered with enthusiasm at Telephone House despite cloudy weather. The slogan raising started at 1 P.M. The Demonstration was led by Sri. J. S. Mathias GS MEA and R.G. Chaube ACS TEAM. Shri. Bhai Jagtap MLC, our Chairman participated in the Demonstration. Sri. J.S. Yadav welcomed him. In between the demonstration Sri.Bhai Jagtap and office bearers of United Forum met Sri.Sunil Kumar Director (HR) and gave him a copy of letter addressed to Honourable Prime Minister. In his speech Sri. Bhai Jagtap assured his full support and said that the demands will be achieved with the united active participation of employees and pensioners. He recalled the endurance with which United Forum pursued pension issue. Earlier Sri. N. Rajagopal President TEAM, Sri. Virendra Singh President MEA, Sri. K. Jawahar President RTOWA and Sri. J. S. Yadav Chairman United Forum spoke briefly about the issues. The fighting spirit to achieve the demands prevailed in the Demonstration. --J. S. Yadav, Chairman, --S.M. Sawant, Convenor, --S.S. Singh, Secretary, United Forum, Mumbai. |
25/06/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Form 16 is issued from today. Pensioners may collect Form 16 and income certificate personally or by giving authority from AO PDA at Currey Road Telephone Exchange. Those who got arrears of pension may collect Details of year wise breakup. On request through email also Form16, Income Certificate and Year wise details of pension arrears will be sent by mail as informed by AO PDA. His email-id is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . |
22/06/2018: United Forum Mumbai News -Order For 73.8 % : MTNL Corporate Office has issued orders for fixation of revised Pay with 73.8% IDA w.e.f. 01/01/2007 on notional basis and with monetary effect from 01/01/2018. Arrears from 01/01/2018 will be paid. It is likely to be implemented from the pay for July-2018. United Forum is determined to fight for the balance 4.4% IDA w.e.f. 01/01/2007. Please participate in the Demonstration on 27/06/2018 at Telephone House Dadar. Please CLICK HERE to view the C.O. order dated 22/06/2018. --J.S.Yadav, Chairman --S.M.Sawant, Convener --S.S.Singh, Secretary |
22/06/2018: United Forum Mumbai News on CGHS: At the initiatives of United Forum Mumbai a meeting was held on 21/06/2018 between Dr.Mrs. L. Ailawadi Dy. Director CGHS Mumbai and Sri.Pravin Punj ED Mumbai. Dr. Mrs. Geeta and Sri. Charu Krishna GM(Admn) were also in the meeting. United Forum was represented by Sri.J.S.Yadav, Sri. S. M. Sawant and Sri.K. Jawahar. Opening of new wellness centres (dispensaries) at Thane and Borivili was insisted by United Forum. CGHS has plans to relocate some of their dispensaries. and want space at Bandra, Deonar and Jogheswari After discussions ED agreed to provide space at all the places viz., Thane, Borivili, Bandra, Deonar at CPWD Rates. CGHS Mumbai and MTNL Mumbai will complete the formalities as soon as possible to get the approval from the competent authorities. United Forum will continuously pursue the issue and hope that new dispensaries come up within three to six months. --J.S. Yadav, Chairman --S.M.Sawant, Convener --S.S.Singh, Secretary |
21/06/2018: United Forum Mumbai News: Meeting of United Forum Mumbai was held today. DoT's approval to grant 73.8% IDA in pay revision as on 01/01/2007 with monetary effect from 01/01/2018 was discussed elaborately. It was decided to continue the agitations by all means to achieve 1. Balance of 4.4% IDA. 2. Pay Revision 3. Pension Revision as per 7th CPC and other demands. The next agitation is to hold SUCCESSFUL MASS DEMONSTRATION on 27/06/2018 during lunch hour at Telephone House Dadar, to submit memorandum to Honourable PM and to hold a Press Conference. All employees and Pensioners are requested to participate in the Demonstration. --J.S. Yadav, Chairman --S.M. Sawant, Convener --S.S. Singh, Secretary |
21/06/2018: Demonstration in front of Telecom Factory Mumbai: Responding to the call of AIBSNLPWA CHQ, Telecom Factory Branch Mumbai waged Demonstration during lunch hour yesterday (20/06/2018). "RTOWA Mumbai and MTNL Pensioners Welfare Association" joined the Demonstration. The one-point demand is “Revision of Pension of BSNL and MTNL Pensioners as per 7th CPC.” Speeches were given by the following: 1. Shri Prabhu Secretary AIBSNL PWA. 2. Shri K. Jawahar President RTOWA 3. Shri J. S. Yadav Chairman United Forum MTNL Mumbai 4. Shri S.M. Sawant Convener United Forum MTNL Mumbai & GS MPWA 5. Shri B.R. Pathak GS RTOWA. All the speakers welcomed the unity of pensioners of MTNL and BSNL and briefed the gathering about the justifications for the demand. It was decided that the Day long Dharna on 18/07/2018 will be organised by RTOWA and MPWA at Telephone House Dadar. The AIBSNLPWA will join the Dharna. --K. Jawahar, President, RTOWA Mumbai.
20/06/2018: EC Meeting : Monthly EC Meeting was held on 18/06/2018. The Internal Audited Accounts for the FY-2017-18 was approved. EC congratulated Sri. P.D. Pradhan Treasurer for his efforts in getting Income Tax refund of Rs.8350 for the year 2016-17. The expenditure sharing arrangement with United Forum was approved. Decided to actively participate in the proposed rally by the United Forum on 27/06/2018. Decided that all EC members must participate in the Lunch hour Demonstration on 20/06/2018 by AI BSNL PWA in front of the Telecom Factory demanding Revision of Pension as per 7th CPC. Meeting ended with vote of thanks. --K. Jawahar, President, RTOWA. |
19/06/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Today DoT has approved 73.8% of IDA in the fitment on revision of Pay notionally on 01/01/2007 with monetary effect from 01/01/2018. Nothing mentioned about pensioners. United Forum / RTOWA Mumbai will continue to fight for our legitimate right to 78.2% IDA. Please CLICK HERE to view the O.M. dated 19/06/2018. --K. Jawahar, President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
Email-id of AO-PDA is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |
18/06/2018: RTOWA Mumbai News: Today myself and Sri. B.R. Pathak GS met officers at CCA office Currey Road. Form-16 will be issued from 25/06/2018. It can also be collected by giving authority to another pensioner or employee. It can also be obtained through email by sending a request to “ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ”. Income Certificate and Year wise break up of arrears can be obtained now itself by visiting CCA office. Income certificate is enough to file IT Returns; No need to wait for Form-16. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA. |
12/06/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai:
Today the meeting of United Forum Mumbai was held. Sri. H.S. Upadhyay presided over the meeting.
The one-point agenda was "To hold Successful Mass Rally" on 27/06/2018 from Shivaji Park Telephone Exchange to Telephone House. Timings, route, arrangements etc. were discussed thoroughly and decisions were taken. Groups were formed to meet employees at every exchange to inform the developments and to mobilise for rally. On the same date United Forum Delhi will also hold rally to PMO.
United Forum Delhi and Mumbai are determined to achieve the demands.
--J.S.Yadav, Chairman United Forum, --S.M. Sawant, Convener United Forum, --S.S.Singh, Secretary United Forum.
08/06/2018: FORM-16 FOR 2017-18: RTOWA Mumbai has written to CCA Maharashtra Circle to issue Form-16 and Income Certificate by 15/06/2018 positively as prescribed in Income Tax Rules. Please CLICK HERE to see the letter dated 06/06/2018. |
07/06/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai : Today the hearing before Asst. Labour Commissioner Mumbai took place. Sri. S. M. Sawant attended the hearing. The outcome of the meeting is furnished below. 1. 78.2% issue has already been transferred to RLC Delhi. 2. The demand of 'One more option to Prorata Optees' is subjudiced before CAT ND. 3. CGHS: - United Forum brought to the notice of ALC that MTNL has not only rejected the demand of 100% reimbursement of subscription but also closed the scheme of 50% reimbursement to the existing pensioners. UF argued that the scheme of reimbursement of CGHS Subscription should be kept "open ended" enabling the existing pensioners to switch over from CGHIS to CGHS at any time. It is financially beneficial to MTNL also. It was brought to the notice of ALC that the issue of PPOs are badly delayed i.e. PPOs of those who retired in the month of November-2017 only are ready. So the new pensioners are unable to apply for CGHS within the prescribed time limit of 3 months to avail 50% reimbursement of subscription. Moreover, payment of retirement dues is also delayed. ALC observed that MTNL Management should take steps to issue PPO within a month of retirement. Also observed that the GPF & Leave encashment should be paid immediately after retirement. Next date of hearing is on 25/07/2018 at 11.30 hrs. Please CLICK HERE to view the MTNL's submission dated 05/06/2018 to ALC. --J.S.Yadav, Chairman UF --S.M. Sawant, Convenor UF --S. S.Singh, Secretary UF. |
06/06/2018: United Forum Mumbai News: Demonstration on 06/06/2018 :- Successful demonstration took place despite rain threat. About 600 Pensioners and Employees participated. Demonstration was started by Sri. Rajagopalan President TEAM. Compering was done by Sri. Bharat Chavan. Speeches were delivered by S/Shri. 1. Rajagopalan 2. Pawar 3. G. N. Haragabal 4. Gulab Yadhav 5. Bharat Chavan 6. Ganguly 7. K. Jawahar 8. Ghaiwat 9. T. L. Gaikwad 10. S.S. Dubey 11. K. R. Morey 12. S. M. Sawant 13. J. S. Yadav All speakers reiterated the need for unity. The gathering was enthusiastic to carry on the agitation till achievement of 78.2%, and Revision of pay / Pension. Demonstration ended with National Anthem. - J. S. Yadav Chairman, UF - S.M. Sawant Convenor, UF - S.S. Singh Secretary, UF : |
02/06/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai: Meeting of UF Mumbai was held today (02/06/2018). Successful holding of ensuing Demonstration on 06/06/2018 was discussed. Decided to suitably respond to ED's letter of Appeal dated 30/05/2018 to withdraw the agitation. Decided to issue a Press Release about the agitation. All constituent Unions and Associations are requested to propagate extensively to muster huge gathering for the Demonstration to be successful. --J.S.Yadav, Chairman UF, --S. M. Sawant Convenor UF, --H.S.Upadhyay, Vice Chairman UF, --S.S.Singh , Secretary UF. |
30/05/2018: On 30/05/2018 (Today), Sri. B. R. Pathak GS and Sri. M.R. Dixit AGS met Accounts Officers of CCA office at Currey Road and discussed various issues. Insisted to issue Form 16 early. It is likely to be issued from 15/06/2018. PPO books have been issued for retirees up to 30/11/2017. PPO books for retirees from December-2017 to March-2018 are in the final stage for distribution. Earlier they met DGM (OP) at Telephone House in pursuit of free mobile connection to family Pensioners. --K. Jawahar President RTOWA. |
24/05/2018: UNITED FORUM DELHI MEETS OSD OF MOS( C ) & DOT OFFICERS The Office bearers of United Forum Delhi met OSD of Minister of Communications today. It was a pre-scheduled meeting. Discussions were held on the issue of IDA neutralization w.e.f 01/01/2007, the prospect of pay/pension revision and fresh option for Pro-rata pensioners in MTNL etc. The Viewpoints of United Forum in regard to IDA neutralization were clarified with supporting documents. United Forum informed that the below board level executive cadres and their associations were not consulted by MTNL before suggesting to DOT the preposterous proposal. It was pointed out that MTNL management tries to mislead DOT and Ministry by way of suppressing the relevant facts. We hope that our views will be well taken. As regards the issue of Pay/Pension revision, there seems to be no change in DOT’s stand. DOT is expecting to secure waiving of affordability factor on pay revision in BSNL. MTNL’s case will follow thereafter. We have pointed out the situation in Public Sector Banks which are not averse to Pay Revision despite dwindling profit or in the loss scenario. As regards the issue of fresh option for Pro-rata pensioners, the status is same. MTNL is yet to provide the information sought for by DOT. Subsequently we had detailed discussions with senior officers of DOT including Advisor (Finance) etc. The stand of United Forum on all the issues was made clear to them. United Forum hopes to have positive outcome of the discussions. -United Forum Delhi |
18/05/2018: Successful Demonstration: Today the Demonstration at Telephone House was successful with enthusiastic participation of about 400 employees and pensioners despite severe hot weather. The Demonstration was compered and led by Sri. J. J. Mathias GS MEA. The gathering keenly listened to the speeches of the following: S/Shri 1. N.Rajagopal 2. S.S.Singh 3.B. R. Pathak 4. Virendra Singh 5. N.Chandrasekaran 6. Mrs. Jyoti Sonawadekar 7. Sudip Chakraborti 8. T.L. Gaikwad 9. S.M. Sawant 10. K. Jawahar 11. J.S. Yadav. The speakers presented the demands from different angles. An appeal was made to contribute liberally to their respective Unions and Associations to carry on further agitations successfully to achieve the demands. The Demonstration concluded with National Anthem at about 3.30 pm. By, J.S.Yadav, Chairman S.M.Sawant, Convenor S.S.Singh, Secretary United Forum Mumbai. |
15/05/2018: Call of United Forum Mumbai: Dear Comrades, MTNL Employees and Pensioners are facing some toughest issues. The 78.2% was nearly achieved but the so called recognised unions damaged it by agreeing to 5% instead of 9.4%. Though it is a setback, United Forum is determined to achieve 9.4%. This issue was unnecessarily mixed up with Pay revision by the so called recognised unions. Pay Revision: The steps are first to get affordability condition waived and to identify the means and to negotiate with the management for scales of pay and fitment factor after BSNL does the revision, because as per Government decision the pay scales of BSNL and MTNL should be same wef 01/01/2017. Any move to reduce the Pay scales before knowing the revised scales of BSNL is prematured. Pension Revision: To get the revision within the ambit of 7th CPC is an uphill task.Unified approach of all Unions and Associations including BSNL Pensioners' Association is needed. United Forum and RTOWA Mumbai are striving in that direction. Copy of minutes of meeting of MTNL Board on 19/04/2018 and the letter written by MTNL to DoT subsequently will expose the extent of surrender of these recognised unions. In furtherance to achieve the demands United Forum Delhi and Mumbai are again on agitation path. The issues are pursued through other means also. So, we sincerely APPEAL to all Employees and Pensioners to enmasse participate in the Lunch Hour Demonstration on 18/05/2018 at Telephone House. By, J.S. Yadav Chairman. S.M. Sawant Convener. S.S. Singh Secretary. |
14/05/2018: Today the Executive Committee of our Association met and took the following decisions after thorough discussions. All the pending issues were discussed. The ongoing agitation of UNITED FORUM was discussed at length. Decided to participate in the agitations aggressively. Besides agitations, other means to achieve 78.2% and Revision of Pension were discussed. Being a major constituent decided to share 50% of the expenditures of United Forum. Decided to join with BSNL Pensioners' Associations to launch nationwide agitations to pursue the revision of pension within the ambit of 7th CPC recommendations. RTOWA Mumbai will incessantly strive to achieve 78.2% IDA and Revision of Pension. Sri. N. V. Mahajan was appointed as Internal Auditor of RTOWA as Sri. P.D. Pradhan the Internal Auditor appointed by last GB, has become the Treasurer of RTOWA. The meeting ended thereafter. |
08/05/2018: FORM -16 for Combined Service Pensioners:- It is learnt that the reconciliation of tax recovered and remitted is over. On Income Tax web site 26AS has been updated up to 31/03/2018. It is expected that Form 16 may be ready by this month end. This year also Form 16 will be issued along with Income certificate. Those who received arrears of pension will get year wise break up of arrears and tax. Similar to last year Form 16 is to be collected from AO PDA personally or by giving authority. On requisition, Form 16, Income Certificate etc. can be received through email . K. Jawahar, President RTOWA. |
05/05/2018: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI United Forum is readying itself for another course of PROTEST ACTIONS. In accordance with the decisions taken in the meeting of United Forum at Delhi and at Mumbai on 23/04/2018, Notice has been issued for another spell of agitations by the Apex Body of United Forum. At Mumbai the Agitations will be as under :- 18/05/2018 :- Lunch Hour Demonstration at Telephone House 06/06/2018 :- Lunch Hour Demonstration at Telephone House 27/06/2018 :- Rally to ED Office and presenting Memorandum. (Route will be decided later) Demands :- 1. 78.2% IDA , 2. Pay Revision wef 01/01/2017, 3. Pension Revision wef 01/01/2017 as per 7th CPC, 4. Another option for pension to those who had not/who could not opt for combined service pension, 5. Implementation of NE 12 pay scale wef 01/04/2009, 6. Benefit of pension based on actual salary to those covered by the Employees Pension Scheme, 7. Creation of Retirement fund Corpus with 30% of Pay plus DA of employees covered under EPF as recommended by 2nd PRC. The Notice and details of the demands: -J. S. Yadav , Chairman , -S. M.Sawant, Convenor, United Forum Mumbai. |
25/04/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai: Successful Daylong hunger strike and Lunch Hour Demonstration on 25/04/2018:- Motivated gathering of about 800 Employees and Pensioners (peak time strength) marked the success of today's agitations. Raising slogans and speeches started at 1 PM. It went on uninterrupted up to 5:15 PM. The agitation was spearheaded by Sri. J. J. Mathias GS MEA and Sri. R.G. Chaube AGS TEAM. Sri. Yashvant Killedar a young leader of Maharashtra Navnirman Samithi was special invitee. In his speech he encouraged the gathering to fight for justified demands. He held the so called Recognised Unions responsible for the insipient sick status of MTNL. He further said that the so called recognised Unions failed to prevail upon Management and Government to keep MTNL as a competitor in the market. Every speaker condemned the so called recognised unions for betrayal. The gathering cheered the determination of the speakers to achieve 78.2%. The Speeches covered all the demands in detail. The issue of Revision of Pension was covered in detail by Sri. K. Jawahar. Appeal was made to all employees and Pensioners to strengthen the agitation further with more turnouts on 18/05/2018. The agitation concluded with success note at 5.15 PM with National Anthem. Speakers :- S/Shri. 1. K. Balasubramaniam , 2. N. Rajagopalan, 3. Virendra Singh, 4. Dina Naik, 5. Sudip Chakraborti, 6 Mrs. Jothi Sonawadekar, 7. Gulab Jadhav, 8. R.R. Mishra, 9. K. Jawahar and 10. J. S. Yadav Vote of thanks was given by Sri. S. M. Sawant.
By J. S. Yadav, S.M. Sawant & S.S.Singh United Forum Mumbai. The following letter was addressed to Honourable Minister for Communications.
23/04/2018: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI: Today (23/04/18) meeting of United Forum Mumbai was held. Two minutes silence was observed in condolence to the sad demise of Shri Manishkumar AM Delhi on 20/04/2018 while performing duty. The recent developments viz., JNC minutes, MTNL Board resolution etc were discussed from all angles. After discussions it was unanimously decided to carry on the WHOLE DAY HUNGER STRIKE & LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATION ON 25/04/2018 at TELEPHONE HOUSE. United Forum appeals to all Employees and Pensioners to join the agitation and make it grand success to achieve our following demands :- 1. 9.4% left over IDA w.e.f. 01/01/2007, 2. Pay Revision as per 3rd PRC w.e.f. 01/01/2017, 3. Pension revision w.e.f. 01/01/2017 as per 7th CPC, 4. Revival of MTNL with Government support to CAPEX and easing of loans. 5. Another option to opt for combined service pension, 6. Implementation of NE12 as per agreement, 7. Option to CGHS with 100% reimbursement of subscription, 8. 30% Pensionary benefits to EPF covered employees. --J.S. Yadav, Chairman , --S. M. Sawant, Convenor & --S.S. Singh, Secretary. |
20/04/2018: HUNGER STRIKE ON 25/04/2018: CHALO Telephone House on 25/04/18 for aggressive agitation against injustice. |
19/04/2018: BSNL PAY REVISION: Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) has returned the proposal to DoT regarding relaxation of "AFFORDABILITY" clause for the purpose of pay revision in BSNL. DPE has stated that Cabinet Approval is required to relax "affordability". Please CLICK HERE to see the letter. |
18/04/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai: Successful Whole day Dharna and Lunch Hour Demonstration on 18/04/2018:- Enthusiastic gathering of about 800 Employees and Pensioners (peak time strength) marked the success of today's agitation. In the beginning the recorded speech of Com. A.K. Kaushik at Delhi Demonstration dated 11/04/2018 was played. The speeches in Dharna were compered by Sri. R.G.Chaube. Speeches were made by office bearers of all Unions and Associations of United Forum Mumbai. Every speaker condemned the so called recognised unions for betrayal. The gathering cheered the determination of the speakers to achieve 78.2%. The Speeches covered all the demands in detail. Appeal was made to all employees and Pensioners to strengthen the agitation further with more turn out on 25/04/2018. Dharna ended with success note at 5 pm with National Anthem. Speakers :- S/Shri. 1. K. Balasubramaniam Ex.President TESA, 2. N. Rajagopalan, 3. T.L. Gaikwad, 4. Kishore Haldankar, 5. Virendra Singh, 6. Dina Naik, 7. P.S.Padwal, 8. Sudip Chakraborti, 9. Mrs. Subhangi Kamble, 10. Mrs. Jothi Sonawadekar, 11. Mrs. Neltoor, 12. S. G. Pawar, 13. S. M. Sawant, 14. K. Jawahar and 15. J. S. Yadav. Vote of thanks was given by Sri. H.S. Upadhyay. --J. S. Yadav, Chairman and S.M. Sawant, Convenor United Forum Mumbai. |
12/04/2018: TOLL FREE NUMBER FOR MTNL PENSIONERS: Thanks to CCA Mumbai for providing Toll Free Number. 1800 22 32 11 exclusively for MTNL Mumbai Pensioners. This issue was pursued by RTOWA since last more than a year. Sri. Ankurkumar Dy.CCA assured RTOWA in a formal meeting with him on 14/03/2018 that the toll free number will be provided by 01/04/2018 positively. For any query or grievances on Pension, PPO, Form 16, Gratuity, Commutation, Family Pension, arrears etc this toll free number may be contacted during working hours. Members are requested to give feedback of functioning of this contact number and suggestions. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
11/04/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai: Successful Demonstration :- Today Telephone House saw an enthusiastic gathering of more than 800 Employees and Pensioners raising slogans. The gathering loudly condemned the surrender of recognised unions in JNC. Raised slogans demanding 78.2% effective from 01/01/2007, Pay Revision as per 3rd PRC, Pension Revision as per 7th CPC and other demands. All speakers criticised the betrayal of Unions and Associations who had surrendered the legitimate dues of employees and pensioners. Sri. Bhai Jagtap MLC, Chairman of Apex Body of United Forum Delhi and Mumbai addressed the gathering. There were cheers and claps. After the demonstration Sri. Bhai Jagtap accompanied by the office bearers met Sri. Pravin Punj ED Mumbai. Sri. Bhai Jagtap told ED that IDA is never negotiated and 9.4% IDA effective from 01/01/2007 should be granted by 30/04/2018. He also told ED that all issues related to employees should be discussed with all Unions. United Forum decided to continue the agitation on 18/04/2018 in continuation of today's success.
09/04/2018: UF Meets Shri Suresh Prabhu, Honourable Minister (Civil Aviation) , Shri NitiswarKumar, PS to Hon’ble MOS ( C ) & Smt. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary ( T ),DOT on 9th.April,2018. Today (09/04/2018 ) a delegation of United Forum met Shri Suresh Prabhu, Hon’ble Minister ( Civil Aviation) in his office at New Delhi, thanks to the initiative taken by S/Shri Arjun Singh, Anwar Azmi and other Mumbai friends. We have submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble Minister highlighting our issues, e.g., Merger of FULL 50% DA with basic pay effective from 1.1.2007, Waive “affordability” clause for pay revision and thereby pension revision in MTNL, Providing fresh pension option to the MTNL employees/retirees who earlier opted for “Pro-rata pension” and for those who were not permitted to exercise pension option due to short of qualified length of service etc. and Implementation of EFO’s order dated 23/03/2017 in letter and spirit for the members of Employees’ Pension Scheme etc. Hon’ble Minister received the Memorandum, heard us patiently and discussed in brief but item wise. Hon’ble Minister tried to contact MOS (C) over phone immediately but MOS (C) could not be contacted immediately. So he was kind enough to speak to Secretary (T) and suggested her to meet our delegation and examine the issues. He also spoke to Shri Nitiswar Kumar, PS to MOS (C) and suggested him to meet our delegation. Shri Prabhu assured us that he will forward our Memorandum to MOS ( C ) with a DO letter from his side. We thanked him for such kind of gesture. We have met Smt. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary ( T ), DOT in Sanchar Bhawan, Member ( Services ), DOT and other senior officers were also present. The meeting lasted for almost 45 minutes. We have handed over the copy of the Memorandum to her and discussion on all the issues mentioned in the Memorandum. Secretary ( T ) heard us patiently. She told us that she will get these issues thoroughly examined and advised us to get in touch after a week to have further discussions. We thanked Madam Secretary ( T ) and other senior officers present for the sincere concern shown for our causes. We have met Shri Nitiswar Kumar, PS to Hon’ble MOS ( C ) in his office chamber at Sanchar Bhawan at about 7 PM. We handed over the copy of the Memorandum to him with a request to act upon this by way of bringing the issues to the notice of Hon’ble MOS ( C ). We have briefed him about our meeting with Shri Prabhu and Secretary ( T ). He has assured us to inform Hon’ble MOS ( C ) about these issues and ensure from the side of his office that prompt attention is given to these issues for solution. We thanked him for sparing his valuable time for us. Shri M.K.Bagchi, Convener, United Forum and Shri A.K. Kaushik , GS,TEAM lead the delegation from Delhi side. |
08/04/2018: CALL FOR LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATION: AWAKE… FIGHT… ACHIEVE. Do you know MTNL Management is not giving 9.4% IDA since 01/01/2007? The so called recognised Unions signed to surrender 4.4% IDA!!! All employees and Pensioners lose about 2.61% of emoluments every month for life due to this surrender of 4.4% IDA since 01/01/2007. Is Dearness relief negotiable? Is it not a bad precedent to accept 5% IDA instead of 9.4% on the plea of “no money”? Should the employees and Pensioners celebrate this injustice or fight against it? Join the Lunch Hour Demonstration at Telephone House on 11/04/2018 and raise your voice for 9.4% IDA and for Revision of Pay / Pension effective from 01/01/2017. United Forum Zindabad. |
07/04/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai: The meeting of United Forum Mumbai was held on 05/04/2018. Office bearers and active members of all Unions and Associations participated. 78.2% Issue was discussed thoroughly. There was complete unanimity in condemning the surrender of the so called Recognised Unions. The surrender is two fold. Surrendered for agreeing to 5% instead of 9.4% and surrendered huge amount of arrears from 01/01/2007 by agreeing to monetary effect from 01/01/2018. It was pointed out by Sri. J.J. Mathias GS MEA that the 9.4% is Dearness Allowance; it is not the fitment factor for negotiation. Dearness Allowance is not at all negotiable. MTNL’s plea of "NO MONEY" is not applicable to payment of dearness relief neutralisation. If 5% is accepted instead of 9.4%, it will set a bad precedent of negotiations on even the future dearness allowance on the same plea of MTNL has no money. Therefore it was unanimously decided to carry on the Protest Actions vigorously to achieve 78.2%. All Employees and Pensioners are requested to participate in the Protest Actions to make it a great success. -- J. S. Yadav, Chairman & S. M. Sawant, Convenor. Please CLICK HERE to view the Poster for Agitation. |
05/04/2018: REVISION OF IDA RATE: The IDA rate has been increased by 0.3% effective from 01/04/2018. So the revised rate of IDA is 127.2% effective from 01/04/2018. Please CLICK HERE to see the DPE orders. |
04/04/2018: LETTERS TO CMD MTNL & ED MUMBAI. LETTER BY SHRI NANDAJI TO CMD, MTNL DATED 03/04/2018. ************************************************ LETTER TO ED, MTNL MUMBAI BY UNITED FORUM MUMBAI DATED 04/04/2018. |
03/04/2018: News From United Forum: The Apex Body of United Forum Delhi and Mumbai had already issued Notice dated 23/03/2018 for Protest Action. Yesterday (02/04/2018) in the meeting of United Forum Delhi it was decided to carry on the Protest Action as already notified. As notified, United Forum Mumbai will carry on the Protest Action vigorously. Please CLICK HERE to view the Notice. All employees and Pensioners are requested to join the Lunch Hour Demonstration on 11/04/2018 at Telephone House Prabhadevi at 1 PM. --J. S. Yadav, President United Forum Mumbai, --S.M. Sawant, Convenor United Forum Mumbai. |
02/04/2018: STAND OF UNITED FORUM AND RTOWA MUMBAI : 78.2% Issue :- It is the Government's policy to neutralise the dearness relief to 100% (merging the whole of IDA with pay) on the date of revision of pay / pension. On 01/01/2007 the effective rate of IDA was 78.2% and 68.8% only was merged with pay. So anything less than 78.2% is in violation of Government policy. We are on strong wicket......will organise, fight and succeed to get 78.2%. Revision of Pension :- We firmly stand for Revision as per 7th CPC. Will continue to vigorously pursue through all means. Revision of Pay :- The forward path is to get affordability condition removed. To get in principle approval for 15% fitment and to proceed further. Revival of MTNL :- 1. Commitment of Government for capital expenditure is needed to upgrade technology, expansion, to offer quality product etc. 2. Commitment of Government to give financial support to upkeep and maintenance of all existing assets. 3. Revamping the management to lead MTNL with a vision. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA Mumbai. |
01/04/2018: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI: United Forum Mumbai has written a letter to Sri. Manoj Sinha Honourable Minister of Communications requesting him to intervene and to direct MTNL to approve 78.2% IDA. Please CLICK HERE to see the letter. |
28/03/2018: CMD-JNC MEETING MINUTES: Please see the AGREEMENT made by majority unions. The majority Unions at Mumbai and Delhi have signed an agreement with MTNL Management today (28/03/2018) and have withdrawn the agitations. In the Pay/Pension revision on 01/01/2007, the IDA component was 68.8% instead of 78.2%. We have been fighting for the difference of 9.4% which BSNL employees got it from 10/06/2013. Now majority Unions have signed agreement for 5% instead of 9.4%. Moreover it is silent about extending even this 5% to the Pensioners. For Pay Revision on 01/01/2017, MTNL will take up the issue with DOT to waive the affordability condition. Pension Revision on 01/01/2017 should be taken up with Government. RTOWA Mumbai rejects 5% and will gear up for vigorous agitations jointly with United Forum demanding 9.4%. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA Mumbai. |
27/03/2018: E.C. MEETING: Executive Committee meeting of our Association was held on 27/03/2018. The negotiations that were going on between MTNL and Majority Unions were discussed. It was decided to appeal to RTOWA Delhi not to compromise on 78.2% issue. The steps taken so far in pursuit of demand of revision of pension were reviewed. Decided to continue the political lobbying. Decided to participate actively in the upcoming Protest Actions launched by United Forum Delhi and Mumbai. After discussions EC approved to bear the expenses of Rs.38800/- incurred by United Forum Mumbai towards the train/air fares to and fro Delhi-Mumbai for UF's counsel in the case at Bombay High Court. Decided to pursue all pending issues vigorously. GS narrated the meetings with DGM (OP) regarding concessional mobile connections for family pensioners and with DGM (IR) regarding settlement of floater cases of medical reimbursement claims. The meeting concluded thereafter. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA |
25/03/2018: ARVIND SAWANTJI’S LETTER TO DoT: The honourable M.P. and Leader of MTNKS, Mumbai has written a letter to DoT insisting to implement the order for “Merger of 50% IDA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01/01/2007”. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
24/03/2018: BSNL UNIONS’ LETTER TO DoT: All Unions and Associations of BSNL has written to Secretary DoT about Pay Revision and Pension Revision. Please CLICK HERE to see the letter. |
23/03/2018: MEETING WITH DOT: As directed by MOC a meeting was held at DoT on 23/03/2018. Office bearers of the Unions and Associations of Mumbai and Delhi led by Sri. Arvindji Sawant MP met Ms. Aruna Sundararajan Secretary DoT. An extract of the NEWS reported by RTOWA Delhi about this meeting is as under :- All the issues of MTNL like merger of MTNL/BSNL, 78.2% of fitment, counting of casual service for pension, pay revision under 3rd PRC, Pension revision under 7th CPC etc. were discussed in length. Sri. Dharmaraj Singh GS BMS MTNL Delhi, Sri. V. K. Tomar GS MEA and Sri. S.S. Nanda Convenor JF Delhi raised the issue of Revision of Pension under 7th CPC. Justifications were presented nicely. Shri. Arvindji Sawant MP while supporting the demand requested immediate action from DoT side. Secretary DoT said that she had noted down all the issues raised. An extract of NEWS as reported by MTNL OA is as under :- "Highlights of the meeting... Honourable MP Shri Arvindji Sawant briefed about the present scenario in MTNL and stressed for the revival of MTNL with a change in the management and about the cause of the ensuing agitation. DoT secretary was very positive and conveyed that the Honourable MoC has asked her to look into the HR issues sympathetically. The discrimination between BSNL and MTNL shall be removed. Change in the management shall definitely be taken on a serious note." |
22/03/2018: Meeting of Sri. Arvindji Sawant MP with Minister of Communications: Today there was a meeting with the Honourable MoC Shri Manoj Sinhaji in Sanchar Bhavan New Delhi. Shri Arvindji Sawant MP, office bearers of MTNKS, MTNLOA, BMS and MEA Delhi participated in the meeting. It seems the issues were briefed to the Minister. After listening, the Honourable MoC has convened an immediate meeting of Unions led by Sri. Arvindji Sawant and DoT on 23rd March at 1430 Hrs. Let us hope for a positive outcome. |
15/03/2018: RTOWA DELHI NEWS: RTOWA Delhi on the platform of Joint Forum has sent a letter to CMD MTNL for resolving pensioners’ grievances. Please CLICK HERE to view the Copy of letter. |
14/03/2018: Today the office bearers Sri.K. Jawahar President, Sri. B.R.Pathak GS and Sri.M.R.Dixit AGS had a formal meeting with Sri. Ankurkumar Jt. CCA at CCA's Pension Office at Currey Road. At the outset we conveyed our appreciation and thanks to Officers and staff for smooth handling of the life certificate work. RTOWA had taken up the following issues :- 1. Holding Pension Adalat :- After discussions the Jt. CCA agreed that Pension Adalat will be held regularly in future and the first Adalat will be held within a couple of months. 2. Delay in payment of gratuity, commutation and preparation of PPO after retirement: RTOWA pointed out that as per schedule given in CCS Pension Rules the PPO should be handed over on the date of retirement itself. At present the delay is more than 8 months. Jt. CCA narrated the practical problems for delay. Association gave some suggestions to clear the backlog. Association requested that commutation and gratuity should be paid immediately after retirement and payment of pension should start from the next month itself. PPO should be delivered within a month of retirement. 3. Association has been demanding for a toll free number exclusively for MTNL Pensioners as a part of grievance redressal system. Jt. CCA said that the toll free number will be provided from 01/04/2018. Meeting ended on cordial note with thanks to Jt. CCA --K. Jawahar President RTOWA |
13/03/2018: Accepting the suggestion of RTOWA Mumbai, Corporate Office has issued orders. The employees who desire to avail CGHIS (Comprehensive Group Health Insurance Scheme) after retirement should submit the forms three months prior to retirement. This will enable TPA to issue Medical Insurance card effective from the very next day of retirement. --K. Jawahar, President ,RTOWA |
04/03/2018: UNITED FORUM NEWS: United Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations of MTNL Mumbai has decided to go a big way for agitational programmes in view of the recent Mumbai High Court order permitting unions and associations to resort to any agitation after serving a 14 days’ notice. The United Forum in its meeting yesterday i.e. on 03/03/2018, presided over by Sri. H. S. Upadhyay Vice Chairman, has unanimously decided to have a formal apex body for United Forums of Mumbai and Delhi ---though these two forums have been already working in close coordination, albeit informally. To lead the Apex Body the United Forum Mumbai also decided to have Sri. Bhai Jagtap, a Trade Unionist and Congress MLC, who has firmly stood with and helped MTNL employees in their previous agitations/struggle to realise the demand of payment of Pension by the government. At the same time the United Forum Mumbai also decided that it shall have no objection or hesitation in approaching leaders of any political party to accomplish the long pending demands of 78.2% IDA, Pay and Pension Revision, Medical facilities, Unhelpful attitude of CMD MTNL and withdrawal of suits filed against unions and associations at his behest etc. Realising well that a broad based unity is the need of the hour the United Forum Mumbai, as ever, expressed its willingness and happiness to support any move by anybody to have a larger and broad based unity among all unions and associations of MTNL or for that matter, of even BSNL, cutting across their differences. A Joint meeting of both the forums --United Forum Mumbai and United Forum Delhi will be held on 09/03/2018 at 14.30 hrs. in the Conference Hall, 7th Floor, Prabhadevi Telecom Building, Mumbai to decide about name, office bearers of the Apex Body and course of actions etc. Executive Committee members and active members of all the Constituents of the United Forum Mumbai are requested to positively remain present in the meeting. --J.S. Yadav, Chairman, --S.M. Sawant, Convenor. |
07/03/2018: Minister's Reply in Loksabha on 78.2 issue:- Forum of Unions and Associations of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) have demanded benefit of merger of 50% DA (Dearness Allowance) effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01.01.2007. The guidelines issued by Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), vide O.M. No. 2(70)/08-DPE (WC) dated 26.11.2008 provided for Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) @ 68.8% of the basic pay as on 01.01.2007. Subsequently, DPE issued O.M. dated 02.04.2009 which provided for IDA @ 78.2% of the basic pay as on 01.01.2007. However, in both the O.Ms., there was a pre-condition that the concerned Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) shall bear the additional financial burden on account of pay revision from its own resources without any assistance from government. Accordingly, MTNL has been advised that the proposal to extend benefit of merger of 50% DA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01.01.2007 to its employees may be processed by MTNL in light of DPE O.M. No. 2(70)/08-DPE (WC) dated 26.11.2008 and dated 02.04.2009. MTNL has to bear the additional financial implication on account of pay revision from its own resources and no budgetary support shall be provided by the Government. |
03/03/2018: The office bearers Sri. K. Jawahar and Sri. M.R. Dixit met GM (Fin) today. Discussed the issue of pending drawal of arrears of pension to those Pensioners whose disciplinary cases / pay anomaly cases were settled after 01/04/2014. This issue is pending with CCA office for more than a year because there is no system support. We requested GM (Fin) to pursue this issue with Corporate office. After discussions he agreed to write to GM (Fin) at CO. RTOWA is pursuing this issue vigorously. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA. |
28/02/2018: Letter to DoT for Pay Revision: United Forum has written a letter to Secretary-DoT for Pay revision. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
26/02/2018: Letters to CMD from United Forum :- United Forum MTNL Mumbai has written letters to CMD on 16/02/2018 regarding "Policy on Medical Facilities to Pensioners" and 78.2% IDA on revision of Pay and Pension on 01/01/2007. Please CLICK HERE to view the letters. |
22/02/2018: News from United Forum Mumbai: Yesterday ( 21/02/2018 ), meeting with Assistant Labour Commissioner was held. We submitted a letter dated 21/02/2018 addressed to Conciliation Officer. After discussions the following were recorded:- 1. 78.2% IDA :- This office (ALC Mumbai) has decided to forward this case to RLC Delhi since the Conciliation process has started there. 2. Another option to opt for combined service pension :- Since this matter is pending before CAT New Delhi, it is subjudiced and hence conciliation at ALC Mumbai is closed. 3. CGHS Issue :- MTNL Mumbai Management stated that the points raised by United Forum in letter dated 16/02/2018 will be referred to Corporate Office. The next meeting will be on 23/03/2018 at 11 am. --S. M. Sawant, Convenor. Please CLICK HERE to view the United Forum's letter dated 21/02/2018. |
21/02/2018: News from Co Ordination Committee Of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi: Delhi High Court Case :- The case came up on 19/2/2018. MTNL has now submitted its reply. Now next date of hearing is fixed as 3rd May, 2018. It is learnt that MTNL Board in its meeting on 13/02/2018 has decided to intimate DOT that MTNL is not in a position to extend the benefit of merger of 50% IDA to the MTNL employees from its resources due to severe financial constrains. This is in response to DOT letter dated 08/02/2018. --S. S. Nanda Convenor |
16/02/2018: Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on 16/02/2018. The following issues were discussed :- 1. Corporate Office orders dated 13/02/2018 regarding medical facility to Pensioners:- Decided to write a letter to CMD insisting to consider our demands. 2. Revision of Pension :- Decided to write to all MPs of Delhi and Mumbai. Also decided to meet some specific dignitaries and to request them to help us. 3. Orders of Bombay High Court :- The implications were discussed at length. A need for united struggle by all Emoloyees and Pensioners of MTNL Mumbai and Delhi together was felt. Unanimously approved a suggestion to form an apex body consisting of United Forum Delhi and United Forum Mumbai. 4. The inordinate delay in preparation of PPOs of current year retirees and holding of Pension Adalat :- Decided to pursue these issues vigorously with CCA Mumbai. The meeting ended thereafter. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA |
14/02/2018: CGHS/CGHIS NEWS: Corporate office has issued orders dated 13/02/2018 regarding medical facilities to pensioners. These orders prescribe the following :- 1. Three months’ time to apply for CGHS/CGHIS from the date of retirement. 2. The option to CGHS or CGHIS or Not availing any should be given along with submission of "PENSION PAPERS" itself. Nothing has been stated about the following pensioners. 1. Those who retired prior to 01/04/2014 but not received PPO (about 1000 pensioners). 2. Those who retired during current year but not yet received the PPO. (PPOs have been issued to retirees upto May'17 only). RTOWA is taking up the issue. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. |
12/02/2018: COURT CASE: News from United Forum Mumbai: The Suit filed by MTNL against United forum and others was heard today. Sri. A.K. Kaushik GS-TEAM appeared as counsel for United Forum. Principal CCA Mumbai attended the court proceedings on behalf of Secretary DoT. Sri. Pawan Gupta Director at o/o DoT was also present. During the proceeding, DoT Counsel informed that payment of IDA neutralization is the responsibility of MTNL and not the Government. Therefore MTNL should pay 78.2% from their resources. After hearing both sides the suit was disposed off with orders passed by Honourable Court that if MTNL is not paying 78.2% IDA neutralization, Unions and Associations can resort to Trade Union Actions. --J. S. Yadav Convenor --S.M. Sawant Chairman |
07/02/2018: News from Coordination Committee of RTOWA, Delhi and Mumbai. On 05/02/2018 a meeting was held with Shri S. K. Jain DDG (Estt.), DOT. Shri S.S. Nanda Convenor, Shri R.K. Mudgal Organising Secretary and Shri A.K. Kapoor Executive Committee member attended the meeting. The following issues were discussed:- 1.To extend Fixed Medical Allowance to the pensioners residing in Non-CGHS area. 2. Merger of 78.2% IDA due w.e.f. 01/01/2007. 3.Merger of BSNL and MTNL. 4.Holding of Committee 's meeting constituted by DOT to discuss the various issues of retired and working employees, raised in the Trade Union notices by Unions and Associations of Delhi and Mumbai. 5. Pension revision of combined optees of MTNL. During the discussion DDG Estt. replied that: 1. In regard to the FMA to the pensioners residing in Non-CGHS areas, he told that it is a new concept for him. He will study the subject and discuss the issue with the concern departments of finance wing for the decision. 2. DDG replied that DOT has suggested for the pay parity of MTNL and BSNL employees w.e.f 01/01/2017. Therefore, this issue will again create disparity. Association representatives strongly argued that merger of 78.2% IDA has to take effect from 01/01/2007. So it has no relevance for the pay parity w.e.f 01/01/2017 and that is why MTNL retired and working employees cannot be deprived of their legitimate rights on the illogical plea of pay parity w.e.f 01/01/2017 in the name of merger of MTNL and BSNL. Association representatives also told that up to 2011-12, MTNL was in profit and fulfilling all the financial conditions, as per recommendations of the 2nd PRC. DDG was convinced with the view points of the association but said that matter is to be decided by the finance unit. 3. DDG told that directly he is not the part of the merger committee. But as per his information, meetings are going on at higher level. As it is a big issue, decision is to be taken at the cabinet level. 4. DDG told that Dir.(HR) of MTNL is the convenor of the committee. He has to give the names of the representatives of union/association of MTNL to participate in the discussion on the issues. After that, date and time of the meeting would be notified. 5. DDG was convinced with the view points of association representatives that in no way pensioners are concerned with the profitability or loss of the PSU. Therefore, pension revision should not be linked with the pay revision. But he said that if pay revision does not take place then pension revision will create an anomalous situation for the employees retiring after 01/01/2017. It is a big question mark before us. Association Representatives said that for every CPC or PRC, anomalies come and are resolved simultaneously. Let us have more discussions further with open minded and with positive approach. He said that he is open for discussion for some viable solution of the issue. Meeting ended with thanks to DDG. |
06/02/2018: Details of Meeting of Convenor Co-Ordination Committee with CMD on 02/02/2018. Shri S.S. Nanda Convenor and Sh. R K Mudgal organizing Secretary coordination committee RTOWA Delhi & Mumbai met CMD MTNL to discuss the issues related to CGHS/CGHIS medical schemes of the pensioners like: 1. To extend the benefit of CGHS reimbursement to the last retired combined optee of MTNL. 2. To make CGHS/CGHIS medical schemes optional. 3. To keep the last date open till last combined optee of MTNL is retired. 4. To give sufficient grace period for CGHS medical card from the date of issuance of the PPO book to the pensioner. 5. Fixed medical allowance @ Rs. 1000 per month to the pensioners residing in non CGHS areas. Association representatives elaborately discussed the said issues with CMD. They also especially told about the very rare availability of CGHS dispensaries in Mumbai and its surrounding areas and NCR areas of Delhi. After detailed discussions, CMD was convinced with the viewpoints of association. He principally agreed points 1 to 4 with the condition that employees going to retire have to give option of CGHS/CGHIS while filling pension papers and accordingly they have to switch over to the desired medical scheme within a specific period to get the benefit. He said that very shortly corporate office will issue necessary orders in this regard. On the issue of Fixed Medical Allowance, he supported the issue and said that it is very good move of the association for the pensioners residing in non CGHS areas. He also assured to favour this issue in DOT. The floater fund cases of 2015-2016, 2016-2017 for both Delhi and Mumbai have been approved by CMD, MTNL. The payment will be made shortly. Cases of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 are being processed. Coordination Committee members thanked CMD |
06/02/2018: NEWS FROM UNITED FORUM MUMBAI: The case in Bombay High Court came up today (06/02/2018). Sri. A. K. Kaushik GS TEAM appeared as counsel on behalf of United Forum. DoT's counsel said that the issue of 78.2% is complex and needs more time and also said he has sent email to DoT. Counsels for Unions objected to it and told Honourable Court that it is admitted liability and DoT should come up with solution. Accepting this plea Honourable Court directed Secretary DoT to appear in person on 12/02/2018. S. M. Sawant, Convenor, J. S. Yadav, Chairman, United Forum Mumbai. |
02/02/2018: News From Co-Ordination Committee : Today (02/02/2018) We (S. S. Nanda Convenor and Sri. R. K. Mudgal Org. Secretary, Co-Ordination Committee) met CMD and GM (HR) at Corporate Office. Medical facilities to Pensioners were discussed. CMD agreed in principle to extend the date for application to CGHS. Orders are expected soon. A new procedure will be introduced for the future retirees to apply for CGHS or CGHIS. Orders in this regard will be issued in due course. CMD appreciated the efforts of Co-Ordination Committee in taking up the issue of payment of Rs.1000 pm (in lieu of OPD facility) to Pensioners enrolled with CGHS but residing at non coverage areas. This issue will be vigorously pursued by Co-ordination Committee. We insisted for release of funds for floater cases pending with Corporate office. Now it is learnt that funds will be released immediately for settlement of floater cases of 2015-16 and 2016-17. Floater cases relating to 2013-14 and 2014-15 will be released subsequently. --S.S. Nanda, Convenor, Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai. |
31/01/2018: LABOUR COMMISSION NEWS: The Conciliation proceedings between MTNL and United Forum came up for hearing before Asst. Labour Commissioner yesterday. (30/01/2018). Sri. S.M. Sawant, Sri. B.R. Pathak, Sri.Mathias and others attended. MTNL has filed a written statement of 'Present Status'. However the proceedings could not take place as ALC was not available. The next proceedings will take place on 21/02/2018 at 3.30 PM. |
30/01/2018: CGHS FIXED MEDICAL ALLOWANCE: – RTOWA Coordination Committee News – Coordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai wrote a letter to DDG (Estt) DOT for implementation of Govt of India orders for grant of CGHS fixed medical allowance for retirees residing in NON-CGHS areas. Please CLICK the LINKS below to view the copy of letter. PAGE-1 PAGE-2
29/01/2018: Today Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held. Sri. B. R. Pathak GS briefed the members about the activities of the Association since last meeting. The steps taken by RTOWA "to remove the last date for application to CGHS and to keep it open" was briefed. Further steps to be taken to pursue "Revision of Pension" were discussed at length and decided to exert political pressure. Decided to hold Pensioners Meet at different places. The meeting ended thereafter. |
25/01/2018: Today (25/01/2018) the office bearers (S/Shri. K. Jawahar, B.R. Pathak, M.R. Dixit, and S. M. Sawant Convenor United Forum) had a meeting with ED Mumbai. GM (A) and DGM (IR) were also present. The following issues were discussed. 1. To keep the date for application to CGHS open. 2. 100% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution. 3. Payment of floater cases pending since 2014. 4. Refund of withheld gratuity to those vacated BSNL quarters after retirement. Lengthy discussions took place. ED expressed his helplessness to settle these demands though he was in agreement with us in general. We requested him to give positive comments about the issues to corporate office. A letter addressed to CMD and copy endorsed to ED regarding CGHS was handed over to him. They met GM(Fin) afterwards and Discussed about forwarding of pending pension files of pre 01/04/2014 retirees to CCA for preparation of PPO. He said 40 cases only are pending and will be forwarded soon. He further said CAO (FMS) Delhi has come to fix the sytem snags in refixation of pension of those retired prior to 01/04/2014 but promotion / settlement of pay anamoly or settlement of disciplinary cases took place after retirement. Then the Office Bearers met all Accounts Officers of CCA office at Currey Road. The following information was gathered. 1. About 1000 PPOs of pre 01/04/2014 are ready for distribution. 2. About 100 PPOs of pre 01/04/2014 retirees are under prepartion/printing. 3. Commutation and gratuity have been paid to retirees upto 31/10/2017. Being processed for November-2017 retirees. 4. PPOs have been issued to retirees upto 30/04/2017. PPOs are under print for retirees of May-2017 and June-2017. |
23/01/2018: COURT CASE: NEWS FROM United FORUM MUMBAI: The case in Bombay High Court came up today. Sri. A. K. Kaushik GS, TEAM appeared as counsel on behalf of United Forum. DoT Counsel did not appear. MTNL Counsel pleaded for interim relief on original prayer. It was objected by other counsels. Honourable Judge did not accept the plea of MTNL Counsel and adjourned the case to next week. The next hearing is on 06/02/2018. By, S. M. Sawant, Convenor & J. S. Yadav, Chairman United Forum Mumbai. |
22/01/2018: UNITED FORUM MEETS D.O.T. OFFICERS: The representatives of United Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations, Delhi ( S/Shri Mange Ram Sharma, M.K.Bagchi, V.P.Bhardwaj, Rajiv Kumar, K.R.Yadav,S.N.Pandey, Jaswant Singh and B.K.Dubey) met Shri Amit Yadav, Joint Secretary (Admin.), DOT as well as Director (PSU)/DOT today to discuss about the following issues :- (1) Merger of 50% IDA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01/01/2007. (2) Prospect of Pay Revision and Pension Revision in MTNL w.e.f. 01/01/2017 (3) Merger of MTNL and BSNL. During an hour long discussion, we advance our point of views in respect of each of these issues. It is needless to reiterate those things here as they are widely known to all. Rather we mention here under the response of DOT in this respect so that everyone can understand the prospect of realising our demands vis-à-vis mind set of MTNL/DOT. (a) D.O.T is not inclined to go ahead straightway with the proposal of MTNL for financial assistance from DOT for implementation of IDA neutralisation @ 78.2% w.e.f 01/01/2007. DOT looks towards the committee formed to deal with the demands of MTNL employees to evolve and recommend a suitable package to help revival of MTNL, linking a number of contentious HR issues, e.g., reduction of staff strength implementing VRS etc. as well as linking the said IDA neutralisation @ 78.2%. If that be the possibly done a case, DOT may consider it at some point. There is no time frame even for this. DOT is visibly uncomfortable with the way the court case in Mumbai High Court is developing. We have clarified that it is MTNL that has filed the case to stop agitation. We are the respondents. It is in its own wisdom Honourable High Court has dug into the root causes of agitation. None should challenge the wisdom of Honourable Court. (b) As regards Pay Revision, the response of DOT is candid and clear i.e., pay revision violating of or deviating from the affordability clause is ruled out as for this, cabinet approval is needed. DOT does not see any prospect in such move as of now. Even “0”% revision of pay will increase the amount of pension contributions payable by MTNL considerably and MTNL is not in a position to take that burden. As regards pension revision, the response of DOT is somewhat in affirmative but here again the establishment unit of DOT is somewhat confused about the way forward to a solution. Our proposal to find a solution within the frame work of the recommendations of 7th CPC as accepted by the Government for CD pensioners does not appear to have found a favourable nod yet. ( c) As regards the much publicized issue of merger of MTNL and BSNL, DOT finds a number of road blocks in progressing this issue. DOT feels as follows : 1) BSNL is 100% owned by the Government whereas around 44% share of MTNL is not owned by the Government. SEBI does not permit merger of PSUs with such different status. So to give effect to merger proposal, Government needs to purchase all the shares which are presently out of hand. 2) MTNL’s market loan is around 17000 crores. MTNL’s claim of having its own unutilized assets of 20000 crores is an “exaggerated” figure. BSNL’s present liabilities are around 4000 crores .BSNL can not and should not invite the additional liabilities 3) There exist the thorny differences and disparities in respect of HR issues on both sides, both in respect of DOT recruited employees absorbed and the employees recruited by the respective PSUs subsequently. There are fears of irreconcilable irritations in merging the comparable cadres. Thus ends the meeting.
20/01/2018: The Pensioners Meet held at Dombivili on 20/01/2018 was successful with happy participation by pensioners. Doubts and queries on 'Revision of Pension", 78.2% IDA, Court case, Case with labour commissioner, PPOs, CGHS, CGHIS etc were clarified by Sri. S. M. Sawant, Sri. B. R. Pathak, and Sri. K. Jawahar. |
18/01/2018: NEWS FROM CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE OF RTOWA DELHI and MUMBAI: As requested by RTOWA Mumbai the pending issue of recalculation of pension and consequent arrears payment to those retired before 01/04/2014 but either 1. 1. disciplinary cases settled after 01/04/2014 or 2. 2. retrospective promotion after retirement or 3. 3. Pay anomaly settled after retirement, was taken up. These cases are pending for a long time at Mumbai. In this regard Sri. S. S. Nanda Convenor and Sri. R.K. Mudgal Org. Secretary met CAO(FMS) Delhi because these cases need some system modifications. CAO (FMS-Delhi) assured that she would discuss these issues with RTOWA Mumbai during her visit to MTNL Mumbai next week and settle the issues. ------------- Then the long pending hospital treatment medical bill case of a Mumbai Pensioner, Sri. H. P. Yadav was taken up with DGM(HR) and had detailed discussions. He was convinced. He also agreed to write to Mumbai unit to settle the issue. RTOWA Mumbai will further pursue the above mentioned cases. - --By S. S. Nanda Convenor Co-Ordination Committee RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi |
18.01.2018: PENSIONERS MEET AT DOMBIVILI EAST: RTOWA AND MPWA jointly organize pensioners meet at Dombivili East. Venue: Balakrishna Mangal Karyalaya Hall, Opp. Dombivili (East), Railway Station. One can get down from middle bridge, Thane Side, Hall is visible. On 20/01/2018 Saturday at 3 pm. CGHIS/CGHS, PPOs, Revision of Pension, Court case, Case with Labour Commissioner etc. will be discussed. Joining as Member, giving Donations, signing individual letter campaign etc. can be done. Please note down and bring your PPO number to mention in the individual letter campaign. All pensioners residing Beyond Thane are invited. --By MPWA and RTOWA |
16/01/2018: MERGER OF MTNL WITH BSNL: It is reliably learnt that MTNL Board has passed resolution for merger of MTNL and BSNL in the Board Meeting held on 16/01/2018. The proposal will be sent to DoT/Communication ministry for taking further steps for merger. |
09/01/2018: PENSIONERS MEET AT BELAPUR: RTOWA and MPWA jointly organise Pensioners Meet at BELAPUR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE --Terrace On 12/01/2018 Friday at 3 pm. CGHIS/CGHS, PPOs, Revision of Pension, Court case, Case with Labour Commissioner etc. will be discussed. All pensioners residing at Navi Mumbai are invited. Joining as Member, giving Donations, signing individual letter campaign also can be done.
03/01/2018: APPEAL: LEGAL FUND :- Recently Executive Committee of RTOWA has decided to create a Legal Fund. The on-going case in Bombay High Court and likelihood of filing case in High Court for Revision of Pension are the reasons to create Legal Fund. Therefore on behalf of EC this Appeal is made to all pensioners to contribute liberally to achieve our genuine demands. |
02/01/2018: Executive Committee Meeting of RTOWA was held on 30/12/2017. The following issues were reviewed. 1. Date of extension of CGHS, 2. Case with Labour Commissioner, 3. Case at Bombay High Court, 4. Local meetings of Pensioners jointly with MPWA and 5. Individual letter Campaign for Revision of Pension. After discussions on all issues the following decisions were taken. 1. To actively pursue the case with Labour Commissioner, 2. To continue our support to United Forum in the case at Bombay High Court, 3. To hold at least four more local meetings of Pensioners in January-2018 and 4. To build up "Legal Fund" to support United Forum in the case at Bombay High Court as well as to ready ourselves to seek legal remedy, if need be, for Revision of Pension. The importance to have a sizable fund for "Legal" option was recognised by the EC. It was decided to Appeal to the Members to liberally donate for the "Legal Fund". The meeting ended thereafter. |
01/01/2018: CGHS DATE EXTENSION : News From Co-Ordination Committee Of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi :- Last date for application to CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) has been extended up to 31/01/2018. The issue was pursued through letters by RTOWA Mumbai / United Forum Mumbai and by personal pursuit by Sri. S. S. Nanda GS RTOWA Delhi/Convenor Co-Ordination Committee. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders dated 30/12/2017. |