Recent Points |
31/12/2020 |
CGHS -- REIMBURSEMENT OF OPD MEDICAL BILLS: Date extended up to 28/02/2021 for CGHS Pensioners to buy medicines based on earlier prescriptions for chronic diseases. Please see Ministry of Health OM HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
30/12/2020 |
PAYMENT OF BALANCE OF LEAVE ENCASHMENT TO VRS PENSIONERS: Funds have been received. Credit will be made by 01/01/2021 positively. There are chances to get credit tomorrow itself (31/12/2020). Tax will not be recovered from this payment. As per information gathered from DGM(Fin). -RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/12/2020 |
NATIONAL PENSION ADALAT: The National Pension Adalat will be held on 11/01/2021. The grievances should reach CCA office by 05/01/2021. Pensioners who have grievances about any pension related issues are requested to send their grievances to Adalat by 05/01/2021. Pension Adalat is an effective mechanism for redressal of grievances. The Circular issued by Asst. CCA for holding Adalat is HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
24/12/2020 |
PAYMENT OF GPF, LEAVE ENCASHMENT AND MTNL GRATUITY: As per information gathered the status is as under :- Funds are received. Balance and final payment of GPF and MTNL Gratuity to VRS Pensioners and Superannuation Pensioners retired up to September-2020 are likely to be paid by 29th December positively. Leave encashment is likely to be paid next week after receipt of data from all zones. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
23/12/2020 |
STATUS OF CASE FOR REVISION OF PENSION IN PRINCIPAL BRANCH CAT DELHI: Today our case for pension revision came up. Our Advocate Ms. Gauri Puri attended. Counter Reply has been filed by DoT side (by Dy. CCA Delhi) on 21/12/2020. There was little time to file rejoinder. So our Advocate requested for time. PB CAT agreed and scheduled the case to 08/03/2021. Our Advocate said that the rejoinder will be filed as early as possible on receipt of para wise comments from Associations. RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi are likely to submit para wise comments within a few days. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
23/12/2020 |
RELEASE OF 8TH LOT OF GRATUITY TO PRORATA RETIREES: Gratuity of 496 VRS optees (Prorata and direct recruit retirees) is released. The Area wise and namewise details are given below. Please click the following links to view the lists. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
21/12/2020 |
REQUEST TO EXTEND THE PERIOD FOR SUBMISSION OF LIFE CERTIFICATE: Coordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai has requested Member (Fin) to cause to issue orders to extend the period of submission of Life Certificate upto 28/02/2021 for MTNL Pensioners in synchronisation with the orders of DoP&PW. The letter is as HERE. --CC of RTOWA ,Delhi and Mumbai. |
19/12/2020 |
UPDATING THE SYSTEM WITH DOT PERIOD LEAVE AT CREDIT: RTOWA has again requested ED to cause to ensure that the DoT period leave at credit is updated in the system so that the excess tax recovered from the earlier payments can be adjusted from the final payment to the extent possible. Please see the letter HERE. -RTOWA Mumbai. |
19/12/2020 |
REQUEST TO EXTEND THE PERIOD FOR SUBMISSION OF LC: RTOWA has requested Member (Fin) to cause to issue orders to extend the period of submission of LC upto 28/02/2021 in synchronisation with the orders of DoP & PW. The letter is as HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
18/12/2020 |
PAYMENT OF LEAVE ENCASHMENT, MTNL GRATUITY AND GPF: Full and final payments of Leave Encashment, GPF and MTNL Gratuity of VRS Pensioners as well as of Superannuation pensioners is expected to be released in the next week. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
17/12/2020 |
PENSIONERS' DAY: Every Year 17th December is remembered as Pensioners' day in India. On 17th Dec'1982, Supreme Court pronounced a landmark judgement in the WP filed by Sh. D S. Nakara, a retired officer in Ministry of Defence. The following guiding principles emerged from this judgement :- 1. Pensioners belonging to same category should not be discriminated with reference to any date as old pensioners and new pensioners if any liberalisation of pension is done. 2. Pension is a vested right which is Statutory in character. 3. All pensioners of same category form one class irrespective of date of their retirement. 4. Pension is neither a bounty nor a matter of grace depending upon the sweet will of the employer. 5. Pension is not ex-gratia payment but it is a payment for past services rendered. 6. Pension is a right and payment of it does not depend upon the discretion of employer but it is governed by the Rules Regulations and employees coming within the rules are entitled to claim pension. 7. Pension as a retirement benefit is in consonance with the furtherance of the goal of the Constitution which is paid to give a fillip and push to the policy of setting up a welfare state. 8. The pension scheme consistent with available resources must provide that pensioner would be able to live a life (a) free from want, with decency, independent and with self-respect and (b) at a standard equivalent to pre-retirement level. This is a very historic judgement which has stood the test of time for over forty years and even today is considered the most landmark judgement based on which pension cases are being settled. Happy Pensioners' day. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
15/12/2020 |
RELAXATION OF TRAINING: While sanctioning pension, CCA office raises objections for non-fulfilment of training requirements which are mentioned in the financial up gradation orders.The orders already issued by Corporate Office regarding training relaxations do not cover all the cases. In other words no blanket orders were issued. This was pointed out by RTOWA long back to Admin section and the then GM (Admin) took up the issue with CO. But CO considered the cases for relaxation as individual cases and no blanket orders were issued. Now DGM (Pen) has taken up the issue with Admin. The letter is as HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
14/12/2020 |
RELEASE OF SECOND LOT OF PPOs: In respect of VRS-2019 retirees, 600 PPOs have been despatched by Speed post in the second Lot. The list released by CCA is at Also please CLICK HERE to view the list. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
10/12/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA ISSUE: This issue is relentlessly pursued both by RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai. RTOWA Delhi is keeping track of the file every week. The file is moving up and down continuously with querries and replies but in the positive direction. To keep the pressure on, Co-Ordination Committee has written to MoC seeking his intervention. The letter is as HERE. --Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai. |
09/12/2020 |
SUBMISSION OF IPD BILLS –TIME EXTENDED: Submission of IPD medical bills to medsave TPA for CGHIS policy for year 2019-2020 (01-10-2019 to 30-9-2020) may be done on or before 15-12-2020. Please see the order HERE. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
07/12/2020 |
PURSUIT OF PAYMENT OF DUES TO RETIREES: Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and RTOWA Mumbai has taken up the issue of delay in payment of dues to the Superannuation as well as VRS pensioners with Honorable Minister of Communications. Please see the letter HERE. --CC of RTOWA Delhi and RTOWA Mumbai. |
07/12/2020 |
REIMBURSEMENT OF COST OF HEARING AIDS BY CGHS: Orders has been issued by MoH on Revision of Rate and Guidelines for reimbursement of expenses on purchase of Hearing Aids. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. --RTOWA Mumbai |
05/12/2020: |
RELEASE OF FIRST LOT OF PPOs OF VRS PENSIONERS: The first lot of 850 PPOs of VRS Pensioners has been sent by AO PDA by post. The List has been uploaded at The list in pdf format is as HERE. For any querry regarding PPO please contact 24705600. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
04/12/2020 |
PENSION REVISION ON 73.8% IDA TO THOSE RETIRED BETWEEN 01/01/2018 AND 31/07/2018: There are about 800 pensioners retired during the above period. However the increase of 5% IDA from 01/01/2018 had not been given effect in the pension for about 118 pensioners. This issue was taken up by RTOWA in the Pension Adalat held on 18/11/2020. Now MTNL Pension Section has issued a letter to all Zonal DGMs (Fin) to take action in this regard. These pensioners are requested to pursue their case with concerned Accounts Section of MTNL. The letter with the list is as HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
01/12/2020 |
SUBMISSION OPD BILLS – TIME EXTENSION: OPD Bills are generally to be submitted within three months. Due to lock down many pensioners could not submit the bills within this time limit. So RTOWA persistently pursued the issue. Now the bills can be submitted up to 31/03/2021 if the treatment was taken on or after 01/12/2019. Pensioners who are enrolled in CGHIS are eligible to get reimbursement of OPD Bills. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/11/2020 |
FREEZING OF IDA INCREASE: Sh. Bhai Jagtap, MLC and Chairman Apex Body of United Forum of Unions and Associations of MTNL Delhi and Mumbai has issued a Press Statement against Government's anti-labour policy of freezing IDA increase from 01/10/2020 to 30/06/2021 to employees and pensioners of CPSEs and MTNL /BSNL. Please CLICK HERE to view the Press Report. --J. S. Yadav, Chairman UF Mumbai. --S. M. Sawant Convenor UF Mumbai |
24/11/2020 |
NATIONAL PENSION ADALAT DATED 24/11/2020: National Pension Adalat was conducted by CCA on 24/11/2020 through Webex Meet. Dy. CCA, AO (Pen), AO PDA and other officers attended from CCA Office. ED Mumbai, DGM (Pen) and DM (Pen) were present in the Adalat from MTNL side. Branch Managers of CPPC of some banks also were present in the Adalat. RTOWA was represented by Sh. K. Jawahar President and Sh. J. S. Yadav Jt.G.S. The following requests were made by our Association. 1. Updating DoT period leave at credit in the system, 2. Expediting payment of Commutation to VRS Pensioners, 3. Submission of application for commutation three months prior to superannuation date of VRS Pensioners. 4.Applicability of DoP &PW orders of extension of period to give life Certificate up to 28/02/2021 to MTNL Pensioners. DGM (Pen) MTNL said that the grievances are being resolved. ED assured that MTNL will provide all assistance to CCA Office. CCA thanked ED and said that all the suggestions / requests made by RTOWA will be considered. About 20 pensioners attended the Adalat. --RTOWA Mumbai |
23/11/2020 |
EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF LC: Department of Pension & PW has extended the period for submission of Life Certificate up to 28/02/2021. However orders of DoT are awaited for MTNL Pensioners. The orders of DoP&PW is as HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
21/11/2020 |
SANCTION OF 7TH LOT OF GRATUITY: Seventh lot of Gratuity to VRS- 2019 prorata and direct retirees has been released . Please see the order HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
21/11/2020 |
PURSUIT OF GRIEVANCES OF PENSIONERS: GSLI Payment from LIC: DGM (Pen) is personally pursuing with LIC by contacting the Divisional in-charge regarding GSLI payment to Pensioners on VRS and on superannuation. GM (Fin) has issued letter to all DGM (Fin) to expedite the settlement of all grievances of the pensioners within a month. This is as per the assurance given by GM (Fin) in the meeting with RTOWA on 06/11/2020. Please see the letter HERE. RTOWA continuously pursues all the issues. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
20/11/2020 |
UNITED FORUM OF MTNL MUMBAI PROTESTS AGAINST IDA FREEZE: The United Forum has requested Sh. Prakash Javadekar, Minister (HI&PE) to revoke the orders of IDA Freezing and to issue orders to release IDA due on 01/10/2020. Please see the letter HERE. --J. S. Yadav, Chairman UF Mumbai. --S. M. Sawant, Convenor UF Mumbai. |
20/11/2020 |
IDA FREEZER – REQUEST TO REVOKE THE ORDERS: Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and RTOWA Mumbai has requested Minister of DPE to revoke the orders on freezing of IDA and to issue orders for increase in IDA wef 01/10/2020. Please see the letter HERE. --CC of RTOWA Delhi and RTOWA Mumbai. |
19/11/2020 |
AIBSNL PWA -- CHENNAI BSNL PRESS STATEMENT: Department of Public Enterprises today (19/11/2020) issued order freezing Dearness Allowance due to be paid from October 2020 to the employees of CPSE. It has also frozen DA upto June 2021. The stated reason is covid-19. The Government is giving concessions to the corporates even under Covid situation. Nearly 10 lakh CPSE employees and 2 lakh BSNL, MTNL pensioners are affected by this order. When prices of almost all essential commodities are increasing, freezing of dearness allowance to the employees and particularly pensioners would adversely affect their purchasing power which will have impact on Indian economy. We strongly protest against the decision and urge the Central government to withdraw the order in the interest of our economy. --AIBSNLPWA Tamil Nadu and Chennai Telephones |
19/11/2020 |
IDA IS FROZEN FROM 01/10/2020 TO 30/06/2021: Government has taken an worst step of freezing of our IDA due from 01/10/2020 and which will be due on 01/01/2021 and on 01/04/2021. The IDA which will be due from 01/07/2021 will be paid if Government takes a decision at that time. On restoration of IDA on 01/07/2021, arrears for the period from 01/10/2020 to 30/06/2021 will NOT be paid. The present IDA will continue. Please see the DPE orders HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
18/11/2020 |
PENSION ADALAT – WEB MEETING: Today Pension Adalat was conducted by CCA. RTOWA was represented by Sh. K. Jawahar President and Sh. J. S. Yadav Jt.G.S. The following suggestions / requests were placed by the Association in the Adalat. 1. To establish a regular grievance redressal system, 2. To open AO PDA office soon for pensioners to get their issues settled in person by visiting Currey Road office, 3. To expedite the settlement of pension and pensionary benefits to Superannuation / VR Pensioners, 4. To sanction family pension early on death of pensioners, 5. To co-ordinate with CPPC of Banks personally to start DA on pro rata pension immediately after their retirement, 6. To upload a list of pensioners due to submit LC as on 30/11/2020 on pensioners portal, 7. To start despatch of PPOs of VRS and Superannuation pensioners, 8. To give month wise details of pension drawn every month in Ledger Format in one page on pensioners portal. Sh. V. Sri Sankar ED Mumbai in his speech assured all the assistance from MTNL side and assured redressal of grievances from MTNL side. Mrs. Vibha G. Mishra CCA Mumbai said that the despatch of PPOs of VRS Pensioners will start in batches from first week of December-2020. Out of 57 pensioners who had taken up their grievances, about 25 pensioners attended the Adalat and the details of redressal of their grievances were given by AO PDA / Sr. AO (Pen) and CCA. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
12/11/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA ISSUE BY CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE (CoC) OF RTOWA, DELHI AND RTOWA, MUMBAI: Sh S. S. Nanda Convenor CoC informs that the file pertaining to 5% IDA has been cleared by Member F- DOT and sent to Secretary(T) on 9th November, 2020. RTOWA, Delhi and RTOWA, MumbaI are continuously tracking it. Let us hope that the long pending issue may be achieved shortly. --CoC of RTOWA Delhi & RTOWA Mumbai. |
12/11/2020 |
PENSION ADALAT DATED 18/11/2020 AND 24/11/2020: Those who had taken up their grievances to Pension Adalat are requested to attend it through Webex meetings. The link is given in the letters. As informed by AO PDA these letters have been sent to the pensioners in the lists. Please see the letters of CCA Mumbai and the List of Pensioners Below. Adalat Dated 18/11/2020 Adalat Dated 24/11/2020.
--RTOWA Mumbai. |
11/11/2020 |
MESSAGE FROM WELFARE SECTION ABOUT CGHIS CARD: If the medical e-card could not be downloaded or not found in "Medsave" site, don't panic, don't call anywhere, the medical facility can be availed on the basis of old medical card, if your name is in the list on the portal "”. --Welfare Section, MTNL Mumbai. |
10/11/2020 |
SUBMISSION OF LIFE CERTIFICATE BY PENSIONERS: After implementation of staggering, the MTNL Pensioners on Combined Service are to submit Life Certificate in the month of their retirement. As such the VRS Pensioners should submit Life Certificate in the month of January every year, next due in January-2021. At your convenience the LC can be given earlier also. Then the next LC will be due on or before the 12th month thereafter, as the validity of LC is only 12 months. For any query related to LC, please call the following Telephone Numbers of Curry Road office. 1800 22 32 11 022 24717140 022 24707655 022 24717253 --RTOWA Mumbai. |
09/11/2020 |
EXCESS RECOVERY OF TDS FROM PENSION: AO-PDA states in his letter dated 29/10/2020 that the recovery of TDS from pension is in order and hence no refund can be made. RTOWA has requested again AO PDA to feed all the details of savings submitted by the pensioners before drawal of November-2020 pension.. Please see both the letters below: AO-PDA’S LETTER DATED 29/10/2020 RTOWA’S LETTER DATED 09/11/2020. --RTOWA Mumbai |
07/11/2020 |
MEETING WITH ED MUMBAI: On 06/11/2020 the office bearers met Shri V. SriSankar, ED and discussed various issues. Sh. N. Dhaktode GM (Fin), Sh.Bedade DGM (A&IR), Sh. A. Patankar DGM (HQ), Smt. Asmita Trembekar DGM (Pen), also participated in the discussions. List of issues for discussions and List A, the compiled excel sheet of individual grievances were sent to ED, GM (A) and GM (Fin) on 02/11/2020 itself. RTOWA was represented by Sh. B. R. Pathak GS, Sh.J.S. Yadav Jt.G.S., Sh.K.P. Ravindra Kumar AGS and Sh. P. K. Kulkarni active member. RTOWA is thankful to ED, GM (Fin) and other officers for fruitful discussions. Please CLICK HERE to view a Brief of the discussions. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
06/11/2020 |
CGHIS CARD FOR THE YEAR FROM 01/10/2020: The cards will be sent by post in batches from December-2020 onwards by Medsave, TPA. The soft copy of the card can be downloaded for the Applications received by MTNL either through pensioners portal or by post by Medsave up to 28/09/2020. The soft copy for Applications received after 28/09/2020 will be available after 10 days. Procedure to download the card :- 1.Visit Fill up the following information. 2. "Policy Type" :- select "Group" "Search Category" select "PolicyNo". 3. Enter or copy paste the following group policy number which is common for all the employees:- 2228002820p108524963 4. Enter Staff number and name or even first few letters of name and click on search button. 5. Personal details will appear. View the E-Card by clicking on "View E Card" link. and download the E-Card by clicking on the card and store it in your mobile. Or take print out. Please read all the instructions given on the E-Card. For any querry please call Medsave helpdesk :- Mr. Sanket Talekar 8527694005 Ms.Lalita Bhujbal :-7700914248 --RTOWA Mumbai. |
05/11/2020 |
GPF PAYMENT: It is learnt that VRS Pensioners will be paid 5% GPF out of 10%. Superannuation pensioners retired up to July-2020 will be paid 95% GPF. The payment is likely to be made by 10/11/2020 positively. Funds received. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
04/11/2020 |
RULES OF COMMUTATION: Entitled Amount= 40% of Basic Pension X 12 X 8.194 ( Commutation factor on next birth date at the age 60) This 40% Basic pension, known as Commuted Value of Pension will be reduced from the pension for 15 years and restored after 15 years from the date of payment of Commutation. Full pension is payable up to the date of payment of Commutation. IDA is payable on the full basic pension even after commutation. Therefore there is no loss even if there is delay in payment of commutation. Important to VRS Pensioners :- If death occurs after submission of Form 1 but before payment of Commutation, the nominee will get the money. But if Form 1 is not submitted but the death occurs no commutation will be paid to the nominee. The commuted value of pension is not reduced from family pension. So submission of Form 1 immediately after attaining the date of superannuation is utmost important. So on the date of superannuation please go personally to MTNL Accounts Section and submit Form 1 under acknowledgement. Those who were less than 55 years on 31/01/2020 should submit Form 1 on 01/02/2025 the date of commencement of their eligibility to Commutation. In their case the commutation factor will depend upon their age on that date. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
03/11/2020 |
PENSION REVISION : COURT CASE: Both the OAs filed by RTOWA Delhi, RTOWA Mumbai and MPWA for MTNL Pensioners and by AIRBSNLEWA, and SNPWA for BSNL Pensioners came for hearing today (03/11/2020) at 2.30 pm at PB CAT Delhi. DoT/BSNL/MTNL did not file reply but sought further time. Our Advocate insisted for giving a short time to file the reply by DoT/BSNL/MTNL. Honourable PBCAT New Delhi posted the case for hearing on 23rd December-2020. -- Shri. M. K. Bagchi President RTOWA Delhi. |
02/11/2020 |
LIST OF PENSIONERS APPLIED FOR ENROLLMENT IN CGHIS: This List is updated up to 31/10/2020. If name is not found or any change in Both living Or Single living is required, please send Form G by whatsapp to 9869223399. Please don't call anybody. Please CLICK HERE to view the list. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
02/11/2020 |
PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON GRATUITY: Interest is payable on gratuity from the date of VRS (31/01/2020) to the date of payment on attaining superannuation. However the interest had not been paid with the gratuity amount to the entitled VRS pensioners. The issue was discussed with AO Pension. Interest will be paid to all these VRS pensioners shortly and will be paid in all the future cases. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/10/2020 |
ISSUES UNDER PURSUIT WITH GM(A): The following issues are being pursued with GM (A). 1. CGHS Option with MTNL subsidy to those retired prior to December-2019, 2. Entitlement to OPD reimbursement to those who neither joined CGHS not CGHIS, 3. Extension of OPD bills submission date upto 31/03/2021, 4. Settlement of medical claims under floater, 5. Identity cards to pensioners and 6. Opening Jeevan Pramaan Counter at Tele.House, Borivali, Vashi/Belapur etc. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/10/2020 |
LISTS OF GRIEVANCES OF PENSIONERS: RTOWA has compiled a list of grievances of individual pensioners (LIST-A) and a list of general grievances (LIST-B) and requested GM (Fin) to redress the grievances early. The letter and the Lists are as below. LETTER TO GM(FINANCE LIST-A LIST-B --RTOWA Mumbai. |
29/10/2020 |
JEEVAN PRAMAAN CENTRES AT QCSC-MTNL-MUMBAI: One Jeevan Pramaan Counter at the following QCSCs will start functioning from 01/11/2020. 1. Z-1 Fountain, 2. Z-2 Powai, 3. Z-3 Vile Parle, 4. Z-4 Goregaon and 5. Z-5 Thane Charai Name as per your PPO, PPO number, Aadhar number, Bank Account number (in which pension is credited) and your mobile phone (to get OTP) are required to give DLC (Digital Life Certificate). Please see the orders HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
28/10/2020 |
REQUEST TO REFUND EXCESS TAX DEDUCTED FROM PENSION: RTOWA has requested CCA to arrange to refund the excess TDS from the pension for the months of September-2020 and October-2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
28/10/2020 |
TAX CALCULATIONS FOR FY 2020-21: SIMPLE AND EASY CALCULATOR: Please open website "" and tab "Tax calculator FY 2020-21" from Quick Links on the left side. Only three information Viz., Age, Total Income and Total eligible deductions are to be given. Tax under Old Regime and Tax under New Regime is given as output. Please compare it with the Tax recovered by AO PDA. --RTOWA Mumbai |
27/10/2020 |
PENSION FOR OCTOBER-2020: Pension for October-2020 has already been drawn.It may be credited to bank on 29/10/2020. Details are already available on IDA increase order has not been issued by Govt. So IDA has been drawn at existing rates. --RTOWA Mumbai |
26/10/2020 |
PURSUIT OF EX-GRATIA AND OTHER PENSIONARY BENEFITS: Co-Ordination Committee of RTOWA Delhi and RTOWA Mumbai has taken up the issues of abnormal delay in payment of Ex-Gratia and other Pensionary benefits to pensioners on VRS and Superannuation, with Secretary (T). Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
22/10/2020 |
GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEM AT CCA OFFICE: Nowadays the common grievance is that there is no response from any of the telephone numbers of CCA office whenever called. Acknowledgement for LC, Tax savings documents or any letter is also not given by CCA Office. So the issue has been taken up with CCA jointly by MPWA and RTOWA. Some suggestions also have been given to establish a complaint redressal system. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
21/10/2020 |
FACILITY TO SWITCH OVER TO CGHS WITH MTNL SUBSIDY FOR RETIREES PRIOR TO DEC-2019: The above facility was used to be given every year. But this year it is not given. So reminder has been sent to PGM (HR) requesting to give the facility to switch over to CGHS with MTNL subsidy for the existing pensioners up to 31/12/2020. Please CLICK HERE to see the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
21/10/2020 |
PURSUIT OF FLOATER MEDICAL CLAIMS: RTOWA and MPWA have jointly taken up the issue of long pending medical claims covered by floater of CGHIS.. Please see the letter addressed to GM (A) HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
20/10/2020 |
Life Certificate - Date extended up to 31/12/2020: The date for submission of Life Certificate which are due in the months of October-2020 to December-2020 has been extended up to 31/12/2020. Banks are also authorised to issue DLC. The Circular issued by DoT to all the banks in this regard is given below. Please show this letter if any bank asks for it. Please see the CCA orders for extension HERE. Please CLICK HERE to view the DoT Circular to the Banks . --RTOWA Mumbai |
20/10/2020 |
DATE FOR REFUND OF 50% SUBSIDY ON CGHS SUBSCRIPTION EXTENDED: Now you can enroll to CGHS by 31/12/2020 to avail MTNL subsidy in contribution. Those who had retired from December-2019 to August-2020 can become CGHS member with MTNL subsidy on contribution by submitting application by 31/12/2020. RTOWA Mumbai continuously pursued this issue. Now the orders have been issued. Thanks to ED, GM (A) and DGM (Admin) and Corporate Office. Please see the orders HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
19/10/2020 |
CGHIS ENROLLMENT UPTO 17/10/2020: This list has been updated upto 17/10/2020, 3.30 pm and up loaded on If any correction is required please send G form through WhatsApp to 9869223399 before 31/10/2020. Please don't call anybody. Please CLICK HERE to view the List. --RTOWA Mumbai |
18/10/2020 |
As per the list in item No. 6 above, 886 pensioners are to submit Life Certificate this month. It should be submitted by 22/10/2020 positively.
DLC is preferable. No need to send it. AO will retrieve it from Jeevan Pramaan site.
Please see the nearest Jeevan Pramaan centre by Pincode in "" and clicking "Locate a centre" from the menu.
DLC counter at one QCSC in every Area will be opened within a few days.
PLC (physical certificate) signed by authorised signatory should be sent by post or courier to AO PDA 3rd Floor, MTNL Telephone Exchange, Currey Road Mumbai-400012.
AOPDA is unable to give any confirmation of receipt of certificate.
All these 886 pensioners are again requested to submit LC if not already submitted.
--RTOWA Mumbai
18/10/2020 |
GRIEVANCES TO PENSION ADALAT: Pension Adalat is a facility for the pensioners to settle their long pending grievances. Almost all the grievances are settled by the Adalat. Some grievances:- 1. DA not started on pro rata pension after retirement. 2.Retired before December-2019 but PPO not yet received. 3. Address or name etc. to be corrected in PPO. 4. Family pension not sanctioned. 5. Name of dependent daughter / son to be included in PPO as secondary family pensioner. 6. Staff number prefix correction. 7. Commutation not received by VRS Pensioners who have attained superannuation. 8. Commutation not restored after 15 years. 9. Change of bank account. 10. Pension not sanctioned even three months after retirement. 11. Income Tax Savings documents not considered and tax recovered. 12. Pension not revised due to increase in last pay after retirement on retrospective time bound promotion or settlement of pay anamoly. Any other grievances to be settled by CCA office. Grievances to be settled by CCA Office only should be referred to Pension Adalat. The grievances should reach CCA Office before 23/10/2020. --RTOWA Mumbai |
17/10/2020 |
TRIBUTE TO PASWANJI: Shri Ramvilas Paswaji Passed away on 08th October-2020. He was a Leader of progressive ideology. He was always Pro Labour. Any Union could access him easily during his stint as Minister of Communications. May his soul rest in bliss with Almighty. --RTOWA Mumbai |
16/10/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% ISSUE: Today our President Shri K. Jawahar had a telephone conversation with Shri. S. K. Jain DDG (Estt) on this issue. He said that the file is moving with favourable notes and favourable comments in the right direction. But he could not assure orders in this month. He said "It is too optimistic to say so". He further said "your local counterparts are well pursuing the issue." Thanks to Sh.S.S. Nanda GS and Sh.R.K.Mudgal AGS of RTOWA Delhi for their pursuit. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
16/10/2020 |
EXTENSION OF DATE FOR RENEWAL / NEW ENROLMENT TO CGHIS: As gathered from Admin Section, the last date for renewal / new enrolment to CGHIS has been extended up to 31/10/2020. All Non CGHS Pensioners are requested to use this opportunity to enrol in to CGHIS. Please tell your friends and non-executive pensioners. The list of renewals and new enrolments upto 15/10/2020 will be published soon. RTOWA requested GM (A) over phone to expedite the opening of at least one counter at one QCSC in every Area as per DOT/MTNL CO's orders for submission of DLC. He said that it will be opened shortly. --RTOWA Mumbai |
15/10/2020 |
SETTLEMENT OF PENDING ISSUES – REMINDER TO GMF: MPWA and RTOWA have jointly taken up the following pending issues of Superannuation and VRS pensioners with GM (Fin). 1. Long pending bills of pensioners since 2018 and payment of interest on delay in payment of GPF. 2. To forward pension files of superannuation pensioners at least three months before retirement. 3. Extension of time limit for submission of OPD bills up to 31/03/2021 4. Updating DoT period leave in the system 5. Refund of undue recoveries from Leave Encashment and Ex-Gratia of VRS Pensioners. 6. Payment of LIC Savings fund. 7. Uploading details of Payments of GPF and Leave Encashment of VRS pensioners on pensioners' portal. 8. Payment of commutation of those VRS pensioners who have attained superannuation date. 9. Refund of TDS deducted but not deductible. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
14/10/2020 |
FORMS UPLOADED BY PENSION SECTION ON "”. AO Pension has arranged the following forms uploaded on the for the MTNL pensioners: 1. Conversion of Superannuation Pension to Family Pension in case of pensioner's death, 2. ECS Mandate Form for Change of Bank and 3. Commutation of Pension (FORM-1) for VRS-2019 CSO retirees to be submitted immediately after the Superannuation date. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
13/10/2020 |
MANDATORY UTILISATION OF MTNL LANDLINES & BROADBAND: Ministry of Finance and DoT have issued instructions to all Central Govt. Departments and Central PSUs to use BSNL/MTNL Network for land line/leased line/broadband and internet. Please CLICK HERE to view the letters of DoT and MoF. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
13/10/2020 |
GSLIS (Group Savings Life Insurance Scheme) REFUND: The savings fund of LIC scheme is refundable after retirement. RTOWA has been continuously pursuing this issue. The following reasons are given by LIC and MTNL for the delay. Due to Corona, LIC also had meagre turn out of staff. There is bulk claim upon LIC by MTNL and BSNL due to VRS. There was some reshuffling of staff also at the branch which deals with these claims. Now a list of 276 pensioners whose applications not received from Areas to Pension Section has been given. RTOWA is pursuing with Areas to send these application forms immediately to Pension Section. These 276 pensioners are requested to submit the forms to Area Accounts, if not submitted already. Other Applications are under pursuit by Pension section with LIC. Please see the list HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
12/10/2020 |
EXTENSION OF DATE FOR RENEWAL / NEW ENROLLMENT TO CGHIS: MPWA and RTOWA have jointly took up the following demands regarding CGHIS with ED Mumbai. 1. Extension of last date, 2. Facility to switch over to CGHS with MTNL subsidy on Contribution, 3. To treat the CGHIS applications for a period of two years, 4. To upload the profile of beneficiaries on pensioners portal for corrections if any to be done by the pensioners. Please see the letter to ED Mumbai HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
12/10/2020 |
SUPPLEMENTARY BILL FOR SEPTEMBER-2020 PENSION: It is learnt that more than 200 pensioners out of 425 pensioners (whose pension is not drawn) have submitted DLC/PLC so far. As gathered from AO PDA pension for Sep'20 will be drawn for them in supplementary bill before 15/10/2020. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
11/10/2020 |
TREATMENT OF CGHS BENEFICIARIES IN GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS: Directorate General of CGHS, has issued some clarifications regarding treatment of CGHS beneficiaries at Government Hospitals. CGHS beneficiaries have option to avail Consultation from Specialists/Investigations/treatment procedure from any Central/State Government Hospital including that of Railways, Atomic Energy Commission, Steel Authority of India Limited/Coal India Limited and those under the Municipalities. In case such hospitals charge for certain treatments, same will then be reimbursed from the authorities concerned as per CGHS approved rates. The CGHS beneficiaries eligible for semi-private ward and higher are eligible for treatment in Nursing Home facility in those Government Hospitals which have only General Ward and Nursing Home ward. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
09/10/2020 |
PENSION ADALAT: Notification for Pension Adalat on 18/11/2020 has been issued by Dy. CCA Mumbai. All pensioners are requested to send any grievance that they have such as 1. In respect of PPOs: Corrections, address change, non-receipt, inclusion of the name of secondary Family Pensioner (divorced dependent daughter etc.) etc., 2. Non revision of pension due to promotion etc., 3. Non sanction of pension or Non receipt of pension for any month, 4. Non restoration of Commutation after 15 years, 5. Issues relating to Life certificate, 6. Non granting DA after retirement in case of pro rata pensioners and ANY OTHER GRIEVANCES. Issues relating to CCA Office only should be referred to Adalat. ( That is issues relating to GPF, Leave encashment etc. which are under the purview of MTNL should not be referred to Adalat ) All are requested to use the Adalat to settle their grievances. The Notification is HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
08/10/2020 |
EXTENSION OF DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF CGHIS APPLICATIONS: The final cut-off date for submission of CGHIS applications has been fixed as 15/10/2020 by MTNL. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
07/10/2020 |
INCOME TAX RECOVERY (TDS) FROM PENSION FOR FY-2020-21: Income Tax (TDS) is recovered by AO PDA from pension as per the tax rates of “Old Tax Regime” by default. Documents in proof of savings, insurance premia under Sec. 80C and 80D etc. are to be sent by post / courier to AO PDA o/o CCA, 3rd Floor, MTNL Telephone Exchange, Currey Road PO, Mumbai-400012. Copies of paid receipts with covering letter are to be sent. Declaration for savings in the subsequent months is not accepted by AO PDA. Those who desire to switch over to the “New Tax Regime” are requested to intimate the option to AO PDA by post / courier and through email Those who don't have Home loan interest, or other savings, insurance etc. may opt for “New Tax Regime”. --RTOWA Mumbai |
07/10/2020 |
DRAWAL OF SUPPLEMENTARY BILL OF PENESION FOR SEPTEMBER-2020: Pension for September-2020 will be drawn in supplementary bill for those who submit Life Certificate by 9th October-2020 out of the 425 pensioners whose pension is not drawn. It is learnt that only 20 pensioners have submitted LC (PLC and DLC together) till yesterday (06/10/2020). AO PDA says supplementary bill will be drawn if atleast 100 pensioners submit LC. So the pensioners whose pension for September-2020 is not drawn are requested to submit LC immediately. --RTOWA Mumbai |
05/10/2020 |
REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT FOR LC UPTO 31/12/2020: RTOWA Mumbai has taken up the issue of extension of time limit for submission of LC up to 31/12/2020, coinciding with the date of extension as per the orders of DoP & PW. Please see the letter to Member (Fin) HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
03/10/2020 |
LIST OF PENSION NOT DRAWN FOR SEPTEMBER-2020: List of pensioners whose pension for September-2020 is not drawn due to not submission of LC is on All these pensioners are requested to submit LC within a week so that supplementary bill can be drawn as agreed by CCA Mumbai. Please CLICK HERE to view the list. --RTOWA Mumbai |
03/10/2020 |
APPOINTMENT OF SRI S.K.GUPTA Pr. CCA DELHI AS DIR (FIN) MTTNL: RTOWA Mumbai congratulates Sri. S. K. Guptaji who has taken over the charge of Director (Fin) MTNL on 01/10/2020 and wishes him all the best in his new assignment. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
01/10/2020 |
EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF CGHIS FORMS: Retirees, who have not submitted CGHIS Enrolment form till date, can submit CGHIS form online or 'G' Form Physically by 6th October 2020. They can also submit through e-mail at ONLINE or PHYSICAL Form will not be accepted after 06/10/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter issued by DGM-IR. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
01/10/2020 |
PAYMENT OF COMMUTATION TO VRS PENSIONERS: Today (01/10/2020) a meeting between CCA and GM (Fin) along with Accounts officers were held to sort out the issue. Subsequently instructions have been issued by DGM (Pen) outlining the procedures. 1. All the forms (Form 1) received from the entitled VRS Pensioners will be forwarded to CCA office by MTNL Area offices. 2. Form-1 should be submitted by VRS pensioners after attaining the superannuation date. 3. If death of VRS Pensioner occurs before attaining the superannuation date OR after superannuation date but before submission of the Commutation Form, then Commutation is not payable. 4. If death occurs after superannuation date and after submission of the form, Commutation will be paid to the nominee. Please see the instructions issued by DGM (Pen) HERE. RTOWA continuously pursued this issue. --RTOWA Mumbai |
30/09/2020 |
REIMBURSEMENT OF LOCAL PURCHASE BILLS BY CGHS: The cost of medicines purchased outside based on the earlier prescription of CGHS for chronic diseases will be reimbursed up to 31/12/2020 by CGHS to the beneficiaries. Please CLICK HERE to view the Orders. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/09/2020 |
SUBMISSION OF LIFE CERTIFICATE: Dept. of Pension extended the time limit of submission of LC due in November-2020 up to 31/12/2020 vide orders dated 11th September-2020 for Central Gov.t pensioners. CCA Mumbai, in the discussion with her on 14/09/2020, said that these orders are applicable to MTNL Pensioners too. Accordingly WhatsApp message was given by RTOWA regarding extension of time limit up to 20/12/2020. However to our shock pension for September-2020 has not been drawn for more than 400 pensioners who had not submitted life certificate. The issue was discussed with CCA today (30/09/2020). She said that according to DoT instructions (received just before the drawal of pension) the extension is not applicable to MTNL Pensioners. However CCA Mumbai agreed to draw pension for September-2020 for all these left out pensioners in supplementary bill on submission of LC within a week.. The list of more than 400 pensioners will be uploaded on pensioners portal and the date of payment of supplementary bill will be decided soon. So all these 400+ pensioners are requested to submit LC soon. --RTOWA Mumbai |
30/09/2020 |
IDA INCREASE FROM 01/10/2020: All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers-AICPI ( IW ) for August ,2020 increased by TWO points and pegged at 368. Therefore IDA from 1st October,2020 will be 165.4%. That means an increase of 5.5%. --RTOWA Mumbai |
29/09/2020 |
RETENTION OF STAFF QUARTERS BEYOND 8 MONTHS AFTER RETIREMENT: Now MTNL has allowed the retirees to retain the Staff Quarters upto a maximum of 2 years with certain Terms And Conditions as per CROP policy released by MTNL. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders issued by MTNL. |
27/09/2020 |
PENSION REVISION CAT CASE : Order Sheet of CAT PB New Delhi in our case for Revision of pension vide No.1271 of 2020 has been issued on 17/09/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the Order. |
25/09/2020 |
LC THROUGH SBI: State Bank authorities have instructed all the Branches of SBI to process Life Certificate of the pensioners who are having accounts in their branches. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
24/09/2020 |
SETTLEMENT OF DUES TO RETIREES: Discussions over phone were held on 22/09/2020 with ED, GM(Fin) and GM(A) by President and Joint GS regarding the urgency to settle all the dues of the pensioners and to place funds request on Corporate Office. GM (A) was requested to cause to release a list of CGHIS applications that are accepted online on daily basis. He immediately agreed to the request. The letter to GM (Fin) is HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
23/09/2020 |
LIFE CERTIFICATE THROUGH BANKS: Now pensioners can give their Digital LC through Bank branches also. Please see the order issued by DoT to Banks HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
22/09/2020 |
RAISING FUNDS BY BSNL AND MTNL: BSNL has raised Rs.8500 Crores yesterday (21/09/2020) by issuing sovereign bonds. It is learnt that yesterday (21/09/2020) MTNL has received Govt. approval to issue bonds to raise Rs.6500 Cr. It may perhaps take about 10 days to complete the formalities and to raise money. It is expected that all the dues of pensioners on Superannuation, VR, VRS, pro-rata/direct recruited will be settled on raising money through bonds. The balance and final payment of ex-gratia is likely to be made by this month end on receipt of funds from DoT. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
22/09/2020 |
MTNL's RENTING OUT POLICY FOR RETENTION OF QUARTERS: The above policy has been issued today (22/09/2020) by MTNL Corporate Office. Retention beyond the permissible period of 8 months is allowed in spells of 6 months every time, maximum for a period of two years. Rent has been prescribed for different types of the Qrs. The policy is in line with the policy of BSNL. Please see the orders HERE. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Page-1 Page-2 Page-3 Page-4 Page-5 --RTOWA Mumbai. |
21/09/2020 |
CGHIS –FORM SUBMISSION DATE EXTENDED: Last date for submission of CGHIS form online /physical is extended to 28/09/2020. Please circulate among all. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter issued by ED, Mumbai. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
19/09/2020 |
CGHIS EXTENSION OF DATE FOR RENEWAL: RTOWA has requested the GM(Admin) to extend the last date for renewal / new application to CGHIS up to 31/10/2020. GM (A) assured over phone that the date will be extended, but did not commit on the extended last date. Please see the email sent to GM(A) HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
17/09/2020 |
PAYMENT OF COMMUTATION TO VRS PENSIONERS: Our President discussed with CCA Mumbai and AO Pension regarding delay in payment of commutation to the VRS pensioners who have reached the superannuation date. GM Finance was also requested to look into the issue. It is now learnt that GM Finance and CCA will discuss the issue over video conference within a couple of days. A letter has been issued to GM Fin and CCA Mumbai. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mimbai. |
16/09/2020 |
CGHIS RENEWAL AND OPTION TO SWITCH OVER TO CGHS: Yesterday (15/09/2020) the following issues were brought to the notice of ED. 1. Option to switch over to CGHS with MTNL subsidy of 50% Contribution. 2. Extension of time limit to apply for renewal of CGHIS. Today (16/09/2020) the above issues were discussed with DGM (IR) and GM (Admn). DGM(IR) said that letter has already been sent to Corporate Office in this regard. Requested IT Unit to provide "Submit" button and "Acknowledgement" after giving inputs for renewal of CGHIS in the pensioner portal. It is learnt that some modifications will be done by today evening. --RTOWA Mumbai |
14/09/2020 |
WELCOME SHRI. RAJESH RAI GM(ADMIN): Shri. Rajesh Rai has assumed as GM (A) MTNL Mumbai a few days back. RTOWA welcomes him with virtual bouquet. Please CLICK HERE to view the Welcome letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
14/09/2020 |
LIFE CERTIFICATE – EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT: CCA Mumbai has confirmed that the orders of Dept. of P&PW dated 11th September-2020 is applicable to MTNL Pensioners too. Accordingly the time limit for submission of life certificate is extended up to 31/12/2020. CCA further said that Digital Life Certificate is preferable. So all the pensioners retired up to 31/12/2019, excluding those already submitted LC during 2020, are required to submit LC before 20/12/2020. DoP & PW's orders dated 11th September' 2020 is HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
13/09/2020 |
OPTION TO SWITCH OVER TO CGHS WITH SUBSIDY: This year the window to switch over to CGHS (with MTNL subsidy) has not been given simultaneously with calling application for renewal of CGHIS. So the issue has been taken up and a letter has been given to ED-MTNL, Mumbai. Please see the Letter to ED HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
13/09/2020 |
PROCEDURE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION TO CGHIS: 1. Log on: 2. Then MANDATE for MTNL Contributory Group Health Insurance Scheme (CGHIS) for Retirees will appear. 3. Part A) Compulsory inputs needed in Q1, Q2. 4. Q1) Staffno. (only digits) – enter only Staff No. (ignore ‘M or 0’). 5. Q2) Date of Birth (of Employee). (In case if spouse of expired retiree need to enrol, then use Staff No. & Date of Birth of expired retiree). 6. Part B) Please click on any one mandate button. 7. Part C) Give answer. 8. Next1 9. You can update these details, only if needed. Retiree can make changes/ corrections/ additions of his/her Contact No., E-mail id, Address if needed. 10.You can make correction in spouse date of birth, if it is blank or incorrect. 11.If name of spouse not available or message like “please submit properly/ pl. give proper input” appears, please fill-up physical form e.g. Annexure ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘F’, ‘G’ and submit to Medsave TPA, 1st Floor, Tel. House, Prabhadevi, Mumbai, for updation/ enrolment process. 12.Living Details: Living (select properly). Expired (select properly). 13.Mandate: Medical Facility Needed (select properly). Medical Facility Not Needed (select properly). 14.Next2. 15.Click to print & take printout for record purpose. – ENROLLMENT FORM SUBMISSION PROCEDURE COMPLETED.
Note: If “EXPIRED” word wrongly appear at Point No.12 above, make it corrected as “LIVING” and click on Next2 - then Refresh it (F5), and fill-up the online form again; you will get “LIVING” status in place of “EXPIRED”. Contact for query: Mr. Khedekar, Welfare Inspector, MTNL 9869223399. Mr. Sonar, DM (Welfare), MTNL 9869248159. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
12/09/2020 |
RENEWAL OF CGHIS AND NEW APPLICATION FOR CGHIS: Circular has been issued by MTNL for renewal as well as new application to CGHIS. It should be submitted online web application as detailed below. --Please visit --Click on the first item. The Form for renewal will appear. --New Application Forms A, B, F and G with proof of name (spouse) and date of birth of spouse should be sent to Medsave. The last date is 20/09/2020. Please see the Circular HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
11/09/2020 |
REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT FOR LC: Member (F) has been requested to extend the time limit for submission of Life Certificate until the environment becomes normal for senior citizens to move out. The letter may be viewed HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
10/09/2020 |
EXTENSION OF CGHIS FOR ONE YEAR FROM 01/10/2020: The MTNL Corporate Office has extended the CGHIS Facility to the MTNL Retirees for one more year from 01/10/2020 to 30/09/2021. Forms are expected to be filled online on or before 20/09/2020. Detailed procedure by MTNL Mumbai will be circulated shortly. Nearly 50% pensioners have failed to avail the facility year after year and realise only when the situation occurs. Please give wide publicity among all retired persons and help them to fill up the forms. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter issued by CO. --RTOWA, Mumbai |
10/09/2020 |
REVISION OF PENSION CASE AT PRINCIPAL CAT: As reported by Advocate both the OAs ( Registry Dates 08/09/020 & 09/09/2020 ) have been listed simultaneously for being heard for admission on 17/09/2020 on “Virtual Court hearing” process. Meanwhile and even thereafter, we must restrain ourselves from making debate, comments, speculation or any discussion on the merit and otherwise outcome of the case. Please note that the entire issue is now before the Honourable Court and all of us have deep faith in Judiciary. Please don’t do or write or say anything that may prejudice the legal scrutiny of our issue. Soon at the appropriate time we shall let everybody know the salient features and other important aspects of our OA. Please wait patiently. --M. K. Bagchi, President, RTOWA Delhi. |
09/09/2020 |
REVISION OF PENSION – CASE FILED IN PRINCIPAL CAT DELHI: Yesterday (08/09/2020) two OAs have been filed at Principal CAT Delhi. One OA jointly by RTOWA Delhi, RTOWA Mumbai, MPWA and other individual pensioners for revision of pension of MTNL Pensioners. Another OA jointly by AI RBSNLWA, SNPWA and other individual pensioners for revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners. The same Lawyer will plead both the cases. RTOWA Mumbai in its EC meeting on 24/12/2019 had tentatively decided to file court case besides adopting other means. Resolution to file case at Principal CAT Delhi was passed unanimously in its EC Meeting on 29/08/2020 The details of case will be posted soon. Thanks to Shri Amit Gupta AGS AI RBSNL WA (passed away on 05/09/2020) and Shri M. K. Bagchi President RTOWA Delhi. Both had worked tirelessly to gather all documents, briefing the advocate in many meetings and coordinating with all the Associations. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
08/09/2020 |
EXPERIENCE WITH eSANJEEVANI-OPD- BY A PENSIONER: eSanjeevaniOPD services started by state Governments as directed by the Central Government for the benefit of Senior Citizen is a very good consultation process aimed at reducing their stress and offering ease of access to medical fraternity while relaxing at home. The consultation process flow is so simple and easy for anyone who wish to consult a doctor for their opinion. Dedicated team of designated doctors are made available for this free consultation Service over Internet with the help of a mobile. This service can be availed by all for free between 10 am and 3 pm. Time taken for connection with the doctor is almost instant, Say 10 seconds approximately, as there are several doctors online and not much patients online. Process is so simple. Visit website and register for consulting a doctor. Then Login to the system with a token generated during registration process. Under documents patient may upload his medical history or upload ID cards / CGHS cards. Under address CGHS members may mention their Beneficiary ID. System will put you on hold and provide a ring back as the queue gets cleared. Press ‘Call now’ button and consult the doctor who answered your call. Doctors are listening patiently and understanding our concern before answering. Doctor will issue prescription after hearing the patient. Prescription issued during consultation by doctor can be downloaded and printed on an external printer. Service is very good and fantastic. I had tested the consultation process by taking three appointments today within a span of 20 minutes and consulted three different doctors who had come online. If you wish to go for test or undergo further procedures you may consult CGHS /CGHIS TPA's or your Personal health advisors / doctor to get his advice and references. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
08/09/2020 |
DLC CENTRE AT EVERY MTNL AREA AND RENEWAL OF CGHIS: The above two issues were discussed with Sri. Sri Sankar ED Mumbai today. He assured that one counter at any one QCSC at every MTNL Area will be shortly opened for Digital Life Certificate. He further said that he would talk to Corporate Office for calling application for renewal of CGHIS. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
07/09/2020 |
RENEWAL OF CGHIS AND SWITCH OVER TO CGHS: PGM (HR) has been requested to call for application for renewal of CGHIS/new enrollment to CGHIS. Also requested to give option to switch over to CGHS / new enrollment to CGHS with MTNL subsidy. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
05/09/2020 |
UPLOADING DETAILS OF PAYMENTS ON PENSIONERS’ PORTAL: A reminder letter has been given to GM (Fin) to upload the details of Payments of GPF, CPF, MTNL Gratuity, Leave Encashment etc., on pensioners’ portal. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
03/09/2020 |
02/09/2020 |
UPDATING LEAVE AT CREDIT AND REFUND OF EXCESS TDS: RTOWA is continuously requesting GM (Fin) to cause to update the leave at credit on the date of absorption of Superannuation and VRS pensioners and also insisting to refund the excess TDS. A reminder letter is issued today. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter to GMF. Please CLICK HERE to view the CBDT circular dated 27/04/2011. --RTOWA Mumbai |
02/09/2020 |
JEEVAN PRAMAAN PORTAL IN MTNL CSCs: With reference to DOT's orders regarding making necessary arrangements GM area wise in co-ordination with CCA office to facilitate the pensioners to submit their life certificates near to their residence, MTNL Corporate office has issued the orders to provide atleast one Jeevan Pramaan Portal in each GM area by 15/09/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the copy of the orders. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
31/08/2020 |
INCOME CERTIFICATE AND FORM 16: Income Certificate: It is issued by AO PDA for pension paid from March'19 to Feb'20 for the purpose of filing Income Tax returns by the pensioners. Form 16 Part A: It is issued by AO PDA for TDS on pension. and issued by Area Accounts for TDS on Salary. This is the same copy of TRACES (Income tax site). If there is no TDS in any month, there will be no Form 16 Part A. Form 16 Part B: Issued by Area Accounts for details of Salary from March'2019 to Feb'2020 and Ex-Gratia first instalment. Those who retired during 2019-2020 should club together Pension and Salary in the IT Returns VRS-19 Pensioners should club their salary income, Ex-Gratia, and Provisional pension for Feb'20 if received before 31/03/2020 in the Income Tax returns. RTOWA persistently requested CCA Mumbai and GM Fin. to cause to upload these certificates on pensioners’ portal. This is the first time that pensioners get Form 16 and Income Certificate on pensioners' portal and this arrangement relieved the pensioners from the inconveniences of visiting AO PDA office / MTNL Accounts Sections. On behalf of all the pensioners, RTOWA conveys thanks to GM Fin, CCA, DGM (Pen), Consultant, AO PDA, AO (Pen) MTNL pension cell, AO WFMS, Accounts personnel of Areas, Consultant, and Broadband Team who had achieved this task. --RTOWA Mumbai |
29/08/2020 |
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING: The virtual EC meeting through WhatsApp chat was held today. After a day long discussions the following resolutions were passed unanimously. 1. It is resolved to file a case in Principal CAT Delhi for Revision of Pension jointly with RTOWA Delhi and MPWA. Sh.K. Jawahar President will represent RTOWA Mumbai in the petition. The other three petitioners will be 1).Sh. B.R.Pathak, 2). Sh. J.S.Yadav and 3) Sh. H.S.Upadhyay. 2. Resolved to donate Rs.51000 to Poinsur Pawan Dham Borivili for Covid-19 patients’ care. The President informed the EC that all the items as mentioned in the last EC meeting are being pursued. In addition the issue of "reducing the restoration of commutation from 15 years to 10 years" also will be pursued. The meeting ended after passing resolutions. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
29/08/2020 |
COMMUTATION OF PENSION: It is learnt that the technical glitch in the system has been fixed now. So MTNL Pension Section and CCA office will process "Commutation Payments" of those VRS Pensioners whose superannuation date is over and applied for commutation. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
28/08/2020 |
LETTERS TO MOC BY HONOUARABLE GOPAL SHETTY MP: After the yesterday’s meeting with Honourable Gopal Shetty M.P., he wrote two letters to Honourable Minister of Communications to intervene in settling some of the pending issues. Please click the following Links to view those letters.
1. Letter to settle 5% IDA issue. 2. Letter to settle the pending dues of VRS Retirees. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
27/08/2020 |
MEETING WITH SHRI GOPAL SHETTY M.P. : Pursuit of urgent pending issues: Shri. J. S. Yadav Jt.General Secretary, Sh. J.P. Baghel EC Member and Sh.D.R. Pande, active member met Shri. Gopal Shetty M.P. today and apprised him of the following urgent pending issues and requested his help. 1. 5% IDA Merger Issue, 2. To expedite payment of pending pensionary benefits to VRS Pensioners and Superannuation Pensioners, 3. Extension of retention period of Quarters and BSNL's discrimination against MTNL Pensioners in levying License Fee, 4. Implementation of enhanced pension to pro rata pensioners for their MTNL service. Honourable M.P. assured to take up the issues with MOC. A Letter was handed over to him giving details of the issues. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
25/08/2020 |
REIMBURSEMENT OF COST OF OPD MEDICINES - SPECIAL SANCTION: Reimbursement of cost of medicine is approved till 30/09/2020 in view of Covid19. CGHS beneficiaries can purchase regular medicines from open market instead of collecting from Wellness center and claim the bills. Medicine can also be collected from Wellness centers as per normal practice. Please CLICK HERE to view the OM issued by the MOH. |
24/08/2020 |
PENSION FOR AUGUST-2020: As per the under mentioned orders the pension for August-2020 will be credited from 27/08/2020 onwards as confirmed by AO PDA. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter issued by DOE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
24/08/2020 |
MEETING WITH GM(ADMIN) AND GM(FINANCE): Our Jt. General Secretary Shri. J.S. Yadav met GM (Admin) and GM (Fin) on 19/08/2020 and discussed the pending issues. Issues discussed with GM (Admin): 1. Quarters issues: a)Retention of Quarters beyond permissible period; b) Renewal of License system for two more years; c) BSNL's charges of License Fee inclusive of notional HRA. 2. Extension of time limit to apply for CGHS to get the benefit of 50% reimbursement on CGHS subscription. 3. Settlement of floater case reimbursement claims under CGHIS pending since 2014. GM(A) said that in all these cases letters have been sent to Corporate office with positive suggestions and continuously pursued. ********************************************** Issues discussed with GM (Fin): Many issues mentioned in the letter given below were discussed. The response of GM (Fin) was positive. RTOWA will continue to pursue these issues. Please CLICK HERE to see the reminder letter submitted to GM(F) today. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
21/08/2020: |
SOME CLARIFICATIONS ON FORM-16 AND INCOME CERTIFICATE: Filing Tax Returns by Pensioners retired during 2019-20: Pensioners retired during 2019-2020 are requested to file tax returns clubbing the salary and pension. Form 16 for Salary Income is issued by concerned Accounts Section of MTNL and Income certificate and Tax deducted certificate (Form 16 Part A) for pension is issued by CCA Mumbai. *********************************** Form 16 Part A and Part B for salary etc: Form 16 of pensioners (including VRS) retired from April-2019 to March-2020 for their salary income, leave encashment and ex-gratia (amount paid before 31/03/2020) will be issued by concerned Accounts Section of MTNL RTOWA has requested GM (Fin) to upload the Form 16 on pensioners’ portal. ************************************** Income Certificate for Provisional Pension for February-2020: The Income Certificate of those VRS pensioners who have received their provisional pension for February-2020 is also uploaded in the pensioners’ portal. ********************************************** Difference between Form-16 and Income Certificate: In Income Certificate Tax and other recoveries are clubbed. In the month of March'2019 for some pensioners tax was recovered for both FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 and both are clubbed together. So Tax and Recoveries as per Income Certificate in their case will differ from Tax deducted and remitted as per Form 16 Part A. IT Returns should be filed taking the gross pension as per Income Certificate. Tax deducted and remitted is as per Form-16 Part A / Form 26 AS --RTOWA Mumbai |
21/08/2020 |
UPLOADING OF FORM-16 AND INCOME STATEMENT IN PENSIONER PORTAL: Due to COVID-19 circumstances, the Income Certificate and Form 16 Part-A issued by CCA, Mumbai for the MTNL Pensioners is made available on the pensioner portal for download. The Circular issued by O/O CCA, Mumbai may please be referred hereunder. The downloaded PDF file is encrypted with Password (DD/MM/YYYY). In case of any queries please call DOT Pension Cell on 24705600, 24704466. Please CLICK HERE to view the Circular issued bt the AO(PDA) in this regard. |
20/08/2020 |
CASE OF HIGHER PENSION TO PRORATA OPTEES FOR EPF PENSION FOR MTNL SERVICE: United Forum Mumbai has requested CMD to cause to take steps to get higher amount of pension to MTNL Pensioners opted for EPF Pension for their service in MTNL based on the contributions on their actual pay. The letter is HERE. --J. S. Yadav, Chairman, United Forum Mumbai. --S. M. Sawant, Convenor, United Forum Mumbai. |
19/08/2020 |
ORDERS ISSUED FOR IDA W.E.F. 01/07/2020: Now the orders are issued for reduction of IDA of 0.8% from 01/07/2020. The rates have been reduced from the existing 160.7% to 159.9 %. The over payment for July-2020 will be recovered from the pension for August-2020. Please see the orders HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
18/08/2020 |
LIST OF PPOs UPLOADED ON PENSIONERS PORTAL: List of PPOs of Superannuation pensioners and VRS pensioners have been uploaded on pensioners’ portal ( vide items 13 and 14 respectively. Thanks to CCA. --RTOWA MUMBAI. |
17/08/2020 |
PAYMENT OF SAVINGS FUND FROM LIC ON RETIREMENT: On retirement the Savings Fund part of the group insurance is paid to Pensioners. Superannuation and VRS pensioners retired from January-2020 onwards have not yet received this money. SM (Pen) visited LIC office last week and continuously pursuing this issue. Less attendance of staff, transfer of staff, bulk claims from MTNL and BSNL are some of the reasons stated for this abnormal delay. It may perhaps take minimum of another 10 days to get payment. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
14/08/2020 |
DELIVERY OF PPOs AND UPLOADING OF FORM-16: The issues on Delivery of PPOs, Uploading List of PPOs, Form-16, Income Certificate etc. on Pensioners portal were discussed with Mrs. V.G. Mishra CCA Mumbai over phone by the President Shri Jawahar. Her response is positive. She says that depending upon technical feasibility the uploading of List of PPOs, Form-16 and Income Certificate on Pensioners portal will be done shortly. Regarding RTOWA's request to arrange to send PPOs through courier she said that PPOs will he sent by speed post only after return of normalcy in postal side. These issues are continuously pursued. --RTOWA Mumbai |
14/08/2020 |
VACATING DEPARTMENTAL QUARTERS BY PENSIONERS: The President Shri Jawahar Talked to GM A today. Requested him to send reminders for extension of time limit to vacate Quarters, reintroduction of License system, Powai Quarters issue and extension of time limit for CGHS. He (GM-A) says that many letters have been written by his office. He also talked to PGM HR but there is no response from CO. --RTOWA Mumbai |
11/08/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA ISSUE: It is learnt that Director (Fin) has cleared the file with positive remarks. Now it is awaiting clearance from DDG (Fin). Perhaps he will also clear the file in this week. --S.S.Nanda, GS RTOWA Delhi. |
10/08/2020 |
VRS-2019-PENDING DUES: United Forum has written a letter to CMD to pay the pending dues of VRS-2019 Retirees. Please see the letter below. |
06/08/2020 |
SETTLEMENT OF PENSION CASES PENDING DUE TO MANDATORY TRAINING: Instructions has been issued by DGM (Pension) to settle the Pension Cases which were held up due to non-fulfilment of Training Conditions. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
04/08/2020 |
UPLOADING OF LIST OF PPOs AND FORM-16: CCA Mumbai has been requested to upload details of PPOs generated from January-2020 onwards on Pensioners portal. Also requested to send the PPOs to the pensioners through Courier. Also it has been requested to upload Form 16 and Income Certificate on Pensioners portal. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA MUMBAI |
04/08/2020 |
SUGGESTIONS FOR EARLY SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS BY PENSIONERS: RTOWA has requested GM Finance to consider some suggestions for early payment of claims by pensioners. Also requested to extend the time limit of 3 months for submission of OPD Medical bills of non CGHS Pensioners. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
03/08/2020 |
PURSUIT OF PENDING CLAIMS OF PENSIONERS: There is delay in payment of pending claims such as reimbursement of OPD Bills of non CGHS pensioners, 50% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution etc. even after receipt of some funds last week. The issue was discussed with DGM (Fin-Hqrs). GM Finance is requested to intervene. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
01/08/2020 |
IDA ORDERS NOT YET ISSUED: The IDA effective from 01/07/2020 as per calculations based on CPI (Cost of Price Index) is 159.9% that is less by 0.8% than the existing rate of 160.7%. However DPE has not yet issued orders for this revision of IDA. So pension for July-2020 has been drawn at the existing rate of 160.7%. --RTOWA Mumbai |
29/07/2020 |
AO PDA OFFICE IS CLOSED UPTO 04/08/2020: AO PDA Office at Currey Road Exchange is closed up to 04/08/2020 as one of the official is tested positive for Covid-19. Officers and staff are under self home quarantine. The whole office is now sanitised. RTOWA wishes Sh.D.M.Songal speedy recovery and wishes all the employees to have excellent health. On behalf of all pensioners of MTNL Mumbai RTOWA thank all of them for the drawal of pension for July'2020. Please see the letter HERE --RTOWA Mumbai |
28/07/2020 |
GRATUITY TO VRS-2019 PRORATA RETIREES: For fourth lot of Payment of MTNL Gratuity to VRS-19 Pro-rata and Direct recruit retirees, ECS file has been sent to Bank for payment today. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter issued by DGM-Pension. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
28/07/2020 |
LICENCE FEE FOR RETENTION OF BSNL QUARTERS : CMD is again requested to direct ED, BSNL, Maharashtra Circle not to include the notional HRA in the L.Fee for retention of BSNL Qrs by MTNL retirees and to refund the already recovered amount in case of Powai Qrs. Letter is as HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
27/07/2020 |
RETENTION OF STAFF QUARTERS – REMINDER TO CMD: CMD has been again requested to extend retention of Quarters up to 31/12/2020 and also to retain the Quarters on Licence Scheme for two years from 01/01/2021. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
27/07/2020 |
REIMBURSEMENT OF LOCAL PURCHASE AND TESTS FROM CGHS: A letter requesting reimbursement of local purchase of medicines and expenses on Diagnosis (Testing) at non panelled centres without reference from Wellness Centres addressed to AD, CGHS has been sent today. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. ---RTOWA, Mumbai. |
25/07/2020 |
EXTENSION OF TIME TO APPLY FOR CGHS: A reminder has been sent to PGM (HR) to extend the period of three months from the date of retirement up to 31/12/2020 for application to CGHS to get the benefit of 50% CGHS Contribution for the pensioners retired from December-2019 onwards and retiring up to 31/08/2020 due to continuous lock down at Mumbai. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter to PGM (HR), MTNL-CO, Delhi. --RTOWA Mumbai |
24/07/2020 |
EC MEETING: On 22/07/2020, Executive Committee Meeting of our Association was held on ZOOM. The latest status of all the following issues was briefed by President and Joint General Secretary and discussions took place 1. Revision of Pension :- Preparations are in advanced stage to file a case at Principal CAT Delhi jointly with RTOWA Delhi and MPWA. 2. 5% Issue :- Maximum pressure has been exerted by all the Associations. An informal meeting of officers of MTNL and DoT is likely by next week to understand and interpret the data given by MTNL 3. Long pending dues of pensioners:- (Reimbursement of 50% Contribution of CGHS, OPD Bills, Tele.bills, Salary & LE Arrears of those retired between 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018 and other claims) are under continuous vigorous pursuit. *GM (Fin) has been requested to arrange payment every month as a routine procedure in future*. 4. Balance payments of Ex-Gratia, GPF, CPF, MTNL Gratuity, and Leave Encashment, LIC Savings Fund and PPO readiness etc of VRS Pensioners are under vigorous pursuit. 5. GPF and Leave encashment to Pensioners retired from Jan'2020 onwards on superannuation, & early sanction of all retirement benefits within a month of retirement...Under continuous pursuit. 6. Extension of permissible period of retention of qrs up to 31/12/2020 to all the Pensioners and to restore the License Scheme for one year after 31/12/2020.. Under continuous vigorous pursuit. 7. Enhancing the ITax exemption limit of Rs.5 lakhs on Ex-Gratia of VRS Pensioners to the corresponding level of inflation index…Under pursuit. 8. Relaxation of Training Conditions of Superannuation pensioners and to sanction their Pensionary benefits.. Under pursuit. 9. Request to drop the Recovery of notional HRA for retention of BSNL Qrs by Pensioners and to refund the already recovered amount from gratuity etc…. Under pursuit. 10. Extension of date for Application to CGHS…. Under pursuit. 11. To restore the stepping up in the pay anomaly cases that had arisen due to conversion of CDA pay to IDA Pay, settled rightly but reversed after retirement…. Under pursuit. 12. Payment of interest on GPF balance for the period of delay to the pensioners retired since 2018 onwards. Hereafter to pay the interest along with payment itself…. Under pursuit 13. Uploading the details of payment of GPF and Leave Encashment of VRS Pensioners on pensioners' portal... Under pursuit. 14. Uploading the details of PPOs issued every month from Jan'2019 onwards on pensioners portal… Under pursuit. 15. Extension of time limit for submission of Life certificate. To send reminder SMS and Confirmation SMS. Indication of validity expiry date of LC in the individual pensioner screen on pensioner portal… Under pursuit. 16. Early settlement of Pensionary benefits of those who are under disciplinary cases.. Under pursuit. 17, CGHS :- Opening New wellness centres, empanelling more multi speciality hospitals and diagnostic centres, enhancing the reimbursement rates of different treatments, settlement of reimbursement bills within a reasonable time etc.. are under pursuit. 18, Implementation of single window system for grievance redressal at CCA office.. Under pursuit. 19. Settlement of floater cases of Indoor medical claims under CGHIS pending since 2015.. Under pursuit The progress on each issue will be reviewed in the monthly EC Meetings. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
23/07/2020 |
SUBMISSION OF LC EXTENDED UPTO 30/09/2020: Those pensioners who are due to give Life certificate up to August-2020 may submit it by 30/09/2020. In other words Pension for July-2020 and August-2020 will be drawn even if Life Certificate is not submitted for all those who are due to submit Life Certificate up to 31/08/2020. Thanks to CCA Mumbai who had strongly recommended the case to DOT. This is another milestone of achievement of RTOWA Mumbai. The orders of DOT is HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
23/07/2020 |
RELAXATION OF MANDATORY TRAINING : It is a great relief to the 10 pensioners on superannuation whose pension is not sanctioned due to non-fulfilment of training conditions. The training condition of these pensioners is now relaxed. Those retirees (19 cases including a few serving employees) whose financial up gradation is held up because of late completion of training after due date is now relaxed. They will get up gradation retrospectively now. Some stipulations have been prescribed in case of serving employees. RTOWA Mumbai /UF Mumbai Continuously pursued the issue and got done now. Thanks to GM (A) and ED Mumbai for their strong recommendations to Corporate office. Please CLICK HERE to view the orders. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
22/07/2020 |
PAYMENT OF PENDING CLAIMS: As ascertained from Accounts wing, the claims such as 50% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution, Salary Arrears of those retired between 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018, reimbursement of OPD Bills and Telephone bills will be paid within a few days. Those claims which were processed by Area Accounts and uploaded for payment in the FMS system up to March'2020 are likely to be paid. RTOWA is pursuing the claims which were not processed by the Areas. --RTOWA Mumbai |
21/07/2020 |
LIFE CERTIFICATE - DATE EXTENSION: Today (21/07/2020) Director (A/c) office of DOT was requested over phone to expedite the orders for extension of time limit for submission of Life Certificate. His response was positive. As gathered from AO PDA many pensioners have submitted DLC or Physical Certificate and they are now being updated in the system. --RTOWA Mumbai |
20/07/2020 |
TRAINING ISSUE OF SUPERANNUATION PENSIONERS AND EMPLOYEES: The training issue file has been put up to CMD last week with favourable note as ascertained from Corporate Office. Decision of CMD is expected soon. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
18/07/2020 |
EX-GRATIA THIRD INSTALMENT – CALCULATION SHEET: The 3rd instalment Exgratia calculation sheet is uploaded on for VRS-2019 retirees. The retirees may download and view their details. In case of any query, concerned AO (Works) may be approached. - MTNL Pension Cell. |
17/07/2020 |
UPLOADING OF FORM-16 IN PENSIONERS PORTAL: A message has been sent to the CCA through whatsapp for uploading the Form-16 for FY-2019-20 as detailed below: To Smt V.G.Mishra CCA Mumbai. Respected Madam, CCA Delhi has uploaded Form 16 of pensioners on their website. Their link is Form 16 as well as Income Certificate are required by Mumbai Pensioners. Already we requested your kind selves to cause to upload them on pensioner portal. We have no doubt CCA Mumbai will do a better arrangement. With regards, Jawahar, President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
16/07/2020 |
CGHIS-PURSUIT OF PENDING FLOATING MEDICAL CLAIMS: A reminder letter has been sent to PGM (HR) today requesting to settle the pending Floater Medical Claims of pensioners covered under CGHIS early. These claims are pending since last few years. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
15/07/2020 |
UPLOADING OF PPOs AND FORM-16 IN PENSIONERS' PORTAL: RTOWA has requested CCA Mumbai to consider the following suggestions. 1. To send PPOs to Pensioners by local reputed courier as Post Offices have not resumed their normal work. 2. To upload list of PPOs generated every month on pensioners' portal so that Pensioners will know the PPO number. 3. To upload Form-16 and Income Certificate for FY 2019-2020 on Pensioners' portal. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
14/07/2020 |
PAYMENT OF 3RD INSTALMENT OF EX-GRATIA: Payment of about 40% of gross ex-gratia to VRS Pensioners will be made tomorrow (15/07/2020). Funds received today afternoon, and payment file already sent to Bank. Thanks to MTNL Pension Section and WFMS. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
14/07/2020 |
Extension of date of submission of Life Certificate: Today the Director (Accounts) at office of DOT was apprised over phone regarding justifications for extending the relaxation date for submission of Life Certificate. He heard with patience and assured to issue orders soon. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
14/07/2020 |
REQUEST TO GM (FINANCE): RTOWA has requested GM (Fin) as follows:- Respected Sir, Wishing you a Good day. It is requested that Ex-Gratia third instalment be paid to all VRS Pensioners regardless of PPO readiness. Also it is requested that the excess TDS on Leave encashment may be refunded while payment of ex-gratia. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
13/07/2020 |
TARGET DATE FOR VERIFICATION OF LEAVE AT CREDIT: DGM(Accts) has requested all the Areas to verify the leave at credit of all the VRS retirees as in the WFMS with Service Book by 25th of this month. Please CLICK HERE to see the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai |
11/07/2020 |
PURSUIT FOR PAYMENT OF LONG PENDING CLAIMS: ED Mumbai is requested to intervene in this issue to arrange for payment of long pending claims such as :- 1. 50%Reimbursement of CGHS Contribution. 2. Payment of Arrears of Salary as well as Leave encashment to those retired between 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018 due to implementation of 5% IDA 3. Reimbursement of OPD Bills of non CGHS retirees. 4. Reimbursement of telephone bills etc. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
10/07/2020 |
MTNL GRATUITY TO PRO-RATA & DIRECT RECRUITED PENSIONERS OF VRS: The MTNL Gratuity to Pro-Rata Pensioners (including direct recruited) of VRS has been released today. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter of DGM-Pension, MTNL. |
10/07/2020 |
FUND ALLOTMENT FOR THIRD INSTALMENT OF EX-GRATIA PAYMENT: Rs.1011 Crores has been transferred to MTNL for third instalment of Ex-gratia payment. It is said that it covers in total 92%. Please CLICK HERE to view the DoT sanction. |
09/07/2020 |
APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS OF 824 VRS PENSIONERS TO JOIN CGHIS: MTNL CO has recently approved a list of 824 applications of VRS Pensioners to join CGHIS. These Pensioners can print their CGHIS Cards from MedSave site from next week onwards. All are requested to login Medsave portal and download CGHIS ID cards. Login link: Select Group and Policy number and input Corporate Policy number 2228002819p109111096 (which is common to all), feed MTNL Staff number and correct name to get the ID. Some strings of correct name are also sufficient. --RTOWA Mumbai |
09/07/2020 |
KNOW YOUR DIGITAL LIFE CERTIFICATE: Is Your Digital Jeevan Pramaan (DLC) is Valid ? Whoever had given DLC, please ascertain that the “Disclaimer" at the bottom is worded as "......subject to acceptance by..... Department of Telecommunications, (CCA Mumbai).” Then it is Valid. Please see a valid certificate HERE. ******************************************************************************** Acknowledgement of Life Certificate by AO PDA: AO PDA will update all the certificates (both Physical certificates and Digital Certificates) after 20th of every month just before processing of pension drawal. AO PDA will send Confirmation SMS or upload a list on pensioner portal after updating the certificates in the system. Digital Confirmation:- If the same DLC is printed from Jeevan Pramaan site after updation by AO, a "Note" appears at the bottom of certificate instead of “Disclaimer”. The “Note” reads as "Your Digital Life Certificate has been successfully accepted by Department of Telecommunications (CCA Mumbai) ". Please see the certificate if printed after AO PDA accessed the certificate HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
08/07/2020 |
EXTENSION OF CGHS REIMBURSEMENT & RETENTION OF QUARTERS: Reminder has been issued to Corporate office on the above issues. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. -- RTOWA Mumbai |
07/07/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA - RTOWA DELHI NEWS : Latest update on 5% IDA neutralisation issue: Today, Sh. S. S. Nanda, G/S and Sh. R. K. Mudgal, AGS have telephonic discussions with DDG ( Estt.) DDG ( PM) about the status of 5% IDA neutralisation case file. DDG ( Estt.) told that his section has cleared the said file and sent the same to the concerned section of DOT for further process and financial confirmation/approval. Association representatives also discussed with DDG ( PM) and requested him to expedite the issue. He assured that he will pursue the matter with the concerned officers of the section for its early disposal. |
07/07/2020 |
UPDATING DOT PERIOD LEAVE AT CREDIT IN WFMS: The leave at credit on the date of absorption in respect of all left over VRS Pensioners needs to be updated in the system before payment of final instalment of Ex-gratia. RTOWA has taken up the issue. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter to GM-Finance. --RTOWA Mumbai |
07/07/2020 |
PAYMENT OF OPD BILLS & REFUND OF 50% CGHS SUBSCRIPTION ETC.: The aforesaid bills are pending from December-2018 due to unavailability of funds. Now it is learnt that some funds have been received. Therefore these bills are likely to be paid by the end of this week. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
07/07/2020 |
EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT FOR LIFE CERTIFICATE: Now RTOWA Delhi also has written to Member (Fin) to extend time limit for submission of Life Certificate. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
06/07/2020 |
REFUND OF EXCESS RECOVERED TAX: Income Tax has been recovered from the Leave Encashment and the second instalment of Ex-Gratia paid to VRS Pensioners though not deductible. RTOWA has taken up the issue to refund the excess recovered tax immediately. The letter addressed to ED Mumbai is HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
06/07/2020 |
PAYMENT OF 40% GPF: Funds are expected tomorrow from Corporate office for payment of 40% GPF to VRS Pensioners. The payment date will be decided tomorrow. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
05/07/2020 |
LIST OF PENSIONERS DUE TO GIVE LC IN JULY-2020: Please see the list, uploaded by AO PDA on "". As per the list 1094 Pensioners/Family pensioners are due to give Life Certificate in July-2020. As gathered from AO PDA, this list is as on 30/06/2020 and has been generated after updating all the Life Certificates both Physical certificates and Digital Certificates received by AO PDA up to 30/06/2020. Those who had given LC in the month of July-2019 are also due to give LC now in the month of July-2020 before 15th though they are not included in the list. The list has been rearranged according to Staff No ( EMP_NO) and can be seen HERE. -- RTOWA Mumbai |
04/07/2020 |
MESSAGE BY TPWA TO PRORATA PENSIONERS: Dear Pro-rata Pensioners, You may be knowing that TPWA is the only Association exclusively takes care of your interests. The GS of TPWA has issued a message upon the recent developments on the EPF and Pension for MTNL Service etc. Please see the message here under. --RTOWA Mumbai ----------------------------------- TPWA's MESSAGE: Respected Members, I request each and every CG Member to express their opinion on the Handling of Higher Pension by MTNL CO. Based on your opinion TPWA shall consult Among CG and Conclude our Next Course of Action. This letter is a WILD FIRE in MTNL today. I have received numerous phone calls Asking different questions and Doubts Many are asking for Course of Action by TPWA to be published in Groups. We now have Two Categories: Retired as on 31.05.2020 and Working as on 01.06.2020. Every CG Members May decide What action is Beneficial? What action is Brilliant? Who wants Higher EPS Pension? Who wants Balance of CPF? Who is ready for Legal Battle? Who wants Peaceful Life? Have We TPWA Won the LPA ? Has MTNL Lost the LPA ? Who is the actual winner? Based on opinion TPWA shall act. Opinion must come before 10.00 AM. Then we shall hold an Online Meeting Google Meeting at 11.00 AM. A conference call shall be held with our Delhi Counterparts and Arrangers Representatives at 11.30 on 06.07.2020 (Legal Option). Regards -GS TPWA. |
03/07/2020 |
TRANSFER OF MTNL EPF TRUST TO EPFO (CENTRAL GOVERNMENT): Please see the communication below. This step is beneficial to all MTNL pensioners who receive EPF Pension for MTNL Services, MTNL Employees on pro-rata pension option and Direct recruited employees. Please Click the following Links to view the letter issued by CO-MTNL to EPFO. |
03/07/2020 |
PRESENT STATUS OF PPO PREPARATIONS OF VRS-2019 PENSIONERS: As per information gathered, 361 PPOs only are yet to be generated for VRS-2019 Pensioners as on date. Out of this 285 files are yet to be sent to CCA office by MTNL. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
02/07/2020 |
REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT FOR SUBMISSION OF LIFE CERTIFICATE: RTOWA Mumbai is continuously propagating regarding submission of Life Certificate. Simultaneously we have requested Member (Fin) to extend the time limit till the lock down at Mumbai is fully lifted. Please see the letter dated 30/06/2020 HERE. --J.S.Yadav, Jt.G.S., RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/06/2020 |
CORRIGENDUM TO RELEASE OF 2ND INSTALMENT OF EX-GRATIA: As per the revised letter issued by DGM – PENSION, the excess tax recovered from leave encashment will be credited to the pensioners of Areas which have updated the DOT period leave in the system. The amount will be credited on 01/07/2020.. The Areas which have not updated are expected to do it before the final payment of Ex-Gratia. RTOWA will ensure it. Please CLICK HERE to view the revised letter. |
30/06/2020 |
29/06/2020 |
RELEASE OF SECOND INSTALMENT OF EX-GRATIA: All the formalities are over. Credit will be given tomorrow (30/06/2020). There are different information regarding percentage. But it will be surprisingly more than 22.5% of total amount at MTNL Mumbai. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter issued by the DGM-Pension in this regard. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
28/06/2020 |
LIST OF PENSIONERS DUE TO SUBMIT LIFE CERTIFICATE: RTOWA Mumbai has requested CCA Mumbai to upload a list of pensioners who are due to submit LC in the month of July-2020 and to issue SMS to those pensioners. Also it has been requested to give confirmation SMS on receipt of Life Certificate. Please see the letter HERE. --J.S.Yadav, Jt.General Secretary, RTOWA Mumbai. |
27/06/2020 |
LIFE CERTIFICATE: AO PDA has issued a circular today. Those pensioners who are due to submit Life Certificate should send it by post or courier signed by the authorised signatory. Digital Jeevan Pramaan may be sent by email to No pensioner should visit the AO PDA office, as the Life Certificate counter is closed. Please CLICK HERE to view the circular. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
27/06/2020 |
PAYMENT OF EX-GRATIA: The payment will be on 30/06/2020. The percentage is around 22% (actual % yet to be worked out). It will be paid to all including those whose PPOs are yet to be issued, but except the cases of provisional struck off orders etc. Information gathered from reliable sources. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
26/06/2020 |
DETAILS OF PAYMENTS AND FORM-16 TO VRS PENSIONERS: ED Mumbai has been requested to arrange for uploading of Form 16 as well as Details of all the payments to VRS Pensioners on pensioners portal. Please see the letter HERE. --J. S. Yadav, Jt.General Secretary, RTOWA Mumbai. |
26/06/2020 |
FORM 16 AND FILING IT RETURNS FOR FY 2019-2020: As per CBDT's notification dated 24/06/2020, the due date to issue Form-16 has been extended up to 15/08/2020. Income Tax Returns filing date for Salary/Pension income has already been extended up to 30/11/2020. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
26/06/2020 |
PAYMENT OF SECOND INSTALMENT OF EXGRATIA: Rs.579 Crores of Funds has been released to MTNL for payment of second instalment of Ex-Gratia. The percentage of payment is to be decided by MTNL. Please CLICK HERE to view the DoT letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
25/06/2020 |
FORM-16 FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2019-2020: Last date for filing IT Returns for Salary and Pension (Individuals) is 30/11/2020. MTNL Accounts (Areas) will issue Form 16 for Salary, Leave encashment and Ex-Gratia. Form 16 Will be issued in July-2020. AO PDA O/O CCA will issue Form 16 Part A and Income certificate for Pension and Provisional Pension. It will also be issued in July-2020. --RTOWA Mumbai |
24/06/2020 |
GRATUITY PAYMENT TO PRORATA PENSIONERS: 1. The MTNL Gratuity will be paid on 25-06-2020 to 70 VRS-2019 Prorata/ Direct Recruit Retirees with 80% of Gratuity Amount. 2. The list of 70 retirees to whom payment released is uploaded on 3. The Gratuity amount and breakup details will be provided by the concerned unit AO (P&A). 4. In left over cases, MTNL Gratuity will be released on submission of cases from the units. -- MTNL Pension Cell. |
24/06/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA ISSUE: Sh.Bhai Jagtap MLC and Chairman of Apex Body of United Forum Delhi and Mumbai has written a letter to Honourable MOC regarding early orders on 5% IDA benefit to Pensioners retired prior to 01/01/2018. Please see the letter HERE. --J.S.Yadav Chairman UF Mumbai. --S.M.Sawant Convenor UF Mumbai. |
23/06/2020 |
EX-GRATIA PAYMENT: Preparation of PPO is compulsory for the calculations of final amount of Ex-Gratia, as ordered by DOT. Many BSNL Circles/CCAs as well as MTNL Mumbai/CCA Mumbai are yet to complete the task. As on 19/06/2020, 1224 cases were pending at Mumbai. Officers and Staff of MTNL Mumbai / CCA Mumbai are striving their best. Lock down is the main hurdle. It is reliably learnt that some payment (likely to be 50% of gross amount) will be made by 30/06/2020. Please see BSNL letter dated 23/06/2020 HERE. --RTOWA MUMBAI |
22/06/2020 |
PAYMENT OF GPF, CPF AND MTNL GRATUITY: Some VRS pensioners have not received the 50% GPF amount. The reason is the GPF applications were not forwarded by Areas. It is learnt that HQrs Area had not forwarded about 130 applications. Out of these, payment to about 50 VRS Pensioners will be credited today (22/06/2020). Similarly Applications for MTNL gratuity to VRS Pensioners on pro-rata pension option also not received from some Areas including HQrs Area. DGM(Accounts) has assured that the payments will be released as and when the applications are received from Areas. The Areas which are lagging behind are being pulled up by higher authorities. Therefore it is likely that all the remaining cases (Both GPF and MTNL gratuity) will be settled by the end of this week. CPF (60%) will be credited today (22/06/2020) to all VRS Pensioners on pro -rata option by the CPF Trust at Corporate Office. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
22/06/2020 |
FORM-16 FOR THE FY 2019-20: Form 16 has two parts Viz., Part-A and Part-B. Part-A gives information about "Details of Tax Deducted at Source and Remitted". AO PDA O/O CCA issues Form-16, Part-A only for the Tax recovered and remitted from Pension and Provisional Pension. AO PDA issues another certificate Viz., "Income certificate" for Pension and Provisional Pension drawn monthwise. Part-B gives information about "Gross Salary, all deductions under Sec. 10 and Sec.88, Net income and Tax. MTNL Area Accounts Section issues Form 16 both Part-A and Part-B for Salary, Leave Encashment, Ex-gratia (VRS) paid by MTNL. GPF, Commutation and Gratuity are fully exempt from Tax and they will not be included in Form-16. RTOWA is pursuing with GM (Fin) and CCA either to send Form-16 through email or to encrypt them in pensioner portal "". Government has extended the due date for filing IT Returns to 30th Nov'2020. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
20/06/2020 |
GRATUITY PAYMENT TO PRORATA RETIREES - LIST: 1. The MTNL Gratuity has been paid to 288 VRS-2019 Prorata/ Direct Retirees with 80% of Gratuity Amount. 2. The list of 288 retirees to whom payment released is uploaded on 3. The Gratuity amount and breakup details will be provided by the concerned unit AO (P&A). Please CLICK HERE to view the list. -- MTNL Pension Cell |
19/06/2020 |
CPF PAYMENT TO PRORATA AND DIRECT RECRUIT RETIREES: It is learnt that 60% of Balance at CPF will be credited on 22/06/2020 to the VRS Pensioners (Pro-Rata and Direct Recruits) by Trust at Corporate Office. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
19/06/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% ISSUE: It is learnt that the CMD, MTNL cleared the file and it is being sent to DOT for further process.. RTOWA, Delhi and Mumbai are thankful to Sh K. A. Sharma, Consultant for extraordinary persuasion. --RTOWA Delhi and Mumbai |
18/06/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA ISSUE: Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh General Secretary Sh Vrijesh Upadhyay writes to Sh Ravi Shankar Prasad MOC regarding abnormal delay in issuing orders of 5% IDA merger in Revision of pay/pension with effect from 01/01/2007 but payment from 01/01/2018 to MTNL pensioners retired before 1/1/2018. Thanks to RTOWA Delhi for this initiative. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. -RTOWA Mumbai. |
18/06/2020 |
NON ALLOTMENT FUNDS FOR PAYMENT OF MTNL GRATUITY TO PRORATA PENSIONERS ON SUPERANNUATION: Funds for payment of MTNL Gratuity to prorata pensioners has been provided to MTNL Delhi but not to MTNL Mumbai. This issue was brought to the notice of Dir (Fin) Corporate office over phone. A letter has also been written. Please see the letter HERE. --J. S. Yadav, Jt.G.S. RTOWA Mumbai. |
17/06/2020 |
GPF PAYMENT TO VRS PENSIONERS: Funds has been received by MTNL Mumbai for GPF. Payment will be most likely on 20/06/2020. 100% is likely to be paid to VRS Pensioners whose superannuation is upto May' 2021. 50% will be paid to all other VRS Pensioners. -RTOWA Mumbai. |
17/06/2020 |
RELEASE OF MTNL GRATUITY TO PRORATA PENSIONERS: CPF - GRATUITY to VRS Pensioners (Pro-rata and Direct recruits) will be credited tomorrow (18/06/2020) in Salary Account. Please see the letter issued by DGM(Finance) HERE. |
16/06/2020 |
REIMBURSEMENT OF COST OF OXIMETER BY CGHS: CGHS has issued Orders on Reimbursement of cost of oximeter for Covid-19 patients. Please CLICK HERE to view the OM. |
16/06/2020 |
ADVISORY BY CGHS FOR COVID-19 TREATMENT: A detailed advisory has been issued by CGHS for Covid-19 Treatment. Please go through it HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
16/06/2020 |
SUBMISSION OF BILLS BY PENSIONERS MTNL: After VRS, the Areas have been reorganized into Zones. Pensioners are requested to submit any claim bills such as CGHS 50% Reimbursement of Contribution, Reimbursement of Telephone bills, OPD bills of non CGHS Pensioners etc. at the respective Zonal offices. DGM (Accounts) has issued a letter in this regard. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA MUMBAI. |
15/06/2020 |
SANCTION OF PROVISIONAL PENSION: RTOWA Mumbai has requested the authorities to arrange for payment of atleast provisional pension to those retirees whose regular pension could not be sanctioned due to some reason. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --J. S. Yadav, Jt.G.S RTOWA Mumbai. |
13/06/2020 |
PAYMENT OF CPF GRATUITY AND GPF: Funds for payment of 80% CPF Gratuity to Pro Rata VRS pensioners and Superannuation pensioners up to 31/01/2020 has been placed by Corporate Office. The payment is likely to be made by 18/06/2020. Also funds for payment of GPF to VRS Pensioners is expected shortly, reliably learnt. Payment date will be decided next week. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
12/06/2020 |
PROCEDURE FOR DOWNLOADING CGHIS CARD: Open the link Policy type: Choose “Group” Then please Tap the “Search” button and your medical card will appear on the screen if it has been issued. Please download it and take a printout. |
11/06/2020 |
FINAL PAYMENT OF EX-GRATIA: As directed by DOT, information in Annexure B, D and E are called for by DGM (Pen) from all the Areas regarding final calculations, recoveries, first instslment etc of Ex-gratia. The target date for Areas to submit this information is 15/06/2020. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA MUMBAI |
08/06/2020 |
MESSAGE FROM DOT PENSION CELL FOR LIFE CERTIFICATE: Alert! Alert!! Alert!!! 1. Enquiries are receiving that whether Life certificate(LC) will be accepted from tomorrow by CCA, Mumbai 2. In this regard, it is intimated that Ministry of Health, GOI has advised that senior citizens should remain in house as per unlockdown guidelines. 3. Accordingly, DOT has extended the LC upto 30-06-2020. For the LC in the month of Jul-2020, further instructions will be issued by CCA, Mumbai. 4. Pensioners are requested not to visit to Currey Road Tel. Exchange for LC. 5. For offline and online LC(Jeevan Praman) procedure, please visit website 6. Please stay safe at home during COVID-19. --MTNL & DOT Pension Cell. |
07/06/2020 |
MEETING WITH CMD: Forum representatives, Shri V K Tomar, GS, MEA and Shri Mahaveer Singh, President, MTNL MS met CMD, MTNL Shri P K Purwar on 06-06-2020 and discussed the following issues: 1.Payment of pending dues of VRS optees & normal retirees: Forum representatives expressed the anguish of thousands of employees who opted VRS on the assurance of Management that their all terminal benefits will be paid in 2/3 months, but now more than 4 months have passed and their dues are not paid. CMD informed that this situation arose because securities could not be sold due to prevailing market condition. Now, decision has been taken to sell equities at the loss of 3% and larger part of their dues will be paid in this month Gratuity payment of CPF optees: 80% payment will be made by next week. Both the units have been asked to send their fund requirement by Monday so that funds can be released by Corporate Office by Wednesday. GPF payment: 50% payment of GPF will be made in this month and financial condition will be reviewed next month to make fund arrangement for balance amount. CPF Payment: 50% payment will be made this month and financial condition will be reviewed next month to make fund arrangement for balance amount. Leave encashment: He informed that 70 to 80% payment of leave encashment has been made and funds for balance amount will be arranged shortly. Ex-gratia Payment: He said that as per information available with him, one instalment of about 31% payment has been paid and DOT has about Rs-8000/- Crores in this head which can be released shortly. With this payment about 80% Ex-gratia will be paid. Meanwhile DOT is pursuing for relaxing the ceiling which Govt. has put after covid-19 breakout, so that 100% ex-gratia payment can be made. Forum representatives pressed for full payment of all dues at the earliest. CMD assured that all payments will be made as committed by management only thing is that because of prevailing conditions, funds are to be managed from different ways. 2. Special leave for those who were stranded in lockdown: Circumstances of not attending office by some employees during lockdown were briefed to CMD, like non availability of public transport, containment zones, boarder sealing and struck in other state due to sudden lockdown, 14 days quarantine period etc. CMD said that no decision on this matter has been taken till date, but keeping in view all aspects including the guidelines and interest of service, decision will be taken. 3. Contact less working in MTNL to contain spread of Covid 19 virus. Representatives highlighted the increasing corona positive cases in MTNL and stressed to encourage contact less working in MTNL . CMD informed that he has started e-office in BSNL and it can be started in MTNL for which he will ask Director (HR). 4. Insurance cover of Rs 50 Lakh for Covid 19 fatalities: He said this case has been sent to DOT 5. 30% corpus for pension to MTNL recruited Employees: We informed him that proposal in this regard has been initiated by HR wing for your approval and requested him to consider it favourable. Case has not yet reached to him. It is still in finance wing. 6. Maintenance charge from MTNL employees residing in Powai quarters whose allotment is done by BSNL: It was explained in detail that Powai quarters were constructed by MTNL on its land and all municipal charges, property taxes etc. are paid by MTNL. Only thing is that authority of allotment of quarters of some towers was given to BSNL and with this authority BSNL is demanding maintenance charges from MTNL employees residing in these quarters. We have raised many times that these quarters are of MTNL and be handed over back to it and MTNL employees should not be forced to pay maintenance Charges. On this issue, CMD remained non-committal. We have to fight this issue in the days to come 7. Promotions and up-gradations in different cadres: Matters of promotions and upgradations of different cadres were raised. He informed that proposal of DPCs of executive cadres sent by Director (HR) has not yet been received in his office. He will take decision as and when he gets the file. In some cases of promotion/ financial upgradation he asked us to discuss with Director (HR) first. 8. Disconnection of RSTC of MTNL employees in NCR in non-payment of old dues: It was brought to his notice that BSNL is disconnecting Residential Service Telephone Connections of MTNL employees due to non-payment of old bills. He agreed to review and take a appropriate decision, if RSTC are being disconnected for bills of the period before a cut of date which was decided to pay bills to each company by the MTNL/BSNL employees and get it reimbursed from their respective company. He asked us to write him in this matter. 9. Medical facility to Pro-rata opted retired employees on the basis of last drawn pay: It was informed to him that on the basis of court decision, 52 employees have been allowed to claim the medical facility entitlement on the basis of last drawn pay. We asked him to extend the same benefit to other similarly placed employees. He said that this matter pertains to DOT and asked us to write so that matter can be sent to DOT to take decision for others also. 10. Retention of departmental quarters by VRS optees for more time in view of Covid 19 pandemic: He said that matter will be looked into but did not commit any thing. This issue will be further discussed in the next meeting. Forum representatives asked him to have another meeting after some time for detailed discussion on the agenda points submitted by forum where decisions can be taken on various issues. |
07/06/2020 |
PAYMENT OF BALANCE EXGRATIA: MTNL Mumbai and CCA Mumbai are lagging behind the time schedule prescribed by DoT. So ED and CCA are requested by RTOWA to muster all means to send the information called by DOT by the prescribed date. Please see the letter HERE. --J.S.Yadav, Jt. G.S. RTOWA Mumbai. |
06/06/2020 |
EX-GRATIA FINAL PAYMENT: DoT has issued instructions to BSNL/ MTNL and all CCAs regarding Ex-Gratia amount. MTNL Mumbai and CCA Mumbai are lagging behind in this process. Please CLICK HERE to view the DoT letter. |
05/06/2020 |
REMITTANCE TO PM CARES FUND & CM RELIEF FUND : Today (05/06/2020) RTOWA Mumbai has Remitted Rs.15,02,000 (Fifteen Lakh Two Thousand ) to PM CARES Fund and Chief Minister Relief Fund (Covid-19) Maharashtra, Rs. 7,51,000 to each. Total Donations Received: No.of Donors:- 634 and Amount :-Rs.14,35,772. Out of the existing Medical Relief Fund of RTOWA Mumbai Rs.66228 is added and a total of Rs.15,02,000 is remitted. Congrats to all Members for showing solidarity with your Association to support Governments to win over Corona. Sincere Hearty Thanks to all of you. STAY SAFE STAY HEALTHY. --K. Jawahar President, --J.S.Yadav Jt.Genl.Secretary, --P.D.Pradhan Treasurer, --And All office bearers and EC Members. --RTOWA Mumbai. To view the covering letters and copy of cheques please click the Links below. |
05/06/2020 |
Forwarding of Pension Cases to CCA Office: RTOWA Mumbai and MPWA have jointly taken up the above issue. A letter has been sent to GM-Finance to speed up the submission of all such cases to CCA. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --J.S.Yadav, Jt.G.S., RTOWA Mumbai. |
04/06/2020 |
PENDING MEDICAL CLAIMS COVERED BY CGHIS: Today RTOWA has taken up the issue of pending medical claims under CGHIS covered floater cases. There are 80 claims pending for more than two years due to lack of funds. A letter has been addressed to PGM (HR) in this regard today. Please see the letter HERE. --J. S. Yadav, Jt. G.S., RTOWA Mumbai. |
02/06/2020 |
Pursuit of 5% IDA benefit to those retired prior to 01/01/2018: Even in the lock-down period, Sh. S. S. Nanda G/S, Sh. R. K. Mudgal AGS & Sh. A. K. Kapoor ECM were continuously pursuing & chasing the case of 5% IDA neutralisation with the concerned officers of A/Cs/Fin./HR wings in the corporate office for preparing the financial data as asked by DOT on the said issue. After hundreds of ifs & buts, finally Director (Fin. ) today cleared the said file and sent to CMD MTNL for approval. After the approval of CMD MTNL, the case file will be sent to DOT for further process and final decision in the subject matter. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
01/06/2020 |
CDA FREEZER – DELHI HIGH COURT JUDGEMENT: The writ petition filed in Delhi Court against the freezer of CDA to Central Government Employees and Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners has been rejected today. Please CLICK HERE to view the Judgement. |
29/05/2020 |
RETENTION OF RESIDENTIAL SERVICE TELEPHONE CONNECTION: Retirees from January-2020 to May-2020 can now retain their Residential Service Telephone Connection (RSTC) up to 31/07/2020. Please see Corporate Office orders HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
29/05/2020 |
Forwarding of Cases for Pensionary benefits and Ex-Gratia payment to Pension Cell: DoT has given target date of 25-06-2020 to CCA Mumbai for completion of all work relating to settlement of Ex-Gratia and Pensionary benefits of VRS Pensioners. In turn ED Mumbai has fixed up the target date of 05/06/2020 to all the Areas. Please see the instructions HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
28/05/2020 |
RELAXATION OF MANDATORY TRAINING: There are Nine Pensioners (Superannuation) whose pension is not sanctioned despite more than six months passed since retirement due to the objection that they had not underwent the two weeks mandatory training after time bound Up gradation of Scales. Similarly there are about 19 executives whose next time bound up gradation is held up as they had not underwent training within the time limit. RTOWA Mumbai and TEAM Mumbai are continuously pursuing this issue for one time relaxation for retired as well as working executives. Now DGM (Admn) has given the information called for by Corporate office for relaxation. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
28/05/2020 |
Payment of GPF, EPF, Leave Encashment etc. to VRS and Superannuation Pensioners: There are different trusts managing the funds of GPF, EPF etc. The trusts were unable to sell the investments of these Trusts even at cost price. Now it is learnt that CMD has approved to sell the investments in all these Trusts even at 3% discount. It is learnt CO has started the process to sell them so that funds will be made available for payment of GPF, EPF, Leave Encashment etc. If the selling of investments succeeds, funds are likely to be made available within 10 days. Further RTOWA and MPWA jointly have written a letter to GM Finance to be in readiness for payment of GPF and Leave Encashment to VRS pensioners. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
27/05/2020 |
TELE-MEDICINE AT CGHS: Response to Telemedicine in CGHS Mumbai from the beneficiaries seems to be low. This helps Beneficiaries to collect medicines during lockdown by single visit. Please book appointment with doctors through website, call the doctor at the appointed time, communicate your medical requirements and close the call. If beneficiaries make it a practice it will help us in several ways. 1. Collecting medicines in a single visit. 2. Getting references and approval for tests, procedures, medicine etc. online. 3. Patients requiring references for procedures after patient is admitted can be made online. Once doctors and beneficiaries accept Tele-medicine as a way of life several applications can be introduced further. Tele-medicine Applications can be easily handled with mobile phones having internet connectivity. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
26/05/2020 |
NO FREEZING OF IDA: No decision has been taken so far to freeze IDA on similar lines with freezing of CDA. Therefore pension for May-2020 and all Pensionary benefits will be with IDA @160.7%. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
25/05/2020 |
PENSION FOR MAY-2020 AND JUNE-2020: Submission of Life Certificate is due for some pensioners during February-2020 to June-2020. Many of them could not submit it due to lock down. As per the orders of DOT the pension for all of them will be drawn without life certificate upto June-2020. Let us hope the situation improves by June end. --RTOWA Mumbai |
23/05/2020 |
ABNORMAL DELAY IN PAYMENT OF VRS DUES: Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations has written a letter to CMD, MTNL-Delhi to arrange earlier payment of GPF, Leave Encashment etc. to the VRS retirees. To view the letter please CLICK HERE. |
22/05/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA NEUTRALISATION: Forum of MTNL Unions and Associations writes to Secretary Telecom about the abnormal delay in settling the merger of 5% IDA for the retirees who retired before 01/01/2018. Thanks to Forum leaders for taking this issue. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. -- RTOWA, MUMBAI. |
21/05/2020 |
EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT FOR SUBMISSION OF CGHS APPLICATION: RTOWA Mumbai and MPWA have requested Dir (HR) to extend the time limit for submission of application for CGHS facility up to 31/08/2020 or upto one month from the date of lifting of lock down fully. Please see the letter HERE. --J. S. Yadav, Jt. G. S. RTOWA Mumbai. |
20/052020 |
PAYMENT OF CGHS CONTRIBUTION ONLINE: An email was sent by RTOWA to the AD, CGHS, Mumbai on 17/04/2020 requesting to accept the CGHS Contribution online due to the existing Lockdown. Our request was considered and now CGHS-Mumbai allows payment of CGHS Contribution through online also. Please CLICK HERE to view the Email of RTOWA. |
19/05/2020 |
Special measures for Submission of Life Certificate: The date of submission of Life Certificate was extended upto 31/05/2020 for those pensioners whose LC expired in Feb and March-2020. But due to the extended lock down the pensioners will not be able to submit the LC before 31/05/2020 also. On the appeal by RTOWA and MPWA the date of submission of life certificate is extended up to 31/07/2020. Pension will be paid as usual for May and June-2020 as per DoT letter dated 19/05/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
18/05/2020 |
Abnormal delay in sanction of pension: RTOWA Mumbai and MPWA have jointly written letter to CCA Mumbai to look into urgent issues of the Pensioners. Please see the letter HERE. --J. S. Yadav Jt.G.S, RTOWA Mumbai. |
17/05/2020 |
Life Certificate and Pension for May-2020: Life Certificate is due for submission for some pensioners in the months of either March-2020, April-2020 or May-2020. They could not submit it due to lock down. RTOWA took up the issue. It is now ascertained from AO PDA that Pension for May-2020 is drawn to them though Life Certificate is not submitted. So pensioners should not visit CCA Office at Currey Road for submission of Life Certificate. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
15/05/2020 |
LETTER TO MOC: MPWA and RTOWA Mumbai have jointly written to Minister of Communications seeking his intervention to provide adequate funds for early payment of ex-gratia and other retirement dues of VRS Pensioners. Please see the letter HERE. --J.S.Yadav, Jt.GS RTOWA, Mumbai. --S.M.Sawant, GS MPWA. |
15/05/2020 |
SMOOTH PENSION PAYMENTS: An OM has been issued today by the Department of Pension conveying consolidated instructions to all PDAs for the payment of pension smoothly. Please CLICK HERE to view the OM. |
14/05/2020 |
LETTER TO CMD: MPWA and RTOWA have jointly took up some important issues of the Pensioners (both VRS and Superannuation) with CMD in the letter dated 14-05-2020. Please see the letter HERE. --J.S.Yadav, Jt.G.S. RTOWA Mumbai. --S.M.Sawant, GS MPWA. |
13/05/2020 |
Formation of Committee of Functional Directors: A Committee of Functional Directors has been formed at MTNL Corporate Office to carry on the day to day activities of MTNL. This Committee will meet alternative days. Please see the orders HERE. |
10/05/2020 |
SETTLEMENT OF GPF/CPF DUES: DGM (Banking) Corporate Office has directed Trustee Secretary of GPF, CPF and Gratuity Trust of MTNL to liquidate the investments. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
09/05/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA ISSUE: DoT has sent reminder to MTNL CO to furnish the information. RTOWA Delhi is relentlessly pursuing the issue. Please see the letter of DoT HERE. |
08/05/2020 |
PAYMENT OF PROVISIONAL PENSION FOR LEFT OUT RETIREES: Sanction of Provisional Pension to those Superannuation pensioners who have not fulfilled the training requirements has been issued by DGM (Pension) today. Please CLICK HERE to view the sanction. |
08/05/2020 |
PAYMENT OF GROUP INSURANCE MONEY AND SOCIETY DUES: PAYMENT OF GROUP INSURANCE MONEY BY LIC: MTNL will pay the savings fund of the group insurance on getting it from LIC. Generally it takes about 3 to 4 months to complete the formalities. Today this issue was discussed with DGM (IR) and DGM(Fin). The data for VRS Pensioners has been given by Admin to Accounts recently. It may take about a month to submit the claim to LIC and LIC will take further few days to make payment to MTNL. The whole process takes longer time now due to irregular attendance of staff/officers due to lock down. Any how the payment may be expected in the last week of June'2020. ******************************* Refund to Pensioners on closure of Account with Employees Credit Society of MTNL Mumbai: The issue was discussed with the Secretary of the Society and DGM (IR). 1. Payment is likely to be made in the next week to those already submitted the documents if no loan is outstanding. 2. Instructions for online submission of documents such as Cancelled Cheque, PAN and Aadhar etc will be issued soon. Please CLICK HERE to view the Format for Resignation from the Society. --RTOWA Mumbai |
07/05/2020 |
LF WITH NOTIONAL HRA : RTOWA Mumbai has written to CGM Maharashtra Circle requesting not to include notional HRA in the charges recoverable from MTNL Pensioners for retention of Quarters of BSNL Pensioners. Please see the letter HERE. --RTOWA, Mumbai. |
06/05/2020 |
DISCUSSIONS WITH GM(ADMN) MTNL, MUMBAI: Yesterday (05/05/2020) the following issues were discussed with Sri H.S. Jakhar, GM(Admn) over phone. 1. Waival of "TRAINING REQUIREMENT” to about 30 superannuation retirees:- In response to MTNL Mumbai's proposal for waival, Corporate office had now called for details of all these cases It may take some time to furnish these information. The pensioners can apply for provisional pension in the meanwhile. 2. Retention of Quarters for one year on the same terms by pensioners (Superannuation and VRS) after permissible period of 8 months:- GM (Admn) said that the 8 months retention period is the rule of the Central Govt. and it is not within the powers of MTNL to extend it. However a proposal for leasing of Quarters to the pensioners for one year after the retention period has been taken up with Corporate Office. If approved, this will also solve the problem of those pensioners whose Quarters leasing period is over or likely to be over in the next few months. 3. BSNL MH Circle's orders regarding inclusion of “Notional HRA” in the Licence Fee for retention of Quarters:- It was requested that MTNL should take up the issue with CGM-MH. GM (A) said that CGM-MH may not have powers, the issue should be taken up with BSNL CO. RTOWA is pursuing the issue with CGM-MH and CMD BSNL. --RTOWA Mumbai |
05/05/2020 |
LIFE CERTIFICTE – EXTENSION OF DATE OF SUBMISSION: The month of retirement has been mentioned as the LC due month in the PPOs that were issued after staggering rule came into effect. However as per rules after staggering, Life Certificate should be given within twelve months from the month of last LC. So even if the LC due month as per PPO is any month from April to October, pension will be drawn if you had given Life Certificate in November-2019. RTOWA and MPWA have taken up the issue to extend the due date of LC up to 31-08-2020 to those who had given LC in any month from April-2019 to July-2019. Please see the letter to Member (Fin) and CGCA HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai |
01/05/2020 |
APPEAL FOR DONATION FOR CORONA RELIEF FUND: Dear valuable Members, As per the decision of EC, the mobilization of Donations is continued up to 15/05/2020. The goal is to achieve participation of 1000+ members. Those who have directly remitted to PM CARES Fund are also requested to donate thro RTOWA channel too, any amount say Rs.1000. Those who don't have online banking facility are requested to remit using their Son's or Daughter' or Friend's account OR deposit CHEQUE or CASH at the nearby PNB branch. Requested to show solidarity with RTOWA Mumbai in it's Social Welfare Activity. MAY ALL BE BLESSED WITH EXCELLENT HEALTH. VICTORY OVER CORONA IS NEARER Bank Account Details: Name:-Retired Telecom Officers Welfare Association, Bank: Punjab National Bank 4, Roma Chambers, Ulhasnagar. Savings Bank A/c No.1144000105063641. IFSC Code : PUNB0335800 MICR Code 400024038. With Regards and Friendly, --K. Jawahar President --B.R. Pathak Genl.Secy. --J.S.Yadav Jt.G.S. And all Office Bearers & EC Members. |
30/04/2020 |
EC MEETING: A Virtual EC Meeting of RTOWA Mumbai took place today (30/04/2020) through WhatsApp chat. The mobilisation towards Corona Relief Fund was discussed. All the EC Members said that more members should participate in the Welfare Activity of donation to Corona Relief Fund. Now 510 members only have remitted donations though the strength of Life Members is 1610. The objective is more and more members say at least 1000 members must participate. After discussions it was decided to continue the mobilisation up to 15-05-2020 to achieve this goal. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA Mumbai. |
30/04/2020 |
PENDING ISSUES – LETTER TO ED: We have taken up jointly some issues of Pensioners (VRS and Superannuation). A letter has been addressed to ED MTNL Mumbai. Please see the letter HERE. --J.S.Yadav Jt.G.S. RTOWA Mumbai, --S.M.Sawant G.S., MPWA, Mumbai. |
29/04/2020 |
CGHS- REIMBURSEMENT OF OPD MEDICINES PURCHASED LOCALLY: Due to Lockdown, those who are taking medicines for Diabetics, Heart problems, BP or any other chronic ailments on regular basis from CGHS can now buy it from open market and submit the bill for reimbursement from CGHS to your wellness centre upto 31/05/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the OM issued by MoH. |
28/04/2020 |
New IDA @160.7% W.E.F. 01/04/2020: As per DOT's letter dated 28-04-2020, the pension of all the existing pensioners for April-2020 will be drawn with new IDA @160.7%. However the retirement benefits of those retiring on 30/04/2020 will be settled with IDA @157.3% (Rate as on 01/01/2020). Please see DOT letter HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
28/04/2020 |
Pension for April-2020: The provisional pension to VRS Pensioners for April-2020 has been credited today. SBI has credited today, other banks may credit tomorrow. Regular Pension for April-2020 will be credited on 30/04/2020. As there are no orders for freezing of IDA increase, the provisional pension as well as regular pension have been drawn at new IDA rate of 160.7%. Due to irregular attendance of staff (to deal with credit of provisional pension) at Banks, the payment has been advanced. Thanks to CCA Mumbai and all Officers and Staff who deal with payment pension. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
26/04/2020 |
DA FREEZER – PROTEST BY CONFEDERATION OF C.G. EMPLOYEES: Confederation of Central Govt. Employees strongly oppose the Govt. decision to freeze DA/DR to Employees and Pensioners. A Press Report has been released on 24/04/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the Press Report. |
25/04/2020 |
RETENTION OF QUARTERS BY VRS RETIREES: The issue of Retention of Quarters by VRS Pensioners till the date of normal retirement on payment of Standard Licence Fee has been taken up by ITEF. A letter has been written to Minister of Communications on 22/04/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
24/04/2020 |
CONGRATULATIONS TO CCA: RTOWA Mumbai and MPWA Mumbai have conveyed appreciation and gratitude to Pr.CCA Mumbai. Please see the letter HERE. |
24/04/2020 |
DA FREEZE -- AI BSNL PWA CRITICISES: AI BSNL PWA has issued a Press Release today on 24/04/2020 criticising the decision of the Government freezing the DA from 01-01-2020 to 30-06-2020. Please see the Press Release HERE. |
23/04/2020 |
DA FREEZE – PROTEST BY JCM (STAFF): National Council (Staff Side) of JCM for Central Govt. Employees protests and conveys the shock and disappointment of all Central Govt. Employees and Pensioners to the Cabinet Secretary on Govt. decision to freeze DA to Central Govt. Employees and Central Govt. Pensioners for the period from 01/01/2020 to 01/07/2021. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter dated 23/04/2020. |
23/04/2020 |
CDA IS FROZEN: CDA is frozen to the Central Govt. Employees and Central Govt. Pensioners for the period from 01/01/2020 to 30/06/2021. On restoration of CDA on 01/07/2021, the arrears will not be paid. MTNL/BSNL Employees and combined service Pensioners are getting IDA. So the said orders are not applicable to them. Please see the orders HERE. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
22/04/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA ISSUE: RTOWA Delhi has written to Secretary DoT conveying the frustrations of the Pensioners. Please see the letter HERE. |
21/04/2020 |
PROVISIONAL PENSION TO 36 VRS RETIREES: DGM (Pension) MTNL Mumbai has forwarded a list of 36 VRS Pensioners to CCA Mumbai requesting to draw Provisional Pension from February-2020. These are left over cases due to Provisional Struck Off orders. Please see the list HERE. |
20/04/2020 |
SETTLEMENT OF PENDING ISSUES: United Forum , Mumbai has written a letter today to CMD highlighting the important and urgent issues of Employees and Pensioners. To view the letter please CLICK HERE. --J.S. Yadav, Chairman, UF. --S.M. Sawant, Convenor, UF. |
16/04/2020 |
CGHS - ADVISORY IN VIEW OF CORONA INFECTION: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued guidelines on Corona Virus Infection vide their letter dated 15/04/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
15/04/2020 |
VARIOUS DEMANDS TO CMD-MTNL: A letter has been sent to our CMD-MTNL by putting forth our various pending demands and requesting early settlement. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
13/04/2020 |
PENSION ORDERS -- 2019: During the period from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019 various orders on CCS (Pension) Rules have been issued and the gist of the same are :- a.The invalid pension hitherto granted to those completed 10 years of qualifying service have been removed and even less than 10 years not completed are also eligible as amended rule 38 (1)&(2) rule 49 (2) vide order dt 04.01.2019. Accordingly, either 50% LPD or minimum pension of Rs.9000/- p.m is eligible.
b.Under New Pension Scheme 2004 Govt. contribution is increased to 14% from the existing 10% w.e.f 01.04.2019. However the employee contribution will remain 10 % only.
c) PAN Card is compulsory for the family Pensioners. Hence, incase spouse is not having PAN CARD, the same may be obtained and kept to avoid non-receipt of sanctioned family pension.
d) Savings bank pass book in which pension credit is made shall be incorporated with the relevant PPO number as instructed by finance ministry order dt 23.04.2019.
e.The family of a Govt. servant, who dies within seven years of joining service, will also be eligible for Family Pension at enhanced rate of 50% of LPD for the period of ten years as amended vide rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules w.e.f 01/10/2019 vide order dt. 19/09/2019. However, those died before completion of seven years’ service within 10 years before 01/10/2019 will also be eligible for enhanced rates w.e.f 01/10/2019. |
09/04/2020 |
LETTER TO ED AND GM-FINANCE: The following letter has been sent today to ED,Mumbai and GM-Finance, Mumbai. To ED Mumbai, GM Fin Mumbai. Respected Sirs, It seems funds are placed by Corporate Office in piecemeal for payment of leave encashment. It is learnt from Corporate Office that the entire funds will be placed by 15th Apr positively. Now the problem is the data for about 3600 VRS Pensioners is not verified and fed into the system by a few Areas. Sir it is requested to pull up these Areas by providing assistance if any needed by them, so that Leave Encashment is paid to all VRS pensioners and the Superannuation pensioners retired up to 31/01/2020 by next week. --Jawahar, President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
08/04/2020 |
Message sent to ED and GM Finance: Respected Sir, Good Morning. It is learnt that some funds have been received for payment of Leave Encashment and it is learnt that the priority will be those cases received from Areas. In this regard it is requested that payment of Leave encashment and GPF of VRS Pensioners should be strictly on priority of their normal date of superannuation. All the functions pertaining to Pensioners (VRS and Superannuation) should be centralised so that distribution of funds for payment can be made in a meaningful way. The pensioners of an inefficient Area should not suffer due to not forwarding or non processing of applications of GPF or Leave encashment by that Area. MTNL Delhi had centralised all the work relating to Pension long back and funds are distributed meaningfully. It is also requested that all the Pensioners on Superannuation upto 31/01/2020 should be considered for payment on priority. Pensioners on superannuation after 31/01/2020 should be considered after all VRS Pensioners are paid. --K. Jawahar, President RTOWA. |
06/04/2020 |
APPEAL FOR DONATIONS TO CORONO RELIEF: Kindly donate liberally any amount to RTOWA's Medical Care Fund for Corono Relief. The donations received upto 30/04/2020 will be remitted to PM CARES Fund and Maharashtra CM Relief Fund equally. The donations should be remitted online to the following Account. Account Details:- RETIRED TELECOM OFFICERS WELFARE ASSOCIATION, Punjab National Bank, Ulhas Nagar Branch. SB Account No. -- 1144000105063641 IFSC Code: PUNB0335800 MICR Code : 400024038 After remitting please give the following information by WhatsApp to 8369385240. Name, St.No.,Amount, Details of Remittance (Txn. Id, etc) Mobile No. The List of Donors and amount will be uploaded on all Groups (12 groups) of RTOWA's WhatsApp on daily basis as well as on our website KINDLY DONATE LIBERALLY. In addition to the above donations, RTOWA will be remitting Rs.One lakh each to PM CARES Fund and CM Relief Fund out of existing funds of "RTOWA's Medical Care Fund”. MAY ALL BE BLESSED WITH EXCELLENT HEALTH. --K. Jawahar, President --B. R. Pathak G.S --J.S.Yadav Jt. G.S On behalf of Office Bearers and EC Members of RTOWA Mumbai. |
05/04/2020 |
EC MEETING OF RTOWA: A virtual EC Meeting was held on 05/04/2020 through WhatsApp chat. The following decisions were taken unanimously. 1. To donate Rs. One lakh each to PM CARES Fund and to Maharashtra CM Relief Fund out of "RTOWA Medical Care Fund". 2. To collect donations from members for Corono Relief. The donations that will be received upto 30/04/2020 will be remitted to PM CARES Fund and Maharashtra CM Relief Fund equally. --President, RTOWA Mumbai. |
03/04/2020 |
IDA ORDER: Necessary OM has been issued by Ministry of HI and PE for revised IDA w.e.f. 01/04/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the OM. |
02/04/2020 |
PAYMENT OF LONG PENDING DUES: RTOWA has requested GM (Fin) to cause to settle the long pending dues of the pensioners. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. |
01/04/2020 |
DETAILS OF EXGRATIA: RTOWA has requested GM (Fin) to cause to give details of Ex-Gratia payments to VRS Pensioners. A suggestion to upload this data on pensioners' portal is given. Please see the letter HERE. |
01/04/2020 |
IT RULES –PRESS NOTE BY MoR: Ministry of Finance issued an Ordinance on 31/03/2020. Extracts of some Provisions relating to Income Tax are as under :- Extension of last date of filing of original as well as revised income-tax returns for the FY 2018-19 (AY 2019-20) to 30th June, 2020. Extension of Aadhaar-PAN linking date to 30th June, 2020. The date for making various investment/payment for claiming deduction under Chapter-VIA-B of IT Act which includes Section 80C (LIC, PPF, NSC etc.), 80D (Mediclaim), 80G (Donations), etc. has been extended to 30th June, 2020. Hence the investment/payment can be made up to 30.06.2020 for claiming the deduction under these sections for FY 2019-20. The date for making investment/construction/purchase for claiming roll over benefit/deduction in respect of capital gains under sections 54 to 54GB of the IT Act has also been extended to 30th June 2020. Therefore, the investment/ construction/ purchase made up to 30.06.2020 shall be eligible for claiming deduction from capital gains arising during FY 2019-20. PM CARES FUND The donation made to the PM CARES Fund shall be eligible for 100% deduction under section 80G of the IT Act. Further, the limit on deduction of 10% of gross income shall also not be applicable for donation made to PM CARES Fund. As the date for claiming deduction u/s 80G under IT Act has been extended up to 30.06.2020, the donation made up to 30.06.2020 shall also be eligible for deduction from income of FY 2019-20. Hence, any person including corporate paying concessional tax on income of FY 2020-21 under new regime can make donation to PM CARES Fund up to 30.06.2020 and can claim deduction u/s 80G against income of FY 2019-20 and shall also not lose his eligibility to pay tax in concessional taxation regime for income of FY 2020-21. Please see the ordinance HERE. |
01/04/2020 |
Payment of Pension and Provisional Pension for March-2020: CCA office has sent the files to bank. It depends upon the banks how early credit is given in the present scenario. Tomorrow 02/04/2020 is bank holiday due to Ram Navami. So we may get credit of pension from today onwards. Those who don't get credit today may please wait upto 03/04/2020.. Provisional pension will be credited to Salary account. Regular pension for about 2000 VRS Pensioners has been processed. These VRS Pensioners will get credit in their Pension account. All pensioners and VRS Pensioners are requested to have patience. --RTOWA Mumbai |
01/04/2020 |
IDA With Effect From 01/04/2020: Based on the rise in CPI (Cost of Price Index) IDA has increased by 3.4% w.e.f. 01/04/2020. The IDA will be 160.7%. Orders are likely to be issued within a few days. --RTOWA Mumbai |
31/03/2020 |
PAYMENT OF PENSION and PROVISIONAL PENSION: 1. Pension is likely to be credited either on 01/04/2020 or 02/04/2020. 2. Provisional pension of VRS Pensioners also likely to be credited on 01/04/2020 or 02/04/2020 to Salary Account. 3. It is learnt that regular Pension has been sanctioned to more than 2000 VRS Pensioners. Their pension will be credited to Pension Account. Thanks to CCA office / MTNL Pension Section and WFMS. Life Certificate: Director (DFU) of DOT has issued the following instructions in the email forwarded hereunder :- "As a special measure for the pensioners whose LC is expiring on 29th February-2020 and 31st March-2020, it has been decided that Pension be paid till the month of April-2020 and the LC has to be submitted before 31st May 2020. Please see the email HERE. -- RTOWA, MUMBAI. |
30/03/2020 |
GPF FINAL PAYMENT: VRS Pensioners:- GPF will be paid by 31/03/2020 to those VRS Pensioners whose normal superannuation date is up to April-2021. For others it will be paid as and when funds are made available. Superannuation Pensioners:- Will be paid by 31/03/2020, to all those retired upto 29/02/2020 if the applications are already processed. *************************************************************** Payment of Leave Encashment: VRS Pensioners:- Sorry to say that No Funds has been provided. It is learnt that funds will be provided next month April-2020 positively. Superannuation Pensioners:- Funds provided for payment to all those retired up to 31/12/2019 and cases processed by Areas..Payment will be made by 31/03/2020. This is as ascertained from MTNL Mumbai Finance. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
29/03/2020 |
EX-GRATIA FUNDS: As ascertained from MTNL Mumbai Finance, the funds required for whole amount of Ex-Gratia for MTNL Mumbai is Rs.1568 Cr. Funds demanded for first instalment is Rs.784 Cr. Funds received from CO is Rs.484 Cr. This works out to 30.8% of whole of Ex-G Rs.1568 Cr. DoT gave Rs.804 Cr. to MTNL. Out of this CO gave Rs.484 Cr to Mumbai and Rs.320 Cr. to Delhi. ************************************************* TDS ON EXGRATIA: Tax is calculated on first instalment of 30.8% of Exgratia. But the whole amount of exemption of Rs.5 lakhs is allowed in the first instalment. 1. For example, a VRS Pensioner's whole entitled ex-g is Rs.10 lakhs. So the first instalment @30.8% is Rs.308000. As the maximum exemption is Rs.5 lakhs, there is no TDS. This Rs.5 lakhs exemption can be claimed in any one financial year only as per IT Act and Rules. In the above example Rs.308000 is the Ex-gratia paid. However in Form 16 Rs. Five lakhs will be deducted as exemption. In such cases this may lead to refund claim of IT in Salary which should be claimed from IT dept by filing returns. In the next year no exemption will be given for Ex-Gratia payment of second instalment Ex-Gratia is also treated as Salary by IT Act and Rules. So there is nothing wrong to deduct entire Rs. Five lakhs this year itself, though the actual payment of ex-gratia is less than Rs.Five lakhs This is as informed by MTNL Mumbai Finance. --RTOWA, MUMBAI. |
28/03/2020 |
LIFE CERTIFICATE DUE IN MARCH-2020: Life Certificate due in March but could not give; whether Pension will be drawn? This is the question asked by many pensioners. AO PDA was consulted. CCA is kind enough to draw the pension in all such cases. Pension is not stopped to anyone for not giving LC. RTOWA thanks to all the officers of CCA for this kind help. --RTOWA Mumbai |
27/03/2020 |
Reimbursement of OPD Medicines / Special Sanction in view of COVID-19: A special sanction has been issued for the reimbursement of OPD medicines purchased locally by the beneficiaries who are not able to visit the wellness centres by the MoH&FW today. Please see the sanction HERE. |
27/03/2020 |
PAYMENT OF EX-GRATIA TO PENSIONERS ON VRS: The following information have been collected from Pension Section, MTNL Mumbai. 1. Payment will be made on 30/03/2020. 2. The Ex-gratia amount will be about 30.8% of total entitled amount. 3. DoT has provided funds to the extent of about 30.8% instead of 50%. 4. TDS will be recovered @31.2% (including surcharge) on Ex-Gratia in excess of Rs.5 lakhs (deductions allowed as per IT Rules) plus overpayment recovery if any. ********************************************************** Instructions of CO about TDS on Ex-Gratia payment to VRS Pensioners: 1. Ex-Gratia is treated as Salary. 2. Ex-Gratia is paid in two instalments; first instalment in this financial year and second instalment in next financial year. 3. The amount of Ex-gratia paid this year only will be considered for computing TDS this year. Form 16 will be issued with inclusion of Ex-Gratia actually paid. 4. The whole amount of exemption of Rs.5 lakhs will be considered this year. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter issued by the CO-MTNL in this regard. --RTOWA MUMBAI |
26/03/2020 |
RTOWA has sent the following request to ED, GM Fin, and GM A: Respected Sir, It is learnt that funds are available for payment of the following. Kindly cause to arrange for effecting the payment by 31/03/2020 despite non availability of staff. 1. GPF and Leave Encashment to Pensioners on Superannuation up to 31/01/2020 and Pensioners on VRS. 2. Supplementary bill payments for (a) Arrears on Leave Encashment & Salary to those retired during 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018, (b) Reimbursement of 50% CGHS Contribution and (c) Reimbursement of OPD Bills and Residential Telephone bills of Pensioners --RTOWA Mumbai |
23/03/2020 |
STATUS OF PAYMENT OF RETIREMENT DUES: The status of work on payment of following dues was ascertained from the concerned sections. The pension sections (both CCA and MTNL) are geared up to the work of drawal of Provisional pension of VRS Retirees as well as Pensions of other retirees for Mar'2020. It will be paid on 01/04/2020. The work on Ex-Gratia payment to VRS Retirees is also going on. WFMS Section is fully devoted. Ex-Gratia payments, GPF and Leave Encashment ( for VRS Retirees and Retirees on Superannuation upto Jan'2020), will be paid by 31/03/2020. Accounts Sections and Pension Sections are doing excellent jobs with less than 5% staff. The Accounts officers have made an appeal that Pensioners should not visit CCA Office as there are no staff to attend to them. Any grievance may be sent in writing. --RTOWA Mumbai |
21/03/2020 |
CORONA ADVISORY BY CGHS AUTHORITIES: Please go through the insructions and advises and follow them. Please CLICK HERE to view the full advisory. |
20/03/2020 |
NO VISIT TO CGHIS-TPA: DGM (IR) has requested Pensioners availing CGHIS, NOT to visit MTNL offices or TPA Office at Telephone House for submission of bills/enquiry. Instead "Digital platform" has been suggested for all the services. Please see the letter HERE issued in this regard. |
18/03/2020 |
MERGER OF BANKS – PROMPT CREDIT OF PENSION: RTOWA and MPWA have taken up this issue with CCA Mumbai requesting to take all steps for prompt credit of pension after merger of ten PSU Banks on 01/04/2020. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai |
17/03/2020 |
PENDING CASES TO BE SUBMITTED TO PENSION CELL: GM Fin has pulled up the Areas to forward all the Pension files of VRS Pensioners and GPF and EPF applications of all VRS pensioners by 24/03/2020 positively by deploying additional manpower through outsourcing. It is also mentioned in the above letter that the GPF / EPF funds will be released by the end of this month. Please view the letter HERE. |
16/03/2020 |
MEETING WITH CMD IN MUMBAI: United Forum Team lead by Shri. J.S.Yadav, Chaiman, UF and Shri. S.M.Sawant, Convenor, UF, Mumbai met CMD, MTNL at 1700 hrs today at Telephone House, Prabhadevi along with members from Constituent Associations. Following Points were discussed: 1) Salary of working and VRS retirees for Jan and Feb 2020 will be paid before the end of this month. 2) First instalment of Ex-Gratia will be released before end of this month. 3) GPF final payment for VRS retirees will be paid before end of this month. Leave encashment of VRS retirees also will be paid in this month. Regarding superannuation retirees CMD told GPF trust deficit will be paid very soon and GPF payment will be released. 4) For IDA 5% on Pay and arrears of Pay for those retired between 01/01/2018 and 31/07/2018, Orders already available. ED, MTNL / GM(F) will have to decide. 5) For Details called by DoT on 5% IDA for those retired before 01/01/2018 it will be replied immediately. 6) Waival of training for those retired on Superannuation is agreed by CMD. Order will be issued soon. 7) Fund for OPD bills and reimbursement of 50% CGHS contributions will be paid after assessing availability of fund and requirement. 8) CMD told ED, Mumbai will look in to allotment of Space for CGHS at Borivali. 9) When pointed out how the maintenance of MTNL service is suffering due to improper placement of personnel by ACME Enterprises, CMD told it is only a stop gap arrangement till tender is finalized and directed ED Mumbai to look in the issues. A letter also has been submitted to CMD mentioning all the above demands. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --J.S.Yadav, Chairman, United Forum, Mumbai. --S.M.Sawant, Convenor, United Forum, Mumbai. |
05/03/2020 |
RTOWA DELHI NEWS: LATEST STATUS OF 5% IDA Neutralisation for MTNL Combined Services Pensioners: Our President Sh M. K. Bagchi, GS Sh S. S. Nanda, and AGS Sh R. K. Mudgal enquired from the concerned officers and condemned the section of DOT. It is gathered that after our meeting with Advisor Finance, the case was expedited. DOT part of liability to implement 5% IDA neutralisation for MTNL combined services Pensioners finally approved by DOT Finance. MTNL part of liability due to higher pay scale compared with that of BSNL is being worked out. Now DOT wrote to MTNL on 28th February to send the fresh details in a proforma calculating 68.8% IDA. It is unfortunate that the various calculations are demanded by DOT. The case is delayed beyond our expectations. Discussed with CMD, MTNL. He assured that the compliance will be given at the earliest. We hope to get the said information at an earlier. We are watching. --RTOWA Delhi |
04/03/2020 |
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING: RTOWA's EC Meeting was held today. President welcomed the members and thanked all EC members for smooth and successful conduct of "Welcome Get-Together" meet of VRS pensioners on 29/02/2020. All the pending issues Viz., 5% IDA Neutralisation, Revision of pension, CGHS/CGHIS, delay in payment of GPF/leave encashment to retirees from July-2019 onwards, Timely payment of retirement benefits and Ex-gratia to VRS pensions, Arrears of salary and leave encashment to those retired between 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018, OPD Bills/Telephone reimbursement bills/50% reimbursement of CGHS Contribution which are pending for about one year were reviewed and decided to continuously pursue these issues. Decided to meet the concerned officers at CO / Health Ministry/ DOT to pursue the above issues. Decided that all the office bearers should participate in the Annual Conference of RTOWA Delhi scheduled on 22/04/2020. Groups were formed to help those pensioners who are in bad health/bed ridden and to help the family of pensioners in all the pension related issues by personally visiting them. Towards the end of the meeting the sad news of demise of Sh.G.N.Haragabal was received. Two minutes silence was observed to pay homage to the departed soul. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
29/02/2020 |
WELCOME -GET TOGETHER OF VRS RETIREES: The Welcome Get-together hosted by RTOWA Mumbai on 29/02/2020 was successful. More than 300 VRS pensioners attended the meeting. Sri. V. Srisankar ED was the Chief Guest. Sri N.Dhaktode GM Fin, Sri.N. Balasubramaniam DGM (A/C) and Sh.Madhu Jakula SM (Pen) were Honourable Guests. Sh. P. K. Kulkarni CS TEAM, Sh. J. J.Mathias President MEA, Sh. Ramasundaram GS TPWA also graced the event. Sh. K. Jawahar President welcomed the gathering, Sh. J. S. Yadav Jt.GS, Sh. Virendra Singh OS, Sh.H.S.Upadhyay Vice President, and Sh.K.P. Ravindrakumar AGS gave speeches. All the speakers recalled the achievements of RTOWA and emphasised on the important issues that are being pursued. All the speakers thanked the concerned officers and staff of MTNL and CCA for crediting the provisional pension on 29/02/2020. GM Fin said all efforts are made to make payment of all Retirement benefits of VRS pensioners in time. ED in his speech said that the decision to opt for VRS was right decision in the present scenario. Further said that the discussions with RTOWA always help the Management in solving the issues and wished the VRS pensioners a peaceful happy retired life. Sri.H.S.Upadhyay Vice President gave vote of thanks. The meeting ended with National Anthem. -- RTOWA Mumbai. |
27/02/2020 |
RTOWA MUMBAI APPLAUDS AND THANKS: MTNL Pension Cell has handed over the provisional pension data of FEB'2020, on 26/02/2020 to CCA Mumbai for effecting the payment of on 29-02-2020. Hearty thanks to ED and CCA for right decisions and effective directions. Sincere Thanks to all the Retired and Present DGM (Fin), CAO (Fin) who had lead the team of the units. Special Thanks to all Officers and Staff, retired and working, of Accounts Sections of all Areas, and WFMS who worked day and night to achieve this monumental task and achieving this target. Lot of thanks to PGMs, GM (Fin), GM(A), GMs, DGMs, officers and staff of Admin sections of areas as well as GM(A), and IR Section for extending their support in issuing provisional struck off orders and tackling the issues for achieving the targets. RTOWA Mumbai hopes that the same spirit of co-ordination and dedication by all officers and staff will continue in settlement of Pensionary benefits including payment of Ex-gratia and issuing PPOs in time. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
26/02/2020 |
PURSUIT OF 5% IDA NEUTRALISATION TO PENSIONERS RETIRED PRIOR TO 01/01/2018: RTOWA DELHI NEWS DATED 26/02/2020: Meeting with Sh. Dilip Padhye, Advisor (Fin.) DOT on 25/02/2020: Sh. S. S. Nanda, G/S and Sh. R. K. Mudgal, AGS met Advisor (Fin.) to pursue and discuss on the issue of 5% IDA neutralisation. DDG (ACs), Sh. Amitabh Sinha was also present in the meeting. Association representatives briefed him the issue and told that the said case file is pending in PSF section for the want of financial concurrence on the subject matter. DDG (A/Cs) also briefed him the issue and clearance of the file by his unit. Advisor immediately took concerned DDG (LFA), Sh. Mahmood Ahmad on line and asked about the status of the case. Then he told DDG (LFA) to put up the file to him at the earliest. Thanks to RTOWA Delhi for the pursuit. |
25/02/2020 |
Meeting with GM (A), GM (Fin), DGM (FC), DGM (Pen), DGM (legal) and DGM (IR): The office bearers of RTOWA (Sh.K.Jawahar President, Sh.J.S.Yadav Jt.G.S., Sh.K.P.Ravindrakumar AGS) met the above mentioned officers on 25/02/2020 and following information was gathered on discussions. 1.Salary payment for Jan'20 is likely on 29/02/2020, not yet confirmed. 2.Provisional pension for VRS pensioners will be credited to their Salary Account on 29/02/2020 by AO PDA o/o CCA. Work is in full swing. 3.VRS EX-GRATIA First Instalment :- Payment will be made by MTNL by 31/03/2020. Funds will be provided by CCA. CCA office will verify service books of all the VRS Pensioners by that date. 4.GPF FINAL PAYMENT to Superannuation pensioners and VRS Pensioners: Payment to Superannuation pensioners from Aug'19 onwards will be made on getting funds. Corporate Office has been requested to provide Funds of about Rs.1088 crores for payment to VRS Pensioners. 5.Leave Encashment payment: Superannuation pensioners from Aug'19 will he paid on receipt funds. Funds requirement for VRS pensioners is yet to be placed. 6.INTEREST FOR DELAY IN GPF PAYMENT: Interest for delay in payment to superannuation pensioners during last about two years will be calculated and funds requirement will be placed. 7.Permission for retention of MTNL Qrs. for eight months as per rules is given on payment of rent for eight months in advance. Those who are in occupation of Qrs may please apply for retention by paying the rent. Please collect demand note from Estates section at Telephone House. The extension for Oshiwara and NaviMumbai Qrs. will be given every two months as these Qrs are in the list of demonetisation. 8.Identity Cards for Employees and Pensioners: Tender is being floated and a circular will be issued in this regard. 9.APAR :- All VRS pensioners are requested to complete this procedure by 29/02/2020. 10.Those VRS pensioners who have opted for CGHIS may submit the form by 29/02/2020. 11.We requested to release payment of the following early. a)Salary arrears and Leave Encashment arrears to those retired from 01/01/2018 to 31/07/2018 due to 5% IDA neutralisation. b) Reimbursement of OPD medical bills for last one year. c) Reimbursement of 50% Contribution of CGHS pending for last one year. d) Reimbursement of Telephone bills of pensioners residing in BSNL area. --RTOWA MUMBAI. |
19/02/2020 |
ITSA Breaking news: DHC case update: Our contempt petition pending before Delhi High Court came up for hearing today at 12:45 on 19/02/2020. GS(ITSA) along with EB members and Officers Deployed in BSNL were present in the Court. ITSA counsel argued strongly to repatriate all the officers quoting that the respondent is delaying the implementation by diverting the issue and entire judgement will become infructuous after 2023. Officers are getting retired without getting benefit of working in government. ASG pleaded the court that they have paid the pending salary will also be paid by 31st March. ITSA counsel countered her saying we are not being paid salary despite the clear orders of this court but we are not pressing for the Salary at all. We want the main case to be concluded and our officers are repatriated back to DoT. Honourable Judge asked our counsel to present the arguments after lunch. ASG stated that She has matter in other court and sought adjournment to discuss the main case. However Honourable Judge passed following orders. *All the salary dues is to be cleared within 7 days failing which 12% interest is to be paid. *All the bills already submitted but pending are to be cleared within 4 weeks *All new bills are to be cleared within six weeks from the date of submission. *Strict compliance mandatory.
Regarding delay in conclusion of the main case, an LPA has been submitted in DHC before Division Bench. Regards --A K Tripathi, GS(ITSA) |
12/02/2020 |
Meeting of United Forum Mumbai with ED Mumbai: Today under the banner of United Forum Mumbai, meeting with ED MTNL was held. GM A , GM Finance and DGM IR were present. Following points were discussed. 1) Salary payment for the month of Dec 2019 and Jan 2020:- As on today there is no news about salary; but there may be possibility of disbursement of Salary by 21 Feb 2020. 2) Payment of provisional pension: GM Fin says that on this matter he already had meeting with CCA, and Payment of provisional Pension will start from Feb month pension. Pension Feeding in WFMS is in progress and in excel sheet. It is learnt that 225 VRS optees have still not submitted Pension Papers, who may not get Provisional Pension. We have suggested to supply names of these Pensioners so that they will be approached for submitting Pension Papers early. ED directed GM(A) to issue letter to all GM's for contacting personally to these Pensioners for submitting Pension papers only. 3) When the Form 1 for commutation of Pension to be submitted ? The form no 1 for Pension commutation, should be submitted one month before the superannuation month. 4) VRS people’s Pension paper: GM Fin says that by 15th of this month all pension forms will be sent to CCA except of 225 people who have not submitted Pension papers. 5) Outsourcing of maintenance of external plant: ED MTNL says outsourcing of maintenance is under process through the firm, the circular will be issued shortly. 6)Schedule of payment for VRS employs: GM Finance says that BSNL schedule will be followed in MTNL for disbursement of retirement benefits to VRS pensioners. 7) Regarding Mistakes in struck of order ED MTNL has asked GM A to issue instructions to all GMs to resolve the issues. 8) Regarding the letter to avail interest on GPF if not disbursed within one month of VRS date. ED was convinced with our view and instructed GM Finance to take up the issue with Corporate office as letter is not required from Employees for payment of interest on GPF for delay in payment. 9) Regarding Rs. 2000 for felicitating VRS optees: ED MTNL asked GM finance and GM A to issue instructions that the felicitation of VRS optees to be completed by this month end where felicitation has not taken place. 10) Regarding welfare amount: ED MTNL instructed DGM IR , the welfare amount is to be disbursed latest by end of next week. Meeting was attended by : --J S Yadavji chairman UF & JT.G.S. RTOWA Mumbai --S M Sawant Convener & GS MPWA --P K Kulkarni Circle secretary TEAM & Treasurer UF --Gulab Yadav GS Workers Union, -- E.M.Rajpure Jt. GS WU, -- Kishore Haldankar Sanchar Union, --R.R.Yadav Working President Karmachari Front. And other active members |
12/02/2020 |
COMMUTATION FOR VRS PENSIONERS: Eligibility Date :- On the date of attaining Superannuation or 01/02/2025 whichever is earlier. Maximum of 40% of basic pension is admissible for commutation. WITHOUT MEDICAL CERTIFICATE: Commutation is admissible without submission of medical certificate upto one year from the eligibility date. Application in Form 1 should be submitted to concerned MTNL Accounts Section before one month to eligibility date. The commutation factor with reference to age next birth day to the eligibility date is applicable. The formula applicable is, Commutation = 40% of Basic Pension X Commutation factor X 12. There is no maximum limit to commutation amount. Commutation is fully tax free. Commuted portion of pension will be reduced from pension from the date of payment of commutation. Dearness Relief is admissible on basic pension before reduction of commuted portion of pension. The commuted portion of pension will be restored after 15 years from the date of payment of Commutation automatically. WITH MEDICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE: If commutation is not done within one year from eligibility date or lesser than 40% of basic pension is commuted, then commutation of eligible amount of pension is admissible on Medical Fitness certificate. This situation will not arise as all VRS pensioners have already submitted Form 1 for 40% basic pension. Nothing is to be done now. The letter issued by CCA Office is for information only. ********************************************** PAYMENT OF PROVISIONAL PENSION: AS per GM (Fin) letter dated 11/02/2020, 1.Provisional pension will be paid from February-2020, 2.Don't close your bank account for Salary till all the retirement benefits are settled. This is a safeguard measure to ensure prompt payments. 3.Some 210 VRS pensioners are yet to submit pension forms. They must submit it before 14/02/2020 to get provisional pension for February-2020, 4.The VRS pensioners against whom court case/disciplinary case is pending also will get provisional pension. --RTOWA MUMBAI |
11/02/2020 |
Meeting with CMD, MTNL: Today, Sh. S. S. Nanda, GS and Sh. R. K. Mudgal AGS met CMD MTNL Sh. Sunil Kumarji to discuss the issues of new retirees & VRS optees about their payment of terminal benefits, release of provisional pension of VRS optees till their PPO books are prepared, post retirement medical facilities etc. Association representatives also requested him to address the issues of new pensioners & the VRS optees in the meeting called by RTOWA DELHI in CTO Auditorium on dated 13/02/2020 at 13:30 hrs. He was kind enough to accept our invitation. So, all the new pensioners & VRS optees are requested to attend the said meeting well in time in large number to hear CMD MTNL. --S. S. Nanda, GS, RTOWA Delhi |
28/01/2020 |
Meeting of United Forum with ED Mumbai: United Forum met ED Mumbai on 28-01-2020 and discussed the following issues: United forum raised the issue regarding order issued by GM Admin that those who opted for CGHS are not eligible for CGHIS from 01-02-2020. As nothing has been paid i.e. Ex gratia, GPF, Leave encashment, Salary etc., it is difficult for employees to pay heavy amount of CGHS contribution. GM Admin said that Option was called to assess the number of employees opting for these schemes. Approximately 2000 employees opted for CGHS and same data has been communicated to Corporate Office and now we cannot change. However ED was convinced with UF views and suggested that let them avail the CGHIS and switch over to CGHS as per their convenience before 30/04/2020. The Order has been issued today. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. Some service certificate was issued for TTAs wrongly and GM A agreed to rectify it immediately. Issue regarding canteen employees was also raised and GMA replied that clarification has been asked from Corporate office and action will be taken on response from CO. Regarding salary and other payments ED said "I can't comment when it will be paid". UF objected and ED said that he will communicate UF's views to Corporate office. Meeting ended with thanks to ED and his team of management. --J. S. Yadav, Chairman UF --S.M. Sawant, Convenor UF |
27/01/2020 |
INTEREST ON DELAYED PAYMENT OF GPF: Interest for the period of delay in interest has been approved. GPF final payment if paid after one month from retirement attracts interest for every completed month of delay afterwards. This is one of the great achievements of RTOWA Mumbai and Delhi. We continuously pursued the issue, met CMD, Dir(HR), GM (Fin) CO, ED, GM (Fin) many times and took up the issue with DoT too. Thanks to CMD, MTNL. If your GPF final payment was beyond one month after retirement, please write to your MTNL Accounts Section with copy to GM (Fin) to pay interest citing the aforesaid letter. Please CLICK HERE to view the letter. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
23/01/2020 |
News from RTOWA Delhi: UPDATE on 5% IDA merger case of Combined Services Retirees of MTNL who retired before 01/01/2018: The above file has been cleared by DDG Accounts DOT with positive note. Now the file will be sent to DOT Pension Cell shortly. |
14/01/2020 |
Meeting with Shri. Manoj K Mishra, CGM, BSNL, Maharashtra Circle: Following points were discussed in the Meeting dated 14/01/2020: 1. Notional HRA levied on Retired Officials for occupying BSNL Quarters: Briefed about notional HRA levied on MTNL officials occupying BSNL Quarters. We had pointed out that this issue will affect VRS optees too and requested him to resolve the issue before 31/01/2020 so that VRS optees are not put in difficulties. The CGM agreed to our contentions and said that he will resolve the issue shortly. 2. Retention of Rs. 1 lakh from Retirement benefit /DCRG in view of Notional HRA. The CGM said that review of Notional HRA will solve the issue. Sri. Mishraji is very much positive in his approach and we hope that this issue will be sorted out soon. 3. Issue of Civil and Electrical maintenance bills: We had brought to his notice that the civil and electrical maintenance bill which was kept pending in 2017 should not be allowed to come up again. He has agreed to look in to the issues. Meeting was attended by RTOWA office bearers Sri. Badri Pathak, GS, Shri. J.S.Yadav, JGS and Shri. K.P.Ravindra Kumar, AGS. |
10/01/2020 |
Meeting with Addl. Director, CGHS on 10.1.2020: Suggestion on Revamping: Copy of suggestion offered is handed over to AD, CGHS. She said that she received copies of suggestions received from Mumbai area and studying them. Issue of receipt on submission of Application: Requested issue of receipt on submission of application as coverage of medical benefit from Date of Submission of Application till issue of ID card is not possible without receipt. After discussion AD, CGHS said that issue of receipt on same day is not possible as administrative scrutiny of number of applications received are huge. But those who require treatment in the intermittent period may reach out CGHS administrative office and get permission for the treatment under the scheme. During emergency the beneficiary shall avail treatment in any hospital and submit the bill directly to CGHS office at Churchgate along with Acknowledgement received at the time of submission of application. CGHS approved rate will be paid in such cases. Opening of new wellness center: AD, CGHS expressed that there is no development from MTNL regarding Thane Cherai and Borivali centers. Consideration of Estimate submitted by MTNL civil wing for carrying out required partition work to the tune of Rs.14.5 lakhs is intimated to AD, CGHS. She will process the case further on receipt of estimate from MTNL. To be followed up. Since site requested by CGHS at Borivali is under redevelopment, our effort to offer alternate site at Borivali Inspection quarters at Devidas Lane is conveyed to her. Proposal for alternate site at Borivali will be pursued. AD, CGHS informed that since offer by BSNL site at Kalyan was on the higher side Open Tender was invited as directed by Director, CGHS. One offer received from Private agent will be discussed. Opening of More empanelled Hospitals: Wockhart Hospital at Mira Road agreed to extend service at CGHS rates on cash payment basis. Beneficiaries can get consultations/testing/treatments etc. done with reference from dispensaries and submit bills for reimbursement. Apex Super speciality Hospital at Borivali at WEH and Nanavathi Hospital at Vile Parle had agreed to come under panel. Agreement will be shortly executed. Inclusion of Karuna Hospital which was earlier in the panel and closed due to delayed payment. AD, CGHS agreed to write to Karuna Hospital for including on Panel. Requested to discuss with Jupitor Hospital at Thane, ICON Hospital at Dombivili, MGM Hospital at Navi Mumbai. Request for CGHS Hospital at Mumbai: Pensioners present in the meeting requested opening of CGHS Hospital at Mumbai. AD, CGHS agreed to place our demand to Health Ministry. Appointment of Ortho Doctor: Our request for appointment of one ortho doctor in dispensary located in central line and one at western line is agreed by AD, CGHS. Delay in Reimbursment of Bills :- AD, CGHS informed that bills for around 6 months are pending. Major bills up to April, 2019 are processed through Committee approval. Payment will be released shortly. We have pointed out inordinate delay in clearing of bills of higher amount which is causing hardship for retirees and requested to fast-track clearances of huge bills through separate channel. AD, CGHS suggested that the beneficiaries shall get treatment in empanelled hospitals to avoid these kinds of situation. However AD, CGHS had agreed to make arrangements to clear bills which calls for approval of committee faster. Empanelled hospitals demand payment for some specific Services / Test performed from outside: AD, CGHS said that Empanelled hospitals should carry out test from outside testing centers if they are not having test centers of their own. They should submit bills directly to CGHS and not to demand from the beneficiaries. Instances of non-adherence by empanelled hospitals may be brought to notice of CGHS. Issue of medicine supplies on local Purchase: Medicines from different brands are supplied during different visits and this is creating confusion. Requested CGHS authorities not to change the brands often. AD, CGHS said they don't have any control over local purchase by GMSD. However we insisted that the same should be recorded in the minute. She agreed. Beneficiaries present in meeting agreed that there is no shortage of medicines as on date. Difficulties in taking reference for treatment: When pointed out taking reference to consult Doctors at private/empaneled hospitals, for different test, procedures after tests, collecting medicines from dispensary etc. calls for visit to the dispensary for minimum of 5 to 6 trips and this should be avoided. AD, CGHS highlighted the difficulties involved in it and finally agreed to our suggestion for making improvements in the online system to automate the procedure for getting necessary references and approvals from the empanelled hospitals as is being done by TPAs. Meeting was attended by Shri. Badri Pathak, GS, RTOWA and Shri. Ravindra Kumar, AGS, RTOWA along with pensioners from other Departments. |
09/01/2020 |
Executive Committee Meeting: Today EC meeting of our Association was held. The following issues were discussed. 1. 5% IDA neutralisation to those retired prior to 01/01/2018 and the pursuit so far. 2. The issues to be taken up in the Quarterly meeting with CGHS scheduled on 10/01/2020. The suggestions submitted to Health Ministry last month will be raised in the meeting.. 3. Issues of VRS optees: Filling up of Pension Forms, Waival of Training requirements to pensioners, VRS optees and other employees, Enrolment in CGHS or CGHIS, Schedule of payments of Salary, GPF, LE, Pensionary benefits etc. were discussed. 4. Sri. J.S.Yadav Chairman UF and Jt.G.S. briefed about the discussions that United Forum had with CMD recently. 5. REVISION OF PENSION: Filing case at CAT was discussed elaborately. The decision of AI BSNL PWA to file Case at Bangalore CAT and Kolkata CAT for BSNL Pensioners was discussed. It was decided to file court case for MTNL Pensioners either at Mumbai or at Delhi jointly with RTOWA Delhi and MPWA Mumbai. Final decision in this regard will be taken in next EC after discussions with lawyers and other Associations. All members unanimously stressed that the Pension Revision issue should be kept alive by agitations and political pressures even after filing court case. Meeting ended with vote of thanks. --RTOWA Mumbai. |
08/01/2020 |
Positive Developments in the pursuit of 5% issue: Pursuit by RTOWA Delhi: Meeting with DDG (A/C's) / Director (Estt.) dated 08/01/2020: Today, Sh. S. S. Nanda GS and Sh. R. K. Mudgal AGS met Director (Estt.) Sh. Sanjay Agarwal to know about the status of 5% IDA neutralisation case file. He told that the said case file is still pending with ADG of the account section of DOT. He said that Estt. section is waiting for the approval of A/Cs / Fin. section of DOT so that the case may be processed further. Then association representatives met DDG (A/Cs) Sh. Amitabh Ranjan Sinha to pursue and expedite the said case file. Director (Estt.) was also present in the meeting. Association representatives briefed DDG (A/Cs) about the long awaited case of a particular group of pensioners retired before 01/01/2018 and requested him to give approval in the case file as early as possible. DDG (A/Cs) told that very recently he has joined on this post and he is not aware about the details of the case. Then he asked Director (Estt.) about the history and status of the case. He elaborately told about the whole journey of the case file and said that as financial implementation of DOT of about Rs. 20 crores is involved in this case, approval of A/Cs / Fin. wing is being required to meet the expenditure before processing the main file for issuing the orders of 5% IDA neutralisation in the subject matter. He further briefed that the same procedure was followed in the case of BSNL and the approval was given by the A/Cs section of DOT in that case also. After very patiently hearing the Director (Estt.), DDG (A/Cs) was convinced and assured to see the case and to clear the said case file at the earliest. Association representatives also met ADG (A/Cs) and requested him to put up the said file at the earliest with a same positive note as was done in the case of BSNL to his higher ups for the approval of the case. He assured to do the same. --RTOWA Delhi |
06/01/2020 |
Meeting with CMD: United Forum met CMD today (06/01/2020) at Mumbai. Brief of discussions is as under :- 1) Salary not paid despite Court directives :- CMD:- Two months salary will be paid before 18/01/2020 positively.
2)Relaxation of Training for VRS Optees :- CMD:- It is relaxed for all VRS optees.
3) Relaxation of training for already retired :- CMD :- I will look into the case..... We are hopeful.
4) Financial upgradation from 01/10/2019 in relaxation of training :- CMD :- One time relaxation is being considered except for those who have more than two years service left.
5) Regular promotions pending :- CMD :-Orders will be issued after DPCs are over.
6) What about court cases of VR Optees ? Will they get all payments ? CMD:- Ex-gratia payment will be kept pending. All other payments will be released. However I will confirm it.
7) Scheduled dates of Payments of Pensionary benefits to VR optees similar to BSNL :- CMD:- I don't know regarding BSNL. Please give copy. MTNL also will issue the schedule of payments. UF will pursue this issue by giving copy of BSNL orders.
8) Managing maintenance and securities after 01/02/2020 :- CMD :- Don't worry, We take care..
9) Progress in submission of Pension forms and sevicebook verifications of VR Optees :- CMD :- --About 1400 service books already verified and work will be expedited. Provisional Pension will be paid followed by regular pension after issuing PPO.
Meeting ended with thanks to CMD. Office bearers of all constituent Unions and Associations participated in the discussions.
--J.S. Yadav, Chairman UF Mumbai --S. M. Sawant, Convenor UF Mumbai |
01/01/2020 |
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020: RTOWA Mumbai wishes All Employees and Pensioners of MTNL and BSNL a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2020. May MTNL and BSNL move forward towards delighting the people with excellent services. May employees and Pensioners achieve Pay / Pension Revision. NEW YEAR GIFT -- IDA Increase: IDA from 1-1-2020 will be 157.3% from 152%, an increase of 5.3% CPI (IW) for:- September - 2019 - 322 Pts October - 2019 - 325 Pts NOVember - 2019 -328 Pts Total - 975 Pts Average = 325 Pts IDA from 01-01-2020 = (325-126.33)*100/ 126.33= 157.3% Old IDA = 152.0% Increase = 5.3% Therefore the IDA payable from 01.01.2020 increase will be 5.3%, TOTAL will be 157.3%. --RTOWA Mumbai. |